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10,000 Steps

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Well, the restriction from my first fill isn't that great and the next appointment for the Moultrie location is not until August 9th. I decided to kick up my exercise portion a bit for the time being and started the 10,000 Steps a Day challenge. I bought a pedometer at Target for $4.99 and so far it's been working great! I've learned some important lessons though, if you want to try this for yourself.

1. Don't wear the pedometer while you're driving. Rough roads and speed bumps will clock steps when you haven't earned them. I take it off in the car and put it in my cup holder. It seems to stay still that way.

2. The cheap ones work just as good as the expensive ones. My sister bought one for $24.99 and it has the EXACT same functions as my $4.99 one and works just as good. :)

3. CHALLENGE YOURSELF. My friend Cindy and I have started a challenge. Whoever has more steps by the end of the day gets a point. Whoever has the most points by the end of the month gets treated by the other person to a girls night out. I hope I win this month! You can spin this any way you want to fit your own needs.

Here is a helpful article about walking 10,000 steps a day: http://walking.about.com/od/measure/f/10000steps.htm

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Glad everyone is getting on the pedometer bandwagon! I have a tip, try to buy a pedometer with something attached to keep it attached to your waistband. They all come with this plastic clip, but I lost like my first 3 pedometers because they come off your waist band and disappear.

The one I have now has a string with a strong metal claw clip that makes sure it stays attached to the waist band, in addition to the normal plastic clip all pedometers have.

I got mine at Sports Authority and it was more expensive, but after losing 3 of the $5 ones, I have had this pedometer for over a year.

One last thing. 10,000 steps a day is HARD!!! for me I find it to be the equivalent of about 6 miles. For the last few weeks I find myself getting off my bus about 3 miles from my office and walking the rest of the way in. I am lucky I have a gym/shower at work and just bring my clothes in a backpack and get dressed after I hoof it the 3 miles. I also walk 2 miles to a bus stop in the evening in order to get the rest of my steps in. With this walking and my "normal" daily walking I am averaging about 12000-14000 steps and feel great!

I live in DC area and this is a great city for walking. Have discovered so many beautiful gardens in and around the Smithsonians.


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Glad everyone is getting on the pedometer bandwagon! I have a tip, try to buy a pedometer with something attached to keep it attached to your waistband. They all come with this plastic clip, but I lost like my first 3 pedometers because they come off your waist band and disappear.

The one I have now has a string with a strong metal claw clip that makes sure it stays attached to the waist band, in addition to the normal plastic clip all pedometers have.

I got mine at Sports Authority and it was more expensive, but after losing 3 of the $5 ones, I have had this pedometer for over a year.

One last thing. 10,000 steps a day is HARD!!! for me I find it to be the equivalent of about 6 miles. For the last few weeks I find myself getting off my bus about 3 miles from my office and walking the rest of the way in. I am lucky I have a gym/shower at work and just bring my clothes in a backpack and get dressed after I hoof it the 3 miles. I also walk 2 miles to a bus stop in the evening in order to get the rest of my steps in. With this walking and my "normal" daily walking I am averaging about 12000-14000 steps and feel great!

I live in DC area and this is a great city for walking. Have discovered so many beautiful gardens in and around the Smithsonians.


I just found one at Walmart that has the additional strap so you wont lose it: :lb25:

Omron Premium Pedometer $24.72

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We should have a contest!!!! I am currently in one through work. We all get the pedomter and see who an walk the furthest. We are in teams but it can be individual too! Last time they did a contest at work, our tea won. But............we pushed and pushed and were doing upwards of 30,000 a day. That equals 15 miles a day, but we were determined to win and did! THis time, we aren't in first - yet.

But a contest could be fun and it can create motivation too!! Maybe that could be incorporated into a monthly challenge?

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We must all be on the same wavelength! I started a new job this week and I have not walked this much during the work day ever! I was thinking I should get a pedometer just to see how much it adds up to.

The parking lot I park in full by the time I get there in the morning so I have to park way out in the back. Then in the office it is jammed packed with cubicles so getting from point A to point B is no easy task. It's like walking through a maze and I get lost all the time. I walked around the floor for 20 minutes this morning before I found where I was going!! There are tons of meetings I have to attend during the day so I'm walking all over the floor from one to another.

On my last job I walked across the street from the parking lot to the building. It was valet parking so I wasn't walking very far. Then I would sit on my big fat behind all day long and the only walking I did was to the bathroom.

Such a huge difference!!

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I ran up to CVS and got one so I am ready when ya'll are! :D

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I realize that I am a little sound sensitive, but I cannot stand the constant click-click, click-click. I just walk til my knee is hurting then take pain meds for it.

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I have heard that pedometers can be misleading, because even if you just move your leg (like getting up from a desk) it counts a step?? Is this true? This is the only reason I haven't bought one yet.

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Yes, pedometers can be overly sensitive, which is why it's important to be conscious of when you're wearing them. I wouldn't wear them while I was sitting - I'd wait until I was standing to put it on. Also, not wearing them while driving. They're never going to be exact, but a general estimation of how many steps per day you're taking. I can tell when mine is registering a step as the little ball inside makes a noise as my legs rise and fall.

I wouldn't say they're misleading unless you're wearing them when you really shouldn't be. They're still a great tool for achieving a goal like 10,000 steps a day. I think the good outweighs the bad here. :)

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The better the pedometer is the less sensitive it will be and it will also be noiseless so you don't have the click, click. I did 11,000 steps yesterday and it is 8 AM EST and I am at 7153 already this morning. Let's see who can catch up the fastest.

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YAYYYYYYY for the Steppers! We all did great today!!! Much more positive to go out walking than to sit here typing about missing threads and who is saying what about what or what not. EVERYONE TAKE A LONG WALK!!

I am at 10,626 @ 5:07 PM, at 5:30 I will head out and walk about 2 miles to the fartherest bus stop I can get to and still get a ride home for the day. That should be another 3000-4000 steps.

I was reading in one of the links Alana included that a mile is about 2000 steps, give or take, and if you figure 15 minute miles that is about 4 miles in an hour, 60 minutes and you are at 8000 steps. So what if you go a little slower (the point is to just go) 20 minute mile and it is 3 miles in 60 minutes or 6000 steps.

I am going to post again when I get home at about 7:45 and I hope someone BEATS me! Catch me if you can, I dare ya.

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YAYYYYYYY for the Steppers! We all did great today!!! Much more positive to go out walking than to sit here typing about missing threads and who is saying what about what or what not. EVERYONE TAKE A LONG WALK!!

I am at 10,626 @ 5:07 PM, at 5:30 I will head out and walk about 2 miles to the fartherest bus stop I can get to and still get a ride home for the day. That should be another 3000-4000 steps.

I was reading in one of the links Alana included that a mile is about 2000 steps, give or take, and if you figure 15 minute miles that is about 4 miles in an hour, 60 minutes and you are at 8000 steps. So what if you go a little slower (the point is to just go) 20 minute mile and it is 3 miles in 60 minutes or 6000 steps.

I am going to post again when I get home at about 7:45 and I hope someone BEATS me! Catch me if you can, I dare ya.

I'm up for the challenge!!

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Ok I am done with my steps for the day. I will probably have to go up and down the steps a few more times tonight, but right now my pedometer says......

drum role please.....14,908

Hopefully I will check the forum in the morning and someone will have beat me! Come on.....catch me if you can

Have a great night!!


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Ok I am done with my steps for the day. I will probably have to go up and down the steps a few more times tonight, but right now my pedometer says......

drum role please.....14,908

Hopefully I will check the forum in the morning and someone will have beat me! Come on.....catch me if you can

Have a great night!!


OH MY GOD GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THats 7 1/2 miles you know!! I still have a walk to do tonight, so I'll let you know later.

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