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Ok I don't like this all my life I've been overweight so wjen someone says DIET I go nuts. Yesterday was no exceptions. I cried yelled and then my son decided that he could not take care of our dogs while we were gone.(one more problem to handle) Bad day all the way around. Jackie and I are keeping each other in check. So we will get thru this hopefully. Feel some better now thanks for reading.

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You will get through this, it's so worth it.

I lost it on day three, totally lost it at work, crying for no reason, I couldn't stop, hugs from my co-workers made me cry harder, but I got through it, and you will too.

I am three weeks post op and the weight is coming off, I am happy and able to chose what to eat, you will be there soon too.

Keep your chin up and if you need anything, you just come here for support, we're here for you!!

Take care, Cathy ><' ><' ><'

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Words do have power. If thinking of it as a DIET is a bad thing for you. Maybe consider it Pre-Op Preparation Phase. The 3 weeks on liquids is Post-Op Healing Phase. These are really what you are doing. I agree I have failed at so many diets in the past, that the word diet just seems like one more thing I can fail at.

The band is a tool for success. I hope you find a way to mentally handle the prep and healing parts of the process.


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Remember that this is just the beginning! When you have the surgery you will have to get through 21 days of liquid diet so be prepared for that and get yourself into that mindset. This will be your life for the next month! Best of luck! :D

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it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. i had the lean cuisines for my pre-op and i loved them! I don't know how they're so tasty with so few calories!

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Guest CryMeARiver
Remember that this is just the beginning! When you have the surgery you will have to get through 21 days of liquid diet so be prepared for that and get yourself into that mindset. This will be your life for the next month! Best of luck! :D

You need to be thinking about a change for the rest of your life.As i said,don't waste your money if 21 days scares you.The band is forever.

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Yes the band is forever but you will not be on a liquid diet forever! You will be pre op 10 days, post op 21 days and from what I understand 3 or 4 days after fills will be on liquids also. The lifestyle change you will need to make is with solids. When you are allowed solids you will need to make sure that you are watching your calorie intake and making healthy food choices. And least we forget...chewing and then chewing some more.

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Ok I don't like this all my life I've been overweight so wjen someone says DIET I go nuts. Yesterday was no exceptions. I cried yelled and then my son decided that he could not take care of our dogs while we were gone.(one more problem to handle) Bad day all the way around. Jackie and I are keeping each other in check. So we will get thru this hopefully. Feel some better now thanks for reading.

Take it one day at a time. Seriously, it was hard for all of us, but if you can just go with the one day at a time thinking, it might help you through it more. Each day gets easier and easier. Plus, the biggie for me was protein. As long as I ate eggs, meat, cheese, like the Atkinds diet, it kept me very full and was much wasier to follow.

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It is very hard, but you can do it! It is a lifestyle change and it is very hard when you are used to eating what you want all the time. I was the same way. If you want it bad enough just set your mind that you CAN do it! Good luck!

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It really does get easier, now my band just part of my new life (like my new body) and I don't even think about it. (I do think about my new body - I really like it much better than the old one....) and BATassbandita is right on, its really not a diet, its a lifestyle change. I only eat 1/3 of what I use too and I don’t even think about it. Most times I break it up into the appropriate food groups like we are suppose too, but if I'm out in a situation where I need to eat with others and its pizza or whatever - I just eat like everyone else does – only have smaller amounts. And I don't see this as cheating - its living life.

If I can do it, and I did, I’ve lost all of my weight and I’m just getting on maintenance - anyone can do it. And I get the frustration, that does happen often especially in the first 90 days, remember many of us have an addiction to food, (at least I did) I was an emotional eater and with the band you can’t do that – you will need to find other ways to deal, just understand and try to forewarn your loved ones so they can support you and know its part of the healing process.



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Take it ONE day at a time. Dita is right.. the lean cuisines et al are wonderful meals. To go from large meals to them, have a second one if you need to, weaning down to one. It is a lifestyle change. Going from a large platter full to a small saucer full is a drastic change. Make it work for YOU... do what you need to do to get the job done.

If any of us are unhappy with the band, we can always have our fills removed and live happily ever after, or even take a second step and have it surgically removed. These are options because our "plumbing" wasnt altered by the surgery like the by-pass participants.

I decided before I went to Tijuana....... this will work, and only the clock stands between me and my goal. If I am extreme about the post surgery diet, I can lose faster. If I choose moderation (which to me is as close as i can get to normallity) then I still lose, but perhaps at a lower rate. The band is a TOOL... not a miracle. Use what works for YOU to accomplish what you WANT to accomplish.

And win your battles one day at a time.

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Thanks guys I'm really glad I can talk to you. I think I just neededto know that I'm bot the only one in this Jackie and I are really getting exicited about all of this. We are already talking about swimming suits for next year,lol. You guys are great. Listen also can you have eggs and meat on your salads you fil up on. Thanks again

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Take it one day at a time. Seriously, it was hard for all of us, but if you can just go with the one day at a time thinking, it might help you through it more. Each day gets easier and easier. Plus, the biggie for me was protein. As long as I ate eggs, meat, cheese, like the Atkinds diet, it kept me very full and was much wasier to follow.

Can you have that on the preop diet I was told only could have Lean Cusinine lunch and dinner,and 4lbs of salad daily, Meat ,cheese,and eggs would be GREAT. I would love to do the Atkins diet

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