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I am really lucky, two of my very best friends were banded at the OCC a little over a year ago. So when I tell people that I am having the surgery in Mexico and tell them that is where my friends went they really can't be judgemental because my friends surgery went great and they look wonderful. There is also a very well respected Nurse Practioner here in my town that does fills and runs a support group and she is also very supportive of the OCC. For my family and friends that are not aware of these people I have just started the conversation with "I am so excited, now don't freak out but I am going to Tijuana to have lap band surgery!" When they start to freak. I tell them that I have done lots and lots of research and then I point out the whole Oprah and the show the Doctors and that when they need an expert on Lap Bands they have Dr. Ortiz on. At that point there really is not much they can say about it

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Hey everyone! I'm back home and settling in. I had a pretty good experience at OCC, although my husband and I both thought the nurses were a little snippy. I didn't wake up from the anestesia for FOUR HOURS even though the surgery was just 25 minutes long. To be honest, I've been kind of miserable. I have had some painful dry heaving/burping and nausea if I let my stomach get empty. I am so ready to be able to eat solid foods, because I feel like that might help. I feel so bad that I haven't been keeping up with my walking like I should, which means that I feel worse for not walking out the gas...it's a vicious cycle. I just want to feel better! I don't know how I'm going to start getting ready and going to work in another week if things don't start looking up. Bleh.

Your post absolutely scares me to death. My heart is racing, my stomach is in knots. I am getting banded on the 28th of this month. My fear is that I won't wake up for hours after the surgery and the nurses will be rude and that I will be miserable. Everything you said is my fear.........oh great!

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The year is just flying by. July has all those picnics, food and beer everywhere. For some of you,, you've decided to change your life and choose to have WLS and skip the food frenzy. This topic is where you can meet those who have scheduled their surgery or fills. Let's hear from the patients that have scheduled during the month of July.

I just had sleeve surgery earlier this week - July 12. So far, so good. I'd love to hear about other people's experiences with the sleeve. So far most of what I've seen on this site is about the band and fills.

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Your post absolutely scares me to death. My heart is racing, my stomach is in knots. I am getting banded on the 28th of this month. My fear is that I won't wake up for hours after the surgery and the nurses will be rude and that I will be miserable. Everything you said is my fear.........oh great!

dont be scared everybody goes thru surgery different im sure well do just fine we need to get up and start walking right away that helps the uncomfortable gas pains and she probably needed to drink water to keep from dry heaving. we have surgery the same day

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Just remember feelings are not facts. Most of us were always looking for the easier softer way. If not we ate our emotions and that is what got me to table. Getting the band was the best thing for me.


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Hello everyone! This is my first post. My surgery is scheduled for July 19th. I am planning on starting my pre-op diet tomorrow because I know my body and I don't lose weight quickly. I want to make sure I lose 5% before surgery. I'm not nervous about the surgery itself; I'm more nervous about life after surgery. I know it's going to be a journey and I'm ready for the ride. :)

Good luck with surgery on Monday! I have my surgery on the 26th...let me know how everything goes.

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Good luck with surgery on Monday! I have my surgery on the 26th...let me know how everything goes.

Thank you DrCif! My husband and I are loading the car and heading out the door in moments. I will post as soon as my surgery is over tomorrow.

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Okay guys, I'm happy to report that I am feeling 100% better! The sick feelings passed soon after I last posted. I'm pretty sure that getting the protien into my diet and the anestetic out of my system made a huge difference :) My stomach feels like I've been doing situps, which isn't really a problem unless the baby decides to kick while I'm holding her. Maui - Everyone is different and the odds are you'll do great! I'm already pleased with this decision, because I'm getting a taste of the good things that are in store (I've already lost almost 12 pounds!!). Good luck ladies who are having surgery this month; I'll be praying that you have a good experience.

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4 day post op. Surgery and recovery were great. I am so looking forward to the new me. Got to get throught this 21 day post op diet. I can do it. Down 12 lbs so far, would like to be 25 lbs down by my 21 day post op diet on 8 5 10. Does anyone know how I get my tracker to post on the bottom of my entries, I have no idea. I created it but do not know how to get it here.

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Delestere, I'm sooooo glad you're feeling better.

I am sitting in my hotel room at the Marriott in TJ the night before surgery. The hotel is clean and we've received great service. The OCC driver, Joel, was on time to pick us up and he was very friendly and was able to answer a few of my questions. We ate an early dinner in the Marriott restaurant, which was fabulous. There are only 2 or 3 English speaking channels on the TV, so my hubby brought along his computer so we can watch DVDs. I am feeling very calm and confident about my decision. I'm looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when the surgery is all over. Talk to you all when I am banded!

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Hey! You're supposed to fast as of midnight the night before. As for the meal, I read in Dr. Ortiz's book that it is common for people to have a 'Farewell to Food' meal the evening before your surgery. I chose to have my meal during lunch of that day so that I could digest it as much as possible before surgery, but I think another lady there with us had hers for dinner and she was just fine. The only thing he warns against is eating something like Chinese food, which could result in alot of uncomfortable gas during recovery. At any rate, I enjoyed getting a 'last meal' :) I will say this though - I ordered the mushroom cheese burger from room service at the Mariott, and I was sorely disappionted. It's definitely a different kind of burger than we eat in the South. It had a strange cheese, and strips of beef instead of a patty. My husband said the regular burger was normal though, so you've got options in that department! Best of luck :)

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I'm at day 20 of my liquid post-op diet. I don't think I'll ever eat soup again, lol. No need to tell me not to stay on liquids! I can't imagine who needs that instruction. So my husband has planned a nice meal at our favorite tapas restaurant after I've been on solids for a few days. I was wondering if anyone had an advise about going back to eating. I know breads and the like are a no-no but what about spicy food, mixing food, salad? I'm a little nervous about just having a regular meal. I haven't had any problems so far, no pbs or bm problems or really any difficulties. I'm hoping to continue doing well. My hubby got my an amazing juicer and I would like to continue having these amazing fresh juices. I don't know where they'll fit into my eating schedule yet. I have to admit the no drinking with food seems like it may be hard to get used to. I've been shocked to find out I don't need all the water I've been drinking for years! I use to down a bottle of water several times a day. Just the thought of trying to get down a bottle of water makes me feel ill. I kept thinking won't I dehydrate without my 8 - 8oz servings? Apparently not! Of course I haven't gotten back up to working out for the hour and half I was prior to the surgery so we'll see. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Everyone!

I had my surgery yesterday and I can't say enough good things about OCC and my whole experience. The clinic is amazing and so is the staff. From the moment the OCC driver, Joel, picked us up until he dropped us off, it was a positive experience. The Marriott was comfortable and clean. The OCC staff was so kind and they all have a great sense of humor. My port area is sore. Otherwise, I feel great. I have not felt nauseous at all. I can tell when I need to drink fluids because I start to feel a little weak. If you are considering Lap Band and reading this post, the OCC and Dr. Ortiz is the BEST option. The experience was worth every penny and I look forward to going back for my first fill in six weeks. Thank you OCC!!! Feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions about the OCC experience. Now, let the weight loss begin!

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Your post absolutely scares me to death. My heart is racing, my stomach is in knots. I am getting banded on the 28th of this month. My fear is that I won't wake up for hours after the surgery and the nurses will be rude and that I will be miserable. Everything you said is my fear.........oh great!

I'm sure some people have bad experiences but I've read tons of stories on here and bad experiences are definately the exception not the rule. Everyone was kind and nurturing to me. I had my husband and best girlfriend with me. They had a good experience at the clinic too. Following instructions is important! I did what they said. Hot tea first thing in the morning really helps to not feel sick. I walked until I could swim and swam until I could go back on the eliptical. The important thing is to move. I was really nervous to get this done. I had lost 100 lbs on my own and didn't want to face the fact that I couldn't get the rest off on my own. But after putting 25 lbs back on it was clear...I needed help! I haven't regretted it for a minute. Even if someone had been snippy to me or I was sick to my stomach, neither of which happened to me, I would still be happy to be on my way to a healthy weight. Good luck and try to remember all the people who have gone before you and had great experiences!

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Finally down to the wire . . . leave for Spokane after work today, flying to San Diego tomorrow morning, pre-ops tomorrow afternoon, surgery Friday. I haven't been nervous at all up until now, and have totally re-examined my decision . . . and HELL YES, I'm going through with it!!! I kind of feel like everything from this point on is at the mercy of my angels . . . its a little bit heady . . .

See you soon, OCC.

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WOW - just got called from OCC, Ortiz had opening tomorrow afternoon, they bumped me up . . . that means surgery TOMORROW . . . fasting as of midnight tonight . . . debating indulging in a last treat, but can't think of anything good enough, haha. JUST TOO HAPPY!!

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WOW - just got called from OCC, Ortiz had opening tomorrow afternoon, they bumped me up . . . that means surgery TOMORROW . . . fasting as of midnight tonight . . . debating indulging in a last treat, but can't think of anything good enough, haha. JUST TOO HAPPY!!

Wow, How exciting. No treat is good enough to stop the wonderful progress (my opinion)

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I'm so happy you are doing better! Congratulations on the 12lbs too!

I have a question. I am doing pre op stuff next tues then surgery on wed. Are we allowed to eat a meal later on tues? How many hours of fasting before surgery?

hey i emailed you! we are having surgery the same day and i am starting to get anxious! just want it to hurry up and get here.

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Hey girl, I got your message. I've been really busy but I will call you tomorrow. : )


Protein Water Mix - Check

Fiber Powder - Check

Gas-X strips - Check

Liquid Extra Stenght Tylenol - Check

I'm having surgey next Wed. I didn't even know we needed this stuff. What is Protein Water Mix? Can we take the chewable Gas-X? What is Fiber Powder?

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