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A question on restriction

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As I wrote earlier, my second fill is great!!! And I know this is unusual, but my restriction is much greater at night, which is wonderful since nighttime is the worst time for me. I am eating very little and my band tells me when to stop. As soon as I feel pressure in the chest area, I know I have to stop. Either then, or after my first burp.

Haven't PB'd yet and hoping I can tell when to stop so it won't happen. Last night I tried a roll with butter knowing most people cannot handle bread, but I am weak and needed to know if I could handle it. But alas, I cannot. I guess that is a good thing because warm rolls with butter are my downfall. But I had enough of a scare last night, I won't be trying it again. And to top it off I was in a restaurant and felt the need to escape to the bathroom in case I did PB. Left my hubby sitting there worried about me til I came back. But, the walking around pushed it through and I was fine.

But twice now, when I took some sips of water (several hours after eating) I noticed that it got stuck. Isn't that weird? And it was night time. It did go down, but it was a painful process. All from water???

And being the paranoid penelope that I am, I am almost afraid of being too tight. I mean, because sometimes it takes a while for the fill to kick in. So maybe I am going to get even tighter???? I do have the larger VG band and it is at 5.8 so there is still plenty of room.

Anyway, anyone ever experience this with water even though food is ok?

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I'm so glad the second fill was the charm for you!

I've got the VG band as well and I'm wondering if my first fill will have any noticeable difference. How much did they put in the first time? I had pretty good restriction for about 4-6 weeks after getting the band, but now it's like nothing is there. I need that first fill!!


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Hi Mona, I remember Dr. Romero saying that you should have NO restriction with fluids. They should go down smoothly. Are you getting enough water daily? It may take awhile for it to settle down, but make sure you're getting enough liquids!! :unsure:

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Hi Mona, I remember Dr. Romero saying that you should have NO restriction with fluids. They should go down smoothly. Are you getting enough water daily? It may take awhile for it to settle down, but make sure you're getting enough liquids!! :unsure:

I don't know if I can be of any help :unsure:

For me it is the other way around... I have trouble drinking when I get up in the morning (for the first 1-2 hrs. or so)

and really have to take it "slow motion slow" - siping the smallest tiny sips, to make sure it doesn't come back up.

I hardly can eat any solid foods before noon and therefore have to stick with a protein shake in the morning to get me started ;)

And then .... things change ... For lunch I most likely have a lean cuisine (can eat 1/2 of it) and in the afternoon/evening it seems like my band is loosen up. But despite of all the restriction, if I like - at least in the evening - I could eat anything except dry chicken/fish ....

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Hi Mona-Camille,

I am so happy you have restriction!!!

I have not had my first fill yet, but have wicked restriction just from the band (3 weeks post op today).

After I eat, I have a lump in my throat. The nurse at my clinic said it's my body's signal to tell me I am full. After about an hour or so, I need to take a sip of water and find that it takes along time to go down, probably because there is food in the way.

When you sip your water at night and it's slow going down, maybe there is still food in the way?

I hope it levels out for you..and you get the results you want...best of luck!!!

Cathy ;)

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I am so glad you found some restriction. :D

Hopefully the water thing was just a fluke and it won't happen again.

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Mona the pain from the liquids is from the water trying to get past all of the food still in your esophagus, Dr. Romero said to think of it like a clogged drain and it builds up a ton of pressure... Sounds like you're going to have to wait a little longer than an hour after eating before you drink something because that pain/pressure could lead to a stretched pouch!!

Congrats on the restriction!

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I'm lilke Ute, mornings are difficult, even with water. It's been like that from the beginning. I'm not a breakfast person anyway, so I also drink a protien shake or have a small yogurt to start the day. But then by night time, DONT dare bring me a steak or cake or other foods I would normally avoid! I can eat just about anything, except for soft buttered rolls, tortillas, and steamed rice. I NEVER can eat those items. Which I'm glad, but at the same time sad, because hot soft buttered rolls are my FAVORITE, well I should say WERE. I guess the food in the esophagus, like mamamichelle, mentions is accurate. I also find that if I wait TOO long to drink fluids, then have a COLD drink, I get that pressure feeling. So all of the things combined could be causing it. So what I do is drink water MORE than I eat. Even if I'm hungry, I will drink a 8 oz glass of room temperature water, and usually, I was actually thirsty and NOT hungry. But on occasion, if it turns out I'm hungry, then I eat a small snack (under 100 cals).

Normally I can have a protien shake for breakfast, a nice big salad with chicken or chili for lunch, and then 4 oz fish / chicken and 1 cup steamed veggies. That's it. Sometimes at night when I feel "hungry" I have a sugar free pudding, or something light like that. All day I drink water, slender fuze, water, vitamin water, water, tea, water -in that order, because I stay away from high calorie drinks so I start with low to high -if I even get to the high cal drinks...at times all i feel like drinking is water. Nutty huh? :wacko: Maybe if you start to keep a food and drink log daily, for a few days, you will notice what is causing it? I'm happy to hear that you have restriction, and hope you dont have to go back for an "unfill".

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I'm lilke Ute, mornings are difficult, even with water. It's been like that from the beginning. I'm not a breakfast person anyway, so I also drink a protien shake or have a small yogurt to start the day. But then by night time, DONT dare bring me a steak or cake or other foods I would normally avoid! I can eat just about anything, except for soft buttered rolls, tortillas, and steamed rice. I NEVER can eat those items. Which I'm glad, but at the same time sad, because hot soft buttered rolls are my FAVORITE, well I should say WERE. I guess the food in the esophagus, like mamamichelle, mentions is accurate. I also find that if I wait TOO long to drink fluids, then have a COLD drink, I get that pressure feeling. So all of the things combined could be causing it. So what I do is drink water MORE than I eat. Even if I'm hungry, I will drink a 8 oz glass of room temperature water, and usually, I was actually thirsty and NOT hungry. But on occasion, if it turns out I'm hungry, then I eat a small snack (under 100 cals).

Normally I can have a protien shake for breakfast, a nice big salad with chicken or chili for lunch, and then 4 oz fish / chicken and 1 cup steamed veggies. That's it. Sometimes at night when I feel "hungry" I have a sugar free pudding, or something light like that. All day I drink water, slender fuze, water, vitamin water, water, tea, water -in that order, because I stay away from high calorie drinks so I start with low to high -if I even get to the high cal drinks...at times all i feel like drinking is water. Nutty huh? :wacko: Maybe if you start to keep a food and drink log daily, for a few days, you will notice what is causing it? I'm happy to hear that you have restriction, and hope you dont have to go back for an "unfill".

It's funny, I just tried food again, and it was very hard - what I mean is, GREAT RESTRICTION. But, I know I am NOT the norm. I think almost everyone has the morning problem. Honestly, I am glad I have more restriction at night though since that is my worst time.

I have 3 meals a day, if you can call them that and haven't had the urge to snack. I AM SO EXCITED about that. I was so terrified that I wouldn't have the restriction everyone else had. For example today I had a cereal bar for breakfast, a small can of tuna salad with 5 crackers for lunch and for dinner I had about 3 ounces of pulled barbeque pork and 2 spoonfuls of sweet potatoes. I didn't feel the need to snack either which is a major miracle for me!!

I drink flavored water and it has no calories or sugar. I can live on that stuff so I am not tempted by any other high calorie drink.

I am thinking Mama Michelle is right about the fluid trying to get around the food in my pouch. That sounds like exactly what is happening and that I will have to wait longer than an hour after eating to drink. I guess that is a good thing - my pouch stays full for a good long time! Not complaining, I'm happy!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all your responses!!

And for any newly banded people - don't worry, you will get restriction!!!! It might take 2 fills (like me) and you might get very discouraged (like me) and depressed (like me) but it will happen. If it can happen to me it will happen to anyone!! It took 3 months from surgery to get it and to start losing again, but please KNOW that it will happen!!!


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Mona-Camille, I am so happy that you finally have restriction and are back on your way to your goal.

I am sure the frustration and depression was getting to you and now you can put it behind you and show us some hot pics!!!

Take care, Cathy :D

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Mona-Camille, I am so happy that you finally have restriction and are back on your way to your goal.

I am sure the frustration and depression was getting to you and now you can put it behind you and show us some hot pics!!!

Take care, Cathy :D

Yes, actually it was. Especially since my sister is up to 50 pounds lost, and my step daughter is at 40. I was feeling very left out and jealous. Stupid, I know, but I was definitely upset. I started a serious diet back in February so it's been a long haul so far.

I think the HOT pictures will have to wait a while though. I did take before shots but haven't lost enough to show any difference yet. BUT LOOK OUT, it's coming!!!!!

I am VERY excited and happy!!!! Can ya tell?

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It's funny, I just tried food again, and it was very hard - what I mean is, GREAT RESTRICTION. But, I know I am NOT the norm. I think almost everyone has the morning problem. Honestly, I am glad I have more restriction at night though since that is my worst time.

I have 3 meals a day, if you can call them that and haven't had the urge to snack. I AM SO EXCITED about that. I was so terrified that I wouldn't have the restriction everyone else had. For example today I had a cereal bar for breakfast, a small can of tuna salad with 5 crackers for lunch and for dinner I had about 3 ounces of pulled barbeque pork and 2 spoonfuls of sweet potatoes. I didn't feel the need to snack either which is a major miracle for me!!

I drink flavored water and it has no calories or sugar. I can live on that stuff so I am not tempted by any other high calorie drink.

I am thinking Mama Michelle is right about the fluid trying to get around the food in my pouch. That sounds like exactly what is happening and that I will have to wait longer than an hour after eating to drink. I guess that is a good thing - my pouch stays full for a good long time! Not complaining, I'm happy!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all your responses!!

And for any newly banded people - don't worry, you will get restriction!!!! It might take 2 fills (like me) and you might get very discouraged (like me) and depressed (like me) but it will happen. If it can happen to me it will happen to anyone!! It took 3 months from surgery to get it and to start losing again, but please KNOW that it will happen!!!


:girl_dance: YAY! DOING THE HAPPY DANCE FOR YOU!!! :sun_bespectacled: :yahoo::dance2::party: I am so glad things are finally coming together for you. I am a bit envious, but I know I will find my band heaven soon!

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Mona... I'm so happy to hear you're doing so well. That's excellent... congratulations! If you're finding your more restricted in the evening, drink hot water (with a slice of lemon is nice). It will go down much easier than cold water. Good Luck! Anita

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Mona... I'm so happy to hear you're doing so well. That's excellent... congratulations! If you're finding your more restricted in the evening, drink hot water (with a slice of lemon is nice). It will go down much easier than cold water. Good Luck! Anita

HECK NO!! No offense, but I am glad I am restricted at night, that is my worst time to eat!!!

Just kidding, I know you are trying to be helpful, and I did forget about the warm drink thing. I always have coffee in the morning because I have heard others say they are very tight in the morning. I never expected that to happen at night, but I am VERY GLAD!! I will try to remember drinking something warm if I am unable to eat anything.

I am just so happy that my tightness comes at night rather than in the day time.

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:girl_dance: YAY! DOING THE HAPPY DANCE FOR YOU!!! :sun_bespectacled: :yahoo::dance2::party: I am so glad things are finally coming together for you. I am a bit envious, but I know I will find my band heaven soon!

Boy do I understand, I was envious and downright jealous of others too. I was feeling very left out. But, I am FINALLY HAPPY!!!! You will be too. Don't worry, It will happen!!!!!

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