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Surgery cancelled due to RX diet pills

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surgeon put me on Phentermine 3 weeks ago to get the max loss possible b4 surgery & I went for pre op appt at the hospital this morning & anesthesia Dr refused to do my surgery because a pt went into cardiac arrest last week on the table & anesthesia found out that it was due to diet pills. Apparently they have found out that all diet pills counteract the drugs they give to put you to sleep & cause heart arythmias & skipes in blood pressure. So now I have to be off the phentermine at least 10 days before they will do it. So now I am resched for 4/18 instead of 4/11. I am so bummed, this is my 2nd time doing the 10 day liquid diet & 2nd time being cancelled, 1st time was cuz of insurance. I am glad they arent taking chances w/ my life, but really sad to have to wait & continue w/ liquids for another 10 days. Anesthesiologist said that ANY appetite suppressants or diet pills whether they are RX or not must be stopped 10-14 days before ANY kind of surgery.

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surgeon put me on Phentermine 3 weeks ago to get the max loss possible b4 surgery & I went for pre op appt at the hospital this morning & anesthesia Dr refused to do my surgery because a pt went into cardiac arrest last week on the table & anesthesia found out that it was due to diet pills. Apparently they have found out that all diet pills counteract the drugs they give to put you to sleep & cause heart arythmias & skipes in blood pressure. So now I have to be off the phentermine at least 10 days before they will do it. So now I am resched for 4/18 instead of 4/11. I am so bummed, this is my 2nd time doing the 10 day liquid diet & 2nd time being cancelled, 1st time was cuz of insurance. I am glad they arent taking chances w/ my life, but really sad to have to wait & continue w/ liquids for another 10 days. Anesthesiologist said that ANY appetite suppressants or diet pills whether they are RX or not must be stopped 10-14 days before ANY kind of surgery.

OMGoodness, you have had quite an ordeal!!

I am so glad you are ok...it sucks that you have to wait...I am in the waiting game too....but your life is more important...isn't that why we are doing this???

I am surprised that a doctor suggested diet pills...I guess as long as they are prescribed they must be safe, but it's a scarey realization when they so seriously counteract with anesthetic.

Well, I hope everything works out ok for you...and you get your surgery done on the 18th...best of luck!


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Wow, Lynn, what a bummer. I, too, took a few Adipex during pre-op diet. Thank God nothing happened to me. But you're right, it is a good thing they are looking out for your best interest. Sorry you are having to do the pre-op diet again. Good luck. Keep us posted.

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Oh my goodness! That sucks that your surgery is postponed, but thank goodness you found out!

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I have never heard of a surgeon suggesting diet pills so soon before surgery, that is med school 101... I guess I would understand it if you were 2-3 months pre-op and had time to wean your body off of them. I had a girlfriend who had lipo and I went with her to the consult they said no diet pills for 1 month prior to surgery!

Again the set backs suck but think of how grateful you will be when you've finally gotten your band, you just might appreciate it that much more.

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I am surprised that a doctor suggested diet pills...I guess as long as they are prescribed they must be safe,

Remember Phen-phen? Or Vioxx? The fact that something requires a prescription indicates it is generally unsafe and a doctor needs to evaluate whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks.

I guess the lesson here for potential bandsters is to let the surgeons know early on what medicines you're taking and keep them appraised if something changes.

Hopefully third time's a charm Lynne!

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I am so glad you posted this! I was considering adding the Alli pills to my pre-op diet, but now I think I'll forego those now - I may not lose as much weight, but I don't want THAT to be the reason I can't have my surgery. Thanks, LynneB!

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I've been on Phentermine in the past and it made my heart race and sometimes it felt like it was doing little flips in my chest. Thank goodness they discovered this problem and did postpone your surgery until it's safe!! Bless your heart and best wishes! The week will fly by! :-h Darlene

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Wow, that is scarry. I took the phentermine and was off about 3-4 days before surgery. I had no idea. I am so glad everything went ok with my surgery. Live and learn. Thank God I am alive still to learn. I lost my dad a week before my surgery, so he must have been watching over me along with God. I feel so thankful that I had no problems.

Sorry your surgery was postponed, but sounds like it was a good thing.

Best wishes to you.


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I spoke to Dr. Miranda on Monday because I had some concerns that I wasn't losing enough weight. I mentioned this post to her and how it had made me re-think taking the Alli pills to help lose weight and she said those were actually safe, because all they do is help block the absorption of fat- there's no bad stuff like speed in them. I'm sure they're also safer because they're approved by the FDA. She recommended the Chromium Picolinate more than the Alli, but said it was still perfectly safe. Just thought I would post this in case anyone else had this in mind.


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I will said something is you run in ideas in how to loss weight please don't use drugs that will give you more problems in your future than anything. I tell you because I see alot of my patients that took prescribed medication to loss weight and the only thing that they got is heart problems, palpitations, irregular beats, irritabillity, unable to sleep, hyperactivity, etc. in one word I can describe them similar to a drugadict from the street. Same symptoms.

I hope that this can help you out and good look, but if you have any questions please feel free to contect me at my email

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Wow!! Thank you so very much for sharing!! I will stop now! I had no idea. My surgery isn't until July 2nd, so I am so glad to know NOW! I plan to stop immediately. Your post was extremely helpful.

~dianna~ :D

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