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The Most Amazing Lap-Band Surgery Videos

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This is from a doctor's website in Kansas, I had seen a press release about him performing a LIVE lap-band procedure online via his website but had forgotten the date, it actually happened on March 4th 2008 but they have the video of the live surgery on his site (full run time is 45 min or so) they have also put it into smaller segments on youtube via the link at the bottom of his page for those who have slower internet connections.

If you are like me you want to know everything you can about this tool and as informed as I feel (especially after living with the band for 2 weeks) I honestly learned A LOT! There is something about seeing the pouch size vs. the normal stomach size, and seeing how/why the stomach is sewn to prevent slippage that made any thoughts of cheating with a cheeseburger too soon disappear. While I did watch the entire thing once the band is in place and he takes the internal camera out to insert the port and sew up the incisions it's not really close up enough to be worth watching, so you can stop it at that point in my opinion!

Another cool feature on the same page, is the video diary/blogs from the woman who was banded live where she talks about everything from her "farewell to food tour" nerves before surgery etc You can actually watch her pre-op consultation

As a quick disclaimer- Of course I am in LOVE with my experience with Dr. Ortiz and have no complaints with any part of my surgery, nor do I have any affiliation with this Dr. I just thought it was amazingly cool to see this detailed of a surgery while he talks his way through it. Additionally this Dr. has very different post-op guidelines for when liquids/solids can be used (he discusses this at the end) so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE follow the guidelines of YOUR Dr. (hopefully it's Dr. Ortiz, because he has 100 times the personality of this guy as you'll see in the pre-op consultation video lol)

So here is the website: http://www.malleysurgical.com/testimonial/...sas-story.html#

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Well seeing that this post only had about 60 views in 2 months, I guess most people have no desire to watch a lap band surgery being performed... Totally understandable but since the spokeswoman that had her surgery taped was banded a week after me I wanted to see her updated video blogs. After watching them I really think that her perspective is worth your time to watch (each video is 1-4 min except the surgery which is 45min), she talks about a lot of the struggles that I see asked about on this board daily...

I really wish I was able to do the same thing, there are so many more things you can say/express on a video post than you can just typing a blog and you can really see her progress. Again I want to encourage some of you to take some time to watch her video diaries, it's a first hand account of the triumphs and struggles that comes with being a new bandster...


(I can only add 5 pics per post, board limitation but there are 11 videos in total so it will have to be put in 3 different posts)


Get to know Teresa as she embarks on her journey.


Pre-op anticipation and the “Farewell to Food Tour".


Dr. Malley describes the procedure and what to expect.


Teresa’s fears are dispelled after meeting with Dr. Malley.


Teresa's surgery is broadcast for Dr. Malley's Live Event.

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Teresa shares her experiences in the first week after surgery.

movie7.jpgWeek Two

Teresa offers advice for settling into the first two weeks.


Dr. Malley advises Teresa as she transitions to solid foods.


First-month challenges include water intake and a perspective on donuts.

movie10.jpgFIRST FILL

Dr. Malley injects Teresa's first fill.

Note from MM- this is a non-fluro fill, watching him prod her with the needle for ONE MIN AND 4 SECONDS (yes I timed it) while he feels for the center of her port is kinda icky (I hope those who got non-fluro fills didn't have to go through that), but this is a live video of a fill. I will also say that her scars are TWICE as big as mine and the ones I have seen from the other girls banded with me. Something else to note her port is on the right side (Dr. O puts his on the left).

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Very interesting story. I must say that viewing the surgery does give you more perspective on myself and my band. I like the fact she is video taping, I have been looking for my camcorder for like two weeks to do the same thing. VIDEO is much better, but I think I lost it or something??? Anyway thanks for the lead to this story and keeping it with it. :good:

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You are fab!!! I didn't see this link when you 1st posted it and although I was banded In Feb it was great to watch the surgery on a real person who can share her journey.

How are you doing with portion control after fill loosening. I feel I need another (3rd) fill as I can eat everything again. Last night I pushed and ended up eating 3 pizza slices not a good thing.So back to willpower I go.

I am still losing weight slowly though.So who knows.


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I am definitely going to watch this, thanks!!

I never saw a previous post about this or I would have watched it??????? Could it somehow have not shown up since you said no-one responded? I expect you would have had tons of us looking at it, so I find it odd no-one did.

