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About LoriBecky

  • Birthday August 6

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    Sunny California

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  1. Don't miss out on OCC Webinars - featuring Dr. Ariel Ortiz and special guests that will help you #stayhealthy as you #stayhome. Hear from the experts on how to stay active, eat right, boost your immune system, get updated on the newest information on bariatric (weight loss) surgery, healthy habits, how to eat to stay well, and not just survive, but learn how to THRIVE! OCC Webinars start at 1pm PST You can register here to get all the updates and links to our new OCC Webinars https://zoom.us/webinar/register/1815857683875/WN_EHadwxekSleEAWeOwHG5vQ Topic #StayHome & #StayHealthy: New Health Webinar Series Description Complimentary educational series on nutrition, exercise, immune boosters, & mental health. FACE MASKS - FLATTENING THE CURVE: Saturday April 4th at 1pm with Dr Ariel Ortiz MENTAL HEALTH: Tuesday April 7th with Dr Robert Cywes EXERCISE: Wednesday April 8th with Dr Ben Bocchicchio OPEN Q&A: Friday April 10th with Dr Ariel Ortiz MENTAL HEALTH: Is weight loss surgery the answer or just the beginning? With world-renowned bariatric surgeon Dr. Robert Cywes who focuses heavily on the emotional attachment to food. EXERCISE: From flab to fit to healthy, 15 minutes 2x a week stay-at-home exercise program. Learn how to stay on track with your fitness goals without access to gyms or personal trainers with Dr. Ben Bocchicchio, renowned physical fitness master and best-selling author of 15 Minutes to Fitness: Dr. Ben’s SMaRT Plan for Diet and Total Health. OPEN Q&A: Tune in to ask Dr. Ortiz any and all of your questions! He will be available for up to 1 hour to answer as many questions as possible
  2. Great Live today from International Bariatric Club - featuring the world experts in bariatric surgery (including our own Dr. Ariel Ortiz!) You can watch it again here - at in the last 10 minute so of the video - they discuss how weight loss surgery could be the only way to help those at higher risk due to metabolic disease that bariatric surgery can help resolve so that your risk of COVID-19 is reduced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiKd5sw0qfI LIVEStream in FB: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalBariatricClub/ and stay tuned to the OCC Facebook page for daily live videos - if you like our page and then turn on notifications for live video's you'll get notified when we are going live. Our OCC Chief Nutritionist, Lucia Chavez, will be live everyday at 11:30, so make sure you like her page and get noficiations as well https://www.facebook.com/OCCMedicalCenter/ we have a lot of great videos on our page as well: https://www.facebook.com/pg/OCCMedicalCenter/videos or check out the OCC Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC75WVfuNy6nNUPdt0IPBjKQ If you have any questions our team of Patient Coordinators are always happy to assist. Please call 1-866-376-7849 or email coordinators@obesitycontrolcetner.com
  3. Hi OCC Family - Dr. Ortiz needs your help! Online reviews are becoming increasingly important, and we would greatly appreciate if you could share your experience on yelp here https://www.yelp.com/biz/obesity-control-center-tijuana. Some tricks to help ensure your review 'sticks' are to review a few other businesses as well, make sure you have a profile picture, and add a few friends on yelp. If you really want a gold star, don't click on the yelp link, instead go to yelp.com, search for us, and leave a review from there. Thank you so much in advance for your time!
  4. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/obesity-control-center-achieves-global-healthcare-accreditation-300948526.html Press Release - OCC gains yet another Certification - details at link above!
  5. Dear Patient, We know there has been a lot of information on the news about the border crossing between Mexico and California. While there have been several reports about closed borders we have only seen one incident when the San Ysidro border crossing was closed temporarily. Since we rarely use the San Ysidro border to cross back in to the US, this hasn't been an issue for any of our patients. We always allow ample time to prepare for any delays at the border. We would rather get you back to the airport early for your return flight then risk you missing a flight. There have not been any delays coming into Mexico, only a little longer wait time at the border. Since almost all of our patients are taken through the Otay Mesa border crossing through the Pedestrian Ready Lane, the waits have actually been extremely short! Please know that our team is constantly checking on the border situation through the official website for the border wait times, as well as several social media sites that allow for real time views of the borders. If we see that wait times are longer then usual, we would take you across even earlier. Its why we tell you not to plan your return flight until 3pm or later on the date of discharge. This allows us plenty of time to get you back to the airport in time for your flight! If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Patient Coordinator or call our Concierge at 1-866-376-7849 ext. 80 or concierge@obesitycontrolcenter.com
  6. Hi Newleaf, we don't generally give 3 weeks off after surgery since most can return to work about a week after surgery. But if you have a job that requires lifting or strenuous activiies and your job can't be modified, then our doctors can evaluate for more time off. We fill out FMLA paperwork all the time. Once you've booked your surgery and paid your $500 deposit to hold your date, then you can send us your FMLA paperwork! For more information email coordinators@obesitycontrolcenter.com
  7. If you were to meet me, not having known me in my past... you would probably never guess that I used to be a fat girl. People are always surprised when I tell them, or when they see a picture of me pre 2006. People who have known me a long time do forget how much space I used to take up in a room! I showed my mom my "before" picture from the OCC Facebook page... and she said "that's not you!" she couldn't believe it because her mind has made that switch... this is Lori... this is the space she fills in a room... this is what she looks like. And I think that's true for most people in my life. Why is it so hard for me? So... that leaves the question of "why do i still see myself as fat". I know what size clothes I wear. I see what the scale says. So why can't I just accept it and realize this is my new normal.... I'm not sure if it is because I was in denial for so long about what my weight was doing to me and my health. Is it because I was in denial that I really was that big... so maybe I'm in denial about my size now? Or is it because I still don't feel "good enough" whatever that means. Or is it because I'm afraid that I will fail at this so I don't want to get too comfortable in my weight/size now? I think it takes longer for our brain to wrap our heads around this concept. To truly accept ourselves - whatever that means. That the goal is HEALTH... and whatever else comes from that... a smaller size, more energy, more mobility... THAT is the prize... that is the change we need to wrap our heads around and fill our brain with. I'm not thin Lori, I'm not fat Lori... I am Lori... and I am good enough... so take that "Fat brain"... as always... if you have questions or are interested in weight loss surgery please call 1-866-376-7849 ext. 1 to speak with any of our spectacular Patient Coordinators or email coordinators@obesitycontrolcenter.com you can always get in touch with me at lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com
  8. Its been a long time since I posted. We are so active over on Facebook these days where interaction occurs immediately, that blogs just aren't what they used to be... But I intend to start posting here more, because the information is easy to find and more permanent, so I want to start updating here more. I get a lot of private messages from people asking how i've done with my sleeve, how i've REALLY done long term... i think so many things have failed for us over the years, that we are afraid to believe that this could really work and be long lasting. I had an appointment yesterday with my doctor, and I was cold so I had on jeans, tank, shirt, sweater, scarf, and heavy socks and boots... so i was seriously winter dressed(don't we all usually wear "lightweight clothes" when we know we are going to get weighed lol)... weight on scale fully clothed was 147.1. I'm 5'7, the jeans I was wearing were a 6 (i go between 4 & 6 and an occasional 8 depending on brand and how i want it to fit. I had my sleeve surgery 4/12/2012 so i'm almost 6 years out (my original band surgery was 6/2006 you'll find more info on that in my blog) . I did go under 140 for a short time (naked weight) after my surgery, but it was too skinny for me (and way too skinny for my hubby!) - i'm really happy mid-140's and haven't had trouble maintaining this. So it really DOES work... you have to work it too... but when I say I love my sleeve, I really do love my sleeve! If you want more information please visit our website www.obesitycontrolcenter.com or our Facebook page (check out the video section!) https://www.facebook.com/OCCMedicalCenter/ or call our toll free # 1-866-376-7849 ext. 1 to speak with one of our Patient Coordinators.
  9. Mexico has required FMM forms for traveling to Mexico by air for a long time, technically it was required for land travel into Mexico but was not being enforced. Lately the Mexican government has been enforcing this rule. When traveling to OCC for any reason, please make sure you have your Passport or Passport Card, plus have a stamped copy of the FMM form with you - you'll need to stop at customs coming into Mexico to have this stamped even if you are driving yourself, or walking across the border. The OCC Driver always stops at Customs and patients go through customs, but make sure you ask the Customs Officer to stamp your FMM form. Often they will try to waive you through, but ask them to please stamp your FMM form. You will not be admitted into the hospital without it (the law states we have to check for it now!). If an official asks to see your stamped FMM form you must produce it. You can pre-fill out this FMM form online and print it as long as your passport is valid for more then 6 months after your planned travel dates, and as long as you are traveling within 30 days of completing the form. If your passport expires within 6 months you can't fill it out online and will have to complete it at the Customs Office. This is a requirement for anyone traveling with you as well. If you have any questions about the required documentation please call our concierge at 1-866-376-7849 ext. 80. Here is the link to the FMM Form online - use the option for Land Travel: https://www.inm.gob.mx/fmme/publico/en/solicitud.html#
  10. We have a 5 year follow up program that includes phone calls from our team, follow up emails. A 24/7 doctor line that you can call or have your physician call with any questions. Most primary care physicians in the US are happy to do the follow up care you'll need which is really just annual physicals and blood work ups. If any of your follow up's with us suggest you need some testing done, we will let you know what that is and you can ask your US doctor to order it or return to us. I have been sleeved for over 4 years now and have never had any testing done that my insurance didn't cover.
  11. Our stomach has the ability to stretch out as a result of food intake. Folds of tissue within the stomach expand and contract in response to food input. After a sleeve or plication weight loss surgery, stretching of the new pouch occurs naturally. This process happens until the pouch matures to its natural size. However, some patients may have overstretched out their pouch with or without observable symptoms. Band and bypass patients may have stretched out their pouch with and without observable symptoms because of two possible causes: either the band is too tight, or there is an underlying medical cause that needs to be evaluated. If you have reflux, regurgitation, or feel like you can tolerate larger meals or, on the contrary, can’t tolerate any solid foods at all, you will need to test the functionality of your pouch by doing the Pouch Reset. You may use the Pouch Reset to evaluate if a medical assessment is necessary and/or consider revision surgery. The Pouch Reset lasts only 7 days. Its objective is to prevent further stretching the pouch at each meal. It includes the supplements necessary and an e-book with diet details. https://www.vitaleph.com/products/pouch-reset.html Lucia Chavez, LNCA Chief Nutritionist nutritionist@obesitycontrolcenter.com 1-866-376-7849 ext. 86
  12. So many great OCC Stories....We Invite you to share your OCC story others!!!! THE OCC BEFORE AND AFTER CONTEST! