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Gall Bladder surgery....

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OK, I really need to start listening to my body better. I'd been having stomach aches for a while, they'd come and go and not to bad but kept getting worse. I have been so busy between work and my now active singles life that I didn't listen to the pain. By Wednesday night I ended up in a huddle, couldn't move - couldn't call on the phone crying for 5 hours, I was in deep pain. It was worse than child bearing, I'm not kidding you. It finally eased enough that I could jump in my car and drive myself to the emergency. Luckily the hospital was only 5 minutes away, and yes I should of called someone but I was just in survival mode at that point.

The pain was located in the upper quadrent of my stomach on the right side and when it was bad would shoot through to my back and take over my entire stomach area. They did an ultra sound and you could see a big rock stuck in the tube which hardly ever happens, it was blocking everything.

Keeping it short, they removed the bladder and this is something that people who lose weight deal with more than others. I'm at home recovering today, thankful that the darn pain is over. I do have 4 more scares on my belly due to the surgery, one right under my belly button - may need to go to Dr Nyte to fix it - I must look like a big pin cushions from all my wholes on my tummy! (I'll take those any day though)

So make sure if you feel this, get right into your doctor and get checked out - I sure wish I did!


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I know how you feel. When I was in high school, I started getting these pains, too. I had no idea what they were but one time it got so bad, my mom took me to the emergency room and we ended up scheduling a surgery to have my gallbladder removed, and so I have been gallbladder-free since high school! The pain was HORRIBLE, and everyone does say it is worse than child birth, which makes me happy about my future in child birthing, lol.

I had 3 scars from my surgery, but 2 of them faded so much you couldn't even see them, and the other one you really had to be looking for to notice it! When I decided to get lap band surgery, I also thought about all the scars I would have on my belly, lol A total of 8! But, like I said, the older ones have faded so much, so I am hoping these ones do the same!

I am glad you got through it, I know how horrible it can be!!!

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Truly the worst pain in the world. I had mine out after the birth of my son. Hope you are feeling better soon. I noticed you said you are single again. Hope you are okay with that as well.


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Hi Lisa,

Yes it is HORRID Pain. Had to have mine removed in November after two trip to the ER and them tell me I was constipated..ugghhh...They finally did a Ultra sound and found I was full of stones. The recover is not too bad. You will do great! As far as everyone tell me that you have to "go" everytime you eat something, Im sure this happens for alot of people, but for me there is NO difference in that area for me.

Good Luck to you!


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As far as everyone tell me that you have to "go" everytime you eat something, Im sure this happens for alot of people, but for me there is NO difference in that area for me.


I haven't heard of that and also have never noticed any problems.. I don't think? I have had mine out for so long that maybe I don't know if there was ever a difference before?

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Ugh so sorry you had to deal with that! I can't even imagine! A couple years ago I had food poisoning and a friend of mine had to come and pick me up off my bathroom floor and take me to the hospital. Was not fun but i'm sure not as bad as that!

Glad you are doing OK now. Take care of you!!

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You are so lucky they were able to get it out right away. I started having terrible gallbladder attacks in my first pregnancy. I was terrified tehre was something wrong with the baby and by the time they figured it out, I was in my second trimester and it was too late to operate so I suffered through numerous attacks until she was born, then they took it out when she was six weeks old. It really is worse than labour pains. Worst time of my life. I second what was sid about teh scars, six years later you can hardly see them!


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I haven't heard of that and also have never noticed any problems.. I don't think? I have had mine out for so long that maybe I don't know if there was ever a difference before?

There were several people who told me that when they had their gallbladder removed that as soon as they ate certain foods, greasy or spicy foods, that it would go straight through them. I so far have had not issues. I dont eat greasy good, but I love Spicy foods....


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There were several people who told me that when they had their gallbladder removed that as soon as they ate certain foods, greasy or spicy foods, that it would go straight through them. I so far have had not issues. I dont eat greasy good, but to love Spicy foods....


Weird.. I guess because I was just a teenager I didn't really talk to anyone who knew anything about it, so I never really knew. I can't think of anything that goes right through me. Maybe I am lucky. :)

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