Anyway, I am going to watch now, thanks tons!!

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Nicole: Life right now isn't too shabby it's odd that I hit my plateau AFTER my fill, but plateaus are something that happen to everyone so I guess it was just my time... I think that like you I was "testing" or "pushing" my fill to see how much restriction I actually have which means I am eating more than I did pre-fill when I was only allowing myself 5-6 smaller meals per day.. Looking to go back around the middle/end of May for fill number 2.

Did you go back to OCC for all 3 of your fills? If so how much did you get each time?

M-C: The original title of the post was "Amazing Surgery Video" and didn't have any of the pictures, or additional info about the woman it was just a link to the surgery video... I am such an information junkie that stuff like this is so useful to me but like I said I guess others aren't as interested. Hopefully this will motivate people into taking a 2nd look!

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Since my surgery is this coming week. I did watch it and maybe I shouldn't have. I found it interesting that this dr. put saline in at the time of surgery and then did a blind fill 5 weeks out. That seemed a little scary to me. Although there is part of me that would like the fill during surgery to hopefully cut down on trips to TJ but oh well. With the $$ saved going to OCC I should complain about the future trips. I'm sure they will never add up to 8-10 thousand dollars which is how much more I would have paid here.

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Hi Michelle,

Oh my goodness I watched the video!! I wanted to see how someone else did the surgery. I must tell everyone on the forum that Cassie and I witnessed an actual surgery that Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez did while we were filming for the Oprah Show. Ok everyone, please listen up. Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez are so much more gentle on you then what I saw from Dr. Malley's video. They handled their tools like they were touching butterflies. When I was in the operating room there was not as much manipulation going on as I see on this video.

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Remember everyone is different when it comes to a fill. Your body is already having to adjust to a decrease in you stomach pouch and then to have already put a fill on top of it during the surgery is some what odd. Also remember that everyone gets fills at different times because some do not feel hungry and are not ready while others do feel ready. Not everyone is on a set schedule. There is also the bounce, your body seems to go into a storage mode right before you loose a couple of pounds. You sometimes will gain a pound or two and then 3 to 4 pounds down. Cassie had a fill done not by the OCC and felt no restriction, Dr. Martinez said the fluid was not properly put in and probably leaked out when pulling the needle out of the port. FYI Jenn

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Wow, thank you for posting that, Michelle! I didn't even notice it the first time you posted it. I made my boyfriend watch it with me (he wasn't thrilled). He asked, "are they going to tape your surgery, too?". I explained that this wasn't done by the same facility and that no, they wouldn't be taping and he said, "whew - I don't think I could stand watch you be poked and prodded like that!". aww...

Great post, very informative!

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Hey MamaMichelle

I went to the OCC for my first fill, but with flight,hotel etc I ended up spendinding $1200.

My second fill was done without flouro, but the Dr was fantastic and cost me $100. I'm planning my 3rd fill for later this month if not early June. I have restriction morning and lunch but at night I can eat anything.

I know its working though as I haven't been this weight for 3years.

Oh just to let you know I had chocolate for the 1st time in 3months. I ended up feeling slimey at the back of my throat and had a funny aftertaste. I can not believe I didn't enjoy it. Another one( vice) beats the dust.


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I would so love to watch these videos and it's awesome that you posted them but I have a weak stomach for surgery vids and I'm not sure I wouldn't faint! Hubby watches the medical channel ALL the time. I have to leave the room.

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It's been a while since I have checked in on Teresa the woman featured in the videos, I just watched her 8 week update video and she dropped a bombshell: SHE's PREGNANT!!

She had PCOS and had to have invtro to have her twins 5 years ago, I'm not sure on her timeline because she says she's 8 weeks post band and she said she is 6 weeks pregnant.. But she said that 6 weeks of the good nutrition (I guess 4 weeks pre-op and 2 weeks after surgery?) basically took her from infertile to "the ovaries of a 21 year old" in the words of her doctor, it's a pretty crazy thing!!

Here's the video on that topic for you girls that have PCOS: http://www.malleysurgical.com/images/stori...ent/movie12.jpg

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I saw that too, wow!!

She barely got a chance to get the weight loss underway and gets pregnant...unexpectedly...holy cow!

Good for her if that's what she wants!

I am done having my children, they are 16 and 10...so I am on the road to re-cooping my body back!!


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