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Financing nightmare

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So I applied at one place and was denied. Seems my bankruptcy in 2002 is going to be an issue. So I applied somewhere else. They told me before I applied that it would not be a problem but now here we wait. I talked to Lori, they have an opening on the 22nd for both of us, but I can't committ with no money. This is horrible!! I found out at work that I get three days off in August for floating holiday that I can use. I found child care. I got hubby on board. I have a credit card I can use for airline tickets, if I can get seats, but no financing. They say I may know by tomorrow. I am going to pray. I can't see using my house as a resource to do this but geesh! Someone has got to give me some money. What is sad is three months ago I had $30,000 and remodeled the house. I should of thought of this then. What a mess. I am so afraid that I am going to be denied. We have a lot of debt but I have not missed a bill or been late since 2002. You would think they would consider that. Pray everyone that someone give me the money!!. I will let you know what I find out. I told Lori not to give up, I want that spot for hubby and I.

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Good luck getting that financing. I charged mine on a no interest for 18 months credit card.

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Have you tried a medical financing company? If all else fails, they tend to approve, only the drawback is the interest rate is higher than a bank.

Here in Canada, we have Medicard and I was approved in 5 minutes, but decided to go the bank instead.

Good Luck I hope you can get the financing you need!


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Try National City Bank. They have a special financing plan for Lap Bands. :) They approved me when I was gonna have it here in MS.

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Try National City Bank. They have a special financing plan for Lap Bands. :) They approved me when I was gonna have it here in MS.

I'm gonna pray about it, people are right, if it is meant to happen, it will.

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I'm so sorry but know how you feel. We refinanced the house for my money. I scheduled my surgery and even bought the plane ticket and then the finance company backed out!! I was so distressed. It took us 6 months but we finally got refinanced. I was so thankful and was ablle to get banded. I'll pray for you.

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I understand not wanting to put it on your house, but look at it this way, getting a home equity loan for it will ALSO help you get more back at tax time.

PLus, what good is owning a house if you aren't around to enjoy it. Which could happen if you are heavy because being overwight cause all kinds of diseases. Look at it that way. Thats how I justified taking a loan against my 401k plan. I figured, if I wanted to be around to enjoy my 401k, then I better get healthy so I AM around!

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Oh hun, I'm sorry this has been such a pain for you. I went through a surgery financial loan company, Citerra. They work with several different banks and although I was denied by one of them, 2 of them approved me. The interest rate is a little high, but not too bad. I only did partial financing and paid the rest in cash.

I hope things work out for you!

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So I applied at one place and was denied. Seems my bankruptcy in 2002 is going to be an issue. So I applied somewhere else. They told me before I applied that it would not be a problem but now here we wait. I talked to Lori, they have an opening on the 22nd for both of us, but I can't committ with no money. This is horrible!! I found out at work that I get three days off in August for floating holiday that I can use. I found child care. I got hubby on board. I have a credit card I can use for airline tickets, if I can get seats, but no financing. They say I may know by tomorrow. I am going to pray. I can't see using my house as a resource to do this but geesh! Someone has got to give me some money. What is sad is three months ago I had $30,000 and remodeled the house. I should of thought of this then. What a mess. I am so afraid that I am going to be denied. We have a lot of debt but I have not missed a bill or been late since 2002. You would think they would consider that. Pray everyone that someone give me the money!!. I will let you know what I find out. I told Lori not to give up, I want that spot for hubby and I.

Oh my god, you would not believe the finance nightmare I went through and didn't have an answer of being financed or not until the day I was flying out. It was frickin ridiculous. Anyone who is considering having the surgery, I would NOT got through Citerra Financial. They are the worst. Some guy named, crap I lost the email, but anyway I applied the day I decided to do the surgery and scheduled my appointment. I made $97,000 last year, my credit isn't the greatest, the bad things are from like 5 years ago when I got in my car accident, and only have a couple of new accounts and they are in good standing. I had to email him 5 times to get a response whether I was approved or denied the week before the surgery, applied a month before. I think because finally my last email I was a little harsh, he decided to say oh your denied!! So then I reapplied with my mom as a co-signer who makes around the same as me and has excellent credit, and he said if she co-signed there would be NO problem. The day before I left I had to email him twice to get an answer, and he denied us again. What the H~LL! This is the most unprofessional company I have ever come acrossed. Ended up going through Mymedicalloan.com, still had to have my mom co-sign. I financed only $5000 and paid the other $3000 in cash.

Sorry for the long story, but I understand your frustration. I didn't know if I was able to leave for the surgery until the day of because Citerra screwed me over. Try MymedicalLoan.com

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Oh my god, you would not believe the finance nightmare I went through and didn't have an answer of being financed or not until the day I was flying out. It was frickin ridiculous. Anyone who is considering having the surgery, I would NOT got through Citerra Financial. They are the worst. Some guy named, crap I lost the email, but anyway I applied the day I decided to do the surgery and scheduled my appointment. I made $97,000 last year, my credit isn't the greatest, the bad things are from like 5 years ago when I got in my car accident, and only have a couple of new accounts and they are in good standing. I had to email him 5 times to get a response whether I was approved or denied the week before the surgery, applied a month before. I think because finally my last email I was a little harsh, he decided to say oh your denied!! So then I reapplied with my mom as a co-signer who makes around the same as me and has excellent credit, and he said if she co-signed there would be NO problem. The day before I left I had to email him twice to get an answer, and he denied us again. What the H~LL! This is the most unprofessional company I have ever come acrossed. Ended up going through Mymedicalloan.com, still had to have my mom co-sign. I financed only $5000 and paid the other $3000 in cash.

