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Just wanted to say THANKS!

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I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

You guys have been such great help and such great support for me while I have been preparing to take this journey!

You guys really do feel like family to me.... I know I have aggravated the hell out of you all with all of my questions all the time but hey isnt that what "brothers and sisters" do! ;)

I really dont know what I would have done to prepare for this big day in my life if it wasn't for you guys!

I leave bright and early tomorrow morning and I am very excited!

I really appreciate each and every one of you guys!

Wish me luck!

I will see you on the "other side!"

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Trina, we have all been in youre spot at one time or another. Me I dont know how many stupit questions I asked, and everyone was there for me. Youre going to be fine youre in the best hands. Keep us posted ok. See you on the other side. Say hello to all the good people at the OCC.

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I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

You guys have been such great help and such great support for me while I have been preparing to take this journey!

You guys really do feel like family to me.... I know I have aggravated the hell out of you all with all of my questions all the time but hey isnt that what "brothers and sisters" do! ;)

I really dont know what I would have done to prepare for this big day in my life if it wasn't for you guys!

I leave bright and early tomorrow morning and I am very excited!

I really appreciate each and every one of you guys!

Wish me luck!

I will see you on the "other side!"

You haven't aggravated anybody. It's a learning process and your questions will pave the way for others that follow! I'm excited for you. Take a deep breath and enjoy your journey. Next we see you, you will be a banded sista!

Major hugs!

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Everyone goes through a case of nerves before their journey begins! :lol: I was the same way for months before my surgery. This forum is THE BEST, everyone's so supportive! Make sure you post after your surgery and let us know how you are!! Best wishes, Darlene :D

P.S. Tell everyone at the OCC the "forum" say's HI!! ;)

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You are gonna love it down there! You will be in good hands, I promise. Also, they have computers at the Lucerna and the OCC Clinic so let us know how you are doing!! I can't wait to hear all about it and I still wish I was going with you! Have a safe trip!!

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Good Luck! Its a breeze, you will do GREAT!! See you in BandLand!! Have a safe trip! ;)

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Have a great time....... but dont drink the water!!! [bottled only]

[will does the three-fingers-down-the-throat gesture at the "hot doctor" comment.] You'd think they could up the air conditioner if they are all THAT hot.... sheesh.

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your questions have been helpful to me... so i wouldn't worry too much.

You'll have a great time in TJ and at the OCC.

Can't wait to hear some more questions and updates when you get back!!

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