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incision swelling/red

Guest sdejong

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Guest sdejong

Ok, so I was banded on July 1 and I have had no trouble with my band what so ever. For the past couple of days I have noticed a small red mark by one of my incisions. When I stopped taking my Tylenol it started to swell up alittle under the lovely glue... I called the OCC and the doctor told the lady on the phone to have me take Tylenol for the next two days and see if it goes away. I have no fever and I feel really good but I am so worried about getting a blood infection and loosing my band. Has anyone had this happen???? Were the doctors able to call in a prescription to the states?????



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Ok, so I was banded on July 1 and I have had no trouble with my band what so ever. For the past couple of days I have noticed a small red mark by one of my incisions. When I stopped taking my Tylenol it started to swell up alittle under the lovely glue... I called the OCC and the doctor told the lady on the phone to have me take Tylenol for the next two days and see if it goes away. I have no fever and I feel really good but I am so worried about getting a blood infection and loosing my band. Has anyone had this happen???? Were the doctors able to call in a prescription to the states?????




I too was banded on 07/01. I am sorry you are having some problems with your incision. :( Mine all are healing, but I noticed they all have a little bit of pink around them, they aren't hot to the touch and look better every day. Do you think this is normal? I would call your doctor to rule out infection, just to be sure. You don't want to risk having complications like that. I have kept you in my prayers because I remembered that we got banded on the same day. I haven't weighed myself yet so I don't know how I am "doing" yet, but every day is better.

I hope you feel better soon!

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Hi Shy,

I didn't have that problem exactly, but the glue cracked off right along my biggest incision after about a week and the incision did look a little red and slightly inflamed (maybe this was what pushed the glue off). I was worried about it being exposed before it should be and didn't want it to get infected. So I bought some big bandaid bandages and put neosporin on it each day and covered it with the bandage. I just did this for 3-4 days and it looked much better, and it's been fine since - healing very nicely at 2 weeks out.

Of course I'm not a doctor, but I wouldn't get yourself too worried about it. That said, I think it's great that you called the OCC. If it doesn't get better soon definitely call them again. If there is a serious problem I'm confident that they'll be able to direct you to the help you need.

Good luck!!

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Don't panic!!! My 1 big guy was looking a little odd and a little weird but was just fine...I read that some of the ladies were having allergic reactions up to 2 weeks after surgery due to the glue, so it can happen at any time. Go with your gutt, if you feel scared go to a clinic but if not I'd wait and see.

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;) Here is the weirdest thing,,, I only have 4 punctures,, they said it was because I am special.. I am sure I was a pain in the booty due to scarring. I am sorry about your swelling. Hopefully in a few days it will subside. Did they call you back from OCC? IDK if they can call in RX's here in the states. I hope that you are better soon... Say Hi to Mom and Trishia for me. Let us know how you are... XO Lisa B)
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I didn't have that problem exactly, but the glue cracked off right along my biggest incision after about a week and the incision did look a little red and slightly inflamed (maybe this was what pushed the glue off). I was worried about it being exposed before it should be and didn't want it to get infected. So I bought some big bandaid bandages and put neosporin on it each day and covered it with the bandage. I just did this for 3-4 days and it looked much better, and it's been fine since - healing very nicely at 2 weeks out.

I did the exact same thing and as is well now.

Get well soon and let us know what happens!

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I did the exact same thing and as is well now.

Get well soon and let us know what happens!

What happens if you do get an infection after getting the band there, who do you call. My friend is freaked out about me going cause she said if I got an infection and went to my dr they would turn me away because this is something I did out of the states? Is that true? I am afraid that since I dont heal very well, what would I do if I got infected, who would I call? What would happen?

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Guest sdejong

No, I can't believe that your doctor would ever turn you away for any serious problem. As for me, I talked to Dr. O through emails and everything was fine. I had some kid of reaction to the glue/stitches on one of my incisions, and it just went away like Dr. O said. He will help you if something happens.


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Wow, I think she's related to my Aunt Lois! Aunt Lois isn't much for doing her own homework, but she'll spout urban legends and old wives tales from breakfast till bedtime.

Hippocratic oath mean anything to your friend? If you were a European tourist with a pacemaker, would you be turned away? Sheesh.

An infection is treated like an infection, whether it comes from a cut on your foot or a bladder infection or a lap band port. If the port were to need replacement, however, that's another ball of wax.

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Wow, I think she's related to my Aunt Lois! Aunt Lois isn't much for doing her own homework, but she'll spout urban legends and old wives tales from breakfast till bedtime.

Hippocratic oath mean anything to your friend? If you were a European tourist with a pacemaker, would you be turned away? Sheesh.

An infection is treated like an infection, whether it comes from a cut on your foot or a bladder infection or a lap band port. If the port were to need replacement, however, that's another ball of wax.

I know, she is freaking out, she does not want me to do it. I am scarred but not that bad. I hope the port would not need to be replaced but if I have to get back on the plane then I guess that is what is meant to happen. I know I do not heal well. But the incisions dont look that big. I told her I would ask so she would get off my back. I will let her know. Thanks

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What happens if you do get an infection after getting the band there, who do you call. My friend is freaked out about me going cause she said if I got an infection and went to my dr they would turn me away because this is something I did out of the states? Is that true? I am afraid that since I dont heal very well, what would I do if I got infected, who would I call? What would happen?

Oh mu gosh bless your heart you are a worrier my friend. No doctor in the US will turn you away if you have an infection and it's serious, no matter what/where you've had anything done. Emergency rooms cannot turn away anyone with anything serious or they are in big trouble. If the incision at all gets reddened I think the best thing to do is like thesuse said and put some type of OTC antibiotic ointment on it a few times a day and it will heel. Yes people can get an incisional infection but it is rare with this type of small incision and in the area it is in. Usually more often you get an infection of something like a cesarean section scar because of the fat roll over the incision that keeps the area "moist". I bet Dr. O's infection rate is minimal at best if he's even had anyone get anything serious. Ask him if you are concerned but I would not fret!!!

Well said Phoenix!!!

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  • 10 months later...

See I did a search on incisions and this thread did NOT come up. Who ever pulled it out- Thanks

i'm not all that worried, I do know what an infection looks like - I was just wondering if I was on track with others....... And I seem to be


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See I did a search on incisions and this thread did NOT come up. Who ever pulled it out- Thanks

i'm not all that worried, I do know what an infection looks like - I was just wondering if I was on track with others....... And I seem to be



Thank you for finding this. I'm a little worried about my incisions but they look fine. It's always good to know what to look for.


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Thank you for finding this. I'm a little worried about my incisions but they look fine. It's always good to know what to look for.


Yes Robs, Mine is sore and like I posted in the MAY thread I have some redness :(

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This was my original post.... My incision was fine, I had a reaction to the glue they used nothing major..... I'm almost 11 months out and 15lbs from goal.



I doubt very much that I am having a reaction, I just don't know if I should cover my port incision or not- it still is open

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