Sorry for the long story, but I understand your frustration. I didn't know if I was able to leave for the surgery until the day of because Citerra screwed me over. Try MymedicalLoan.com

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with Citerra. Personally, I had a great experience with them. I heard from them promptly, they always answered my questions promptly, and I would use them again if I had to. I guess every experience is different!

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I too was denied by citerra! They strung me along for days with no communication from them and me calling them daily to find out. I made alot of money last year but because my husband's ex-wife screwed up his credit SIX years ago they denied me. Even after I applied without him apparently his credit affects my score. What a SCAM!!!

Anyway I just had to chime in about Citerra. I think I posted previously after this nightmare I refinanced my house and it took about SIX months for this to actually happen!!

So glad that nightmare is over and I did get banded. I know it was meant to be after all the hassle for financing!

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So I have been denied now twice. Now the e-financial solutions wants info on my house, looks like they want to secure the loan. That is so freaking scarry. I only have about $30,000 equity in house. What a mess. What is worse, I got home last night and my ankles were swollen. I am retaining water or something. Last week they told me I may have diverdaticulitis (sp?) but they are not sure, they put me on augmenton and told me that it will take two weeks to clear up. Now the swelling. I know that my cycle is going to start soon but I have not seen this before. When I called the dr and told him I was concerned, he said drink more water, remember you have gained some weight, this maybe normal and will go away. OH MY GOD. I got fat and now I am falling apart. This can not be happening to me. I am freaking out. I want to get this done!!! I dont want to freaking die. I weighed myself I am 242 pounds and I am 5'5. This is horrible. I might as well tell them my house information, wont do me any good if I am dead.

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So I have been denied now twice. Now the e-financial solutions wants info on my house, looks like they want to secure the loan. That is so freaking scarry. I only have about $30,000 equity in house. What a mess. What is worse, I got home last night and my ankles were swollen. I am retaining water or something. Last week they told me I may have diverdaticulitis (sp?) but they are not sure, they put me on augmenton and told me that it will take two weeks to clear up. Now the swelling. I know that my cycle is going to start soon but I have not seen this before. When I called the dr and told him I was concerned, he said drink more water, remember you have gained some weight, this maybe normal and will go away. OH MY GOD. I got fat and now I am falling apart. This can not be happening to me. I am freaking out. I want to get this done!!! I dont want to freaking die. I weighed myself I am 242 pounds and I am 5'5. This is horrible. I might as well tell them my house information, wont do me any good if I am dead.

Stormy please call me so we can talk. I'll PM you also. I hear your desperation and wish I could help by just listening. Hang in there Honey you ARE worth this. Don't panic about the ankle swelling. I know that's easy for me to say but try and relax a little. This will work out for you. Let's talk soon!!

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I applied at line at MymedicalLoan.com after I got a call that they are no longer doing home equity type loans at e-financial solutions. I guess the economy is too bad right now. Then why did they ask for my home info? (furious) So on the my medical it asked for an explanation of my credit history, so that was nice, I hope they read it. After this, I am going to wait awhile, you can't run your credit too much. I talked to the dr, I guess I dont have anything wrong with me, they thought I had diverdatictulitus (sp) guess I dont have that, they have no idea why my side hurts, CT was clear. They told me to quit the antibotics and my ankles should quit swelling. But lose the weight. Dah! Ok well keep praying for me. Something good has to happen for a change.

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I to borrowed it from out 401k, You do not pay taxes on it because it is a borrow. Also you do pay interest but the interest you pay goes back to you. I do not know if you have this option. Chin up and keep positive. Something will happen.

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I had trouble with financing too and finally got the loan through HFC [Household Finance Co.] I got turned down by the surgery financing co. and about 5 others. I know your frustration!! You're in my thoughts and prayers, Darlene

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:o have you tried care credit, and citi bank also has a online app you can do..i got my financing through care credit.
So I applied at one place and was denied. Seems my bankruptcy in 2002 is going to be an issue. So I applied somewhere else. They told me before I applied that it would not be a problem but now here we wait. I talked to Lori, they have an opening on the 22nd for both of us, but I can't committ with no money. This is horrible!! I found out at work that I get three days off in August for floating holiday that I can use. I found child care. I got hubby on board. I have a credit card I can use for airline tickets, if I can get seats, but no financing. They say I may know by tomorrow. I am going to pray. I can't see using my house as a resource to do this but geesh! Someone has got to give me some money. What is sad is three months ago I had $30,000 and remodeled the house. I should of thought of this then. What a mess. I am so afraid that I am going to be denied. We have a lot of debt but I have not missed a bill or been late since 2002. You would think they would consider that. Pray everyone that someone give me the money!!. I will let you know what I find out. I told Lori not to give up, I want that spot for hubby and I.
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Try surgeryloans.com. There is a link on the OCC website. I was denied by Certeria, but approved by them. I also have a bankruptcy.

If I get denied again, I will check them out. My concern is the whole bank situations right now. I heard on the news it is bad. The feds are bailing some banks out and then the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac iss, this may make it so no one can get a loan. I know the money will come to me, it is a question of timing. They should call me today with a decision. I am praying.

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If I get denied again, I will check them out. My concern is the whole bank situations right now. I heard on the news it is bad. The feds are bailing some banks out and then the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac iss, this may make it so no one can get a loan. I know the money will come to me, it is a question of timing. They should call me today with a decision. I am praying.

Please let us know how it goes stormy, I hope the news is good!! :yes:

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