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banded today 7/2/08

Guest sdejong

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Guest sdejong

I recently found a lump where my port site is. It is rather large, semi-firm, and tender. The nurses say its normal, and wrapped me with with guaze and large 4x4's over the site to compress the area. Dr. So is very nice, attentive and sweet. Dr. Ortiz came in before my surgery sat down, spoke with myself and my husband. I was drugged so I can't remember if he signed my book or not. Got some hilarious pictures of staff laying in bed next to me. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D I got sick too, no surprise for me though, I have a tendancy to get what is called PONV (post-operative nausea and vomiting). They did a good job at helping me contol with -basically they shot me up with medication. well, I am supposed to be walking and I do need to go pee... sorry TMI....

Thanks guys,


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Welcome to Bandland :)

I had that lump and was wrapped as well. I turned black and blue so don't be alarmed if you start bruising.

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Shy your Husband wasn't there was he? I never saw him. ANNNNDDDD SHY is so much much more prettier than her picture she has one here. You. you sister and your Mom are so sweet! Your Mom was full of good advice. I hope you are well. Keep us posted.. XO Lisa

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Guest sdejong

Just and FYI... I must have not logged off when I was checking my posts at Lucerna because this was not my post.... Lisa thanks.


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