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Not for those with weak constitutions! LOL!

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I can NOT believe I posted these. If y'all knew how vain I am, you would understand how hard this is for me. OY!!! Sorry my undies are exposed... and my cottage cheese thighs...

Anyway, the top photos are of me at 204 lb. - and were taken a few days after the surgery (around March 25). The bottom photos were taken about a week ago, and I weighed 192. As you can see in the top photos, I couldn't even get that dress over my boobs or hips! What a difference 12 lbs. makes!!! I've since lost another 2 pounds... maybe I'll get that zipper zipped up all the way before my trip to Vegas. :-)


My butt looks awfully lumpy in these pictures, but that's just where the darned elastic is cutting into my flab. :lb12:

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Bebe, that is amazing. You look amazing. I can so tell a huge difference already. Way to go. :cheerleader:

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Beautiful :) great job .. keep up the good work!!!!

I can NOT believe I posted these. If y'all knew how vain I am, you would understand how hard this is for me. OY!!! Sorry my undies are exposed... and my cottage cheese thighs...

Anyway, the top photos are of me at 204 lb. - and were taken a few days after the surgery (around March 25). The bottom photos were taken about a week ago, and I weighed 192. As you can see in the top photos, I couldn't even get that dress over my boobs or hips! What a difference 12 lbs. makes!!! I've since lost another 2 pounds... maybe I'll get that zipper zipped up all the way before my trip to Vegas. :-)


My butt looks awfully lumpy in these pictures, but that's just where the darned elastic is cutting into my flab. :lb12:

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Thank you BeBe!!! You look awesome and are a inspiration! In fact, your willingness to post very personal pictures of yourself has finally inspired me to create a sort of time line.. I was not smart like you and MamaMichelle to take pics in the same outfit on a monthly basis so all I have is just mish-mosh of pictures. I am off to post my thread.

Thanks again!


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What a difference 12 pounds made. You look great. I'm having my surgery in June and never thought about taking pictures with the same clothes to view the pogress. Thanks for the idea and thank you for being so brave and posting the pictures, they truly are inspirational.

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You are looking fab! (Sorry about the "fab." I guess I have been watching too much "Ten years younger! :lol2: )

Thank you for sharing..

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Thanks for the response. It really took a lot for me to post those... I can barely stand to look at those "before" photos. It's amazing what losing 12 lb. (and a little make-up) can do! LOL!

I really posted them because I see so many people (me included) about only losing a few pounds... but when you can see the difference a "measly" 12 lbs. makes, it's not so bad after all. Granted, I'd rather drop it all at once, but I'll take it as it comes and be grateful!

Thanks again guys! Y'all made my day.

Oh, and Michelle, you can bet on me bringing this dress to Vegas! LOL!

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