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Alright, I wasn't really ready to do this yet, but what the heck......

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So, the first picture is from February. My highest weight. The next is from today and the last I weighed myself I was at 32 pounds down. I have decided to stay away from the scale so I can't be sure if it changed. I just get too upset when I read the scale, so I am not getting on it until my next fill on 8/13. I had hoped I would have lost weight more quickly but have had to face the reality that it is going to be ultra slow for me and I just have to get used to that. I know I am doing everything right, but my body just doesn't want to give up the fat. My goal was to be thin by my 50th birthday and I still have 1 year and 3 months so I hope I can get it off by then. Anyway, this is extremely hard for me because I wanted it to be much more before I posted, but what the heck, here goes..........................


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I can totally see a huge difference, so I'm not sure what you are upset about....you are looking great! Like Cathy said, where has your butt gone?? Also, in the side view, you look so much smaller, even your arms! Keep it up, and thanks for posting the pics!



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Well HI! Nice to SEE you!

Impossible to see yourself through other's eyes. You're looking at an image and a comparison in your head based on your own goals.

I see a person who is shrinking all over. Face, shoulders, chest, hips, stomach, forearms, arms, legs, butt...except your hair. That looks better than the first picture. Your posture is better, too. Have you noticed?

I also see some bravery, phenomenal loyalty and great humor in that face.

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You are doing great! Your face has slimmed down, your butt has lost a lot and your tummy is starting to go down. It has only been since Feb. My goal is to be thin by the time I am 50 too....I only have until January! I vowed that I didn't want to be the 3 F's, female, fat and fifty......the only thing that I can change is the fat part! Keep plugging away and it will come off. I wish that I was brave enough to do before pictures. I still don't like to be in the camera...it adds too many pounds and I think "do I really look that fat?" Hopefully that will change in time.

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The blouse that you are wearing is way too big!! that should be the first indication of the progress you have made so far!!!

Be proud!!! :lb13: :lb16: :cheerleader: You are doing awesome!!

Don't worry, you are not alone, I am on the "slow loser" team with you!!!

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Holy Moly Ramona, you can totally see a difference (I was gonna say "a big difference", but I don't like the word big!).

You look great and it shows everywhere, arms, legs, butt, stomach, etc., etc.

Time to get rid of that shirt - it's way to big; but then again, when you get down to your goal weight (which you will!!!) you'll have to take another picture with it on, you'll be lost in it - that would be great!!!

Good work girl - keep it up we're all cheering you on!!

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Thanks everyone. I definitely needed to those shots side by side to see a difference. And I can. It just that it has been almost 6 months and only 30 pounds. Wish it were more, but I have accepted that it will be slow. I am not one of those who will be the 8-10 pounds a month I suppose.

I am keeping the same clothes so I can compare each time I take a picture. I never did like the shirt because the material is too thin and shows all the bumps and buldges. I prefer button down blouse type shirts. They hide it better.

Kind of disappointed in my mom though. She said she hadn't seen any difference in me.

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Hi Mona-Camille,

How often do you see your Mom? Often? For those who see you daily or quite often the change is less drastic than if you only see them every couple of months.

I know you love your Mom and you appreciate what she says, but sometimes you have to listen to yourself and to those who are going through the same trials and tribulations as you are.

We all definitely see a difference...show your Mom the pictures and I bet she will too.

Keep up the great work!

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I think you are looking WONDERFUL! I can definitly see a huge difference, and you should be proud of yourself. Your butt is absolutely disappearing.. Next time you take a picture, use a clothespin to pull the slack back so we can see the whole difference.

It is hard to see yourself, and hard for the people who see you everyday, but people who haven't seen your for a while will be stunned at your progress. You go, girl!

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OMG you look so different. Listen to all your friends here on the forum not your mom....this time. I can see a nice difference in you face and chin and really all over. I may be on the slow boat with you but let's both try and remember the tortoise finished the race!!!

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Ah, if you and your sister are any indication, your mom is in the same gene pool ;-)

You can come here looking for support and objective truth, mom seems to be holding back. Don't try to squeeze blood from a turnip, even if you love turnips.

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Ah, if you and your sister are any indication, your mom is in the same gene pool ;-)

You can come here looking for support and objective truth, mom seems to be holding back. Don't try to squeeze blood from a turnip, even if you love turnips.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that quote... I am going to put that on the wall over my desk... That quote is perfect in so many situations....

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><' MONA! ><'

You look GREAT! Your face is sooo much smaller.. goodness! progress is slow but my god it really shows! It's hard for people who see you often or who don't "agree" with your choice to say they don't see a change but believe us.. we wouldn't lie to you.



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My husband says he sees a noticable difference. He is very straight forward. So there is a difference. :)

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