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4 Months post op Gastric Sleeve

Cutting to the chase.........Down 64 lbs!!! I have never thrown up, not once since surgery. I am a slow eater and I know when that "one bite" is going to be the one that sends me into burbing, belching and being miserable for the next half hour. So I avoid that feeling at all costs. The hardest thing for me is actually eating all meals and snacks every day. I tootle along with my day and then my stomach starts feeling yucky and it dawns on me I need to eat. One may say this is a good thin




Am I the only one seemingly to be suckered into waiting and waiting for the release of this new product? Many weeks ago I thought we were down to days and logged on again to purchase to find we were days out again. On Thursday, I took a picture of the "days until release" it stated 2 days 19 hrs 18 min and 52 seconds. Now it is Sunday(at least a full 2 days later) and guess what? We are now another 1 day so many hrs etc etc until release. What is up with this does anyone know? I really li



3 Weeks Post OP

Hello New World Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since I had my weight loss surgery and start on a new life. Had a bit of a rough patch for a few days after my last post which was about 5 or 6 days post op. I got weak, shaky and felt near passing out a few times but working with my nutritionist and Dr. So we got on top of that problem and within a few days felt better. I needed more protein!! Let's cut to the chase......what you really want to know is how much weight have I lost. I won't hold



Back Home

Hello everyone. I have returned. I am 4th day postop. I had plication surgery on Tuesday and returned home on Thanksgiving Day. Let me tell you about my experience. Overall it was great. My husband and I flew in the day before surgery. I was picked up at the airport and was taken to the Center. It was quite a long day for me as I was unable to sleep the night before and we had to get up at 3 am in order to make our flight. At the center I had to wait my turn to see the nutritionist, card



PREOP weight loss met

It was a bit difficult and had a brief standstill but I reached my preop requested weight loss goal. I have three days before surgery so hopefully I can lose a few more. I am getting anxious/excited. Will update everyone on my return.



Hump day is Thursday this Week

I wasn't going to post this but then again honesty is the best policy and I know that I am like a sponge when it comes to little tidbits of information and experiences of others out there going through the same thing. So here it goes. So far I really haven't had much problem doing my prediet to the PreOP diet until today. I started the PreOp Diet on Monday which is three shakes a day. Although it is Thursday as far as I am concerned the "HUMP" is today. I woke up starving. It has been that



Two weeks to go

Good morning everyone. Two weeks from today and I will be having my life changing surgery. I have lost 13 lbs since I started this journey and would like to lose another 5 before surgery. I have come to the realization that not only is this predieting requirement for safety but also to help you regulate yourself after the surgery. At first I thought the prospect of shakes and a lean cusine meal daunting and that I could not do it but have found that it was a bit easier than I thought. I hav



The prediet to the PREOP Diet

For those of you that have a BMI of 50 or above I am sure you have been asked to diet somewhat BEFORE the preop diet which consists of two shakes a day and a lean cuisine meal (which by the way are not bad at all). Two weeks out I will do the 3 shakes a day diet which truthfully I am not looking forward to as I just have to have something to chew on so maybe I can leave a few ice cubes whole. lol First of all if you read my earlier first blog you know I have bad knees and get very little to n



The First Day of the Rest of My Life

I am no different than the thousands of other overweight people in the world. All my life I have battled obesity. I remember being a young teen and my Mom taking me to an osteopathic physician who provided me weekly shots and pills that was essentially ineffective. I was at a managable weight until I got pregnant with my first child and gained 60 lbs and really didn't lose it and then three years later got pregnant again. When I turned 40 I decided I was tired of being overweight. So I st



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