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OMG.... Leaving for Surgery in the Morning.....

Guest sdejong

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Guest sdejong

Just wanted to tell everyone thank you, thank you, thank you.... You have all been very positive and full of great ideas. I have my backpack all packed and ready to fly out with my sister for surgery in the morning...... I don't think I would be a calm about this whole thing if it wasn't for all of your wonderful comments and ideas.... Thanks


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You are gonna do so great! I can't wait to hear your story. Be careful and once you get back you will be "on the other side!" LOL

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;) Hey Shy.. I want to thank you for getting with me and letting me know you were gonna be there at the same time I am! I am really looking forward to this and lookng forward to meeting new friends and of course meeting you!! I'm the chubby one you can't miss me.. HAHA!! This web site is such a great support, everyone is so great!! So I will see you in a few days... OMG can you believe it? Have a great flight.. It's warm down here so dress accordingly!! See you take care.. XOLisa~ B)
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Guest sdejong

My husband is so funny, he knows that I totally stress about these things so he has spent the day keeping me busy. He was planning on going fishing with a friend but he decided to spend the day helping take my mind off of the surgery.... We just finished getting 7lbs of Cherries ready to dehydrate.... Yum, I wanted to eat them so bad but I resisted....

Have a great couple of days ladies and gents while I am gone.... You are the best...

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What an exciting time for you! Good Luck and keep us posted with your progress.

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HOORAY! Can't wait to hear how it went!

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