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My mental Challange

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My husband and I went out for dinner on Mothers day and it just amazed me how I still feel like I should be eating everything on my plate. I have been really thinking about it all day. For lunch I had pizza and I ate 2 pieces and felt stuffed. I used to eat 4 or even 5 pieces before and I would them stop. I really have to retrain my mind. I know that is going to be the hardest struggle for me.

I am happy to really see and feel that I can't eat as much as I use to so, I know the band is working. I just have to keep going and make sure I make the right choices.

Is anyone else struggling with how much food you still think you need or want?


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My husband and I went out for dinner on Mothers day and it just amazed me how I still feel like I should be eating everything on my plate. I have been really thinking about it all day. For lunch I had pizza and I ate 2 pieces and felt stuffed. I used to eat 4 or even 5 pieces before and I would them stop. I really have to retrain my mind. I know that is going to be the hardest struggle for me.

I am happy to really see and feel that I can't eat as much as I use to so, I know the band is working. I just have to keep going and make sure I make the right choices.

Is anyone else struggling with how much food you still think you need or want?


I struggle every day with how much I should be eating and like you I know the band is working because when I eat to much my side starts to hurt yet I still think I am hungry and keep eating and pay the price for about an hour after wards

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I struggle every day with how much I should be eating and like you I know the band is working because when I eat to much my side starts to hurt yet I still think I am hungry and keep eating and pay the price for about an hour after wards

I struggle everyday. At first I would say "today Im going to make good food choices". Now I have to take it one meal at a time. Im with you!!!

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I struggle everyday. At first I would say "today Im going to make good food choices". Now I have to take it one meal at a time. Im with you!!!

It is so hard! Does any one have any thing they do to make it easier?


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It is so hard! Does any one have any thing they do to make it easier?


I find I spend the evening either worrying I haven't eaten enough or that I have eaten too much. The whole point of doing this is so that I wouldn't be obsessed over my eating habits/weight and now I have found a new aspect to obsess over. To make it better I have been telling myself that a human doesn't actually need to eat very much to survive, mostly we need lots of water but it is ok not to eat as much. As Nebs Mom says 'eat to live not live to eat'.

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I know this is going to sound elementary, but since I don't have any restriction yet, the only thing holding me together diet wise is the salad plate with the 4 quadrants. I fix my plate, and even if I pile things a little high, it is still less than I would have eaten before.

The mental part is always the hard part... I have lost over a hundred pounds 3 different times, and if the mental part was easy, I wouldn't be in my situation today. I personally try to put my mental battle on the alter every day, but, as everyone knows, the bad part of being a living sacrifice is that you keep crawling off the alter.

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I think that I will always have an obsession with food, I fear that'll never go away. I think that I will have to retrain my mind when it comes to food. Like one of the other ladies said, tell yourself that you don't need all that food and we're not going to die because we didn't pile our plates sky high or go back for thirds. My biggest fear right now is doing damage to my band from over eating. Stretching my stomach pouch or making my band slip. I, thankfully, haven't gotten sick since my surgery but I have over eaten to the point that my stomach hurts [no fill yet.] I know that I have to stop this, I don't want to hurt the band [or myself] after comming this far and spending all that money. I wish I had a little switch that I could turn off the part of my brain connected to food!! I have the band for my weight loss tool but what do I do with my food soaked brain???? :unsure:

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I had a PB episode last night that was awful!! When you spoke of overeating and doing damage to your band this is what I am now afraid of. I was eating some leftovers from Mothers Day. I did chew and chew but it still got stuck. I PB'd and even vomited. When I vomited it made my stomach cramp. I am so afraid of band slippage. I feel better today and will only have liquids today. All you new bandsters keep this in mind when you want to cheat and eat solids before your band has healed. I got my band 2/28 so I should be healed. I can't imagine going through what I did last night with a new band.


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There are many studies about how long it takes to change a habit and my favorite doctor believes it takes 3 months to really kick it. (And that doesn't mean we don't miss things or could go back to our old habits). I had a hard time excepting this but after being true to the lap band program and really good for 3 months I was hooked, it became easier and I didn't have the same cravings. Its changing your habits, and looking at food in a different way. What I think is good now and what I crave for is very different from what I use too. Its even hard for me to look back at the food I use to eat and even think that I could go back to the fast food, white bread, sugar craving, pizza days. (Sometimes the thought crosses my mind, but its not that bad). Also I don't ever want large portions, its almost painful for me to look at them, when you've made the mistake of eating too much and you deal with the after affects, you learn - its almost like shock treatment, you don’t want to go through the pain again. (Not that I've been through shock treatments - but can only imagine...)

Most of us have done the PB episode, and you’re right on with going on liquids - just learn from it and go forth and conquer!

So hang in there, it gets better.

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Lisal, you are my hero! I'm almost 1 week post surgery and I'm working very hard to do exactly what you are doing. I started working on the eating part the 7 or 8 weeks on my pre-op diet.

Your success with changing habits is inspiring!


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Hey Jena, thanks so much, but honestly - it’s the band and learning how to use it. I have tried and failed at so many diets that I just was at my wits end and feeling like a total failure. Especially since I work in the nutrition business and have a great support system and should have been able to follow a program to loose the darn weight.

We'll all make it together, I think the hardest part is coming to terms that it doesn't happen really fast and that we are going to make mistakes – but what’s great is that with the band it’s a pain to make mistakes so normally we learn not to do it again!



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I used to be a member of the "Clean Plate Club", but it takes a while to clear your head of that old mentality. I still feel a smidgen of guilt leaving food on my plate, but I use a really small plate now and I am proud of myself if I don't clean it. I went and bought myself "special" small plates and small kid sized utensils too, but still remember my Mom saying "there are starving children in other countries that are dying for what you are leaving" and that is still in my mind. Makes me feel guilty....old habits are so hard to break especially when they have been imbedded in your brain since childhood!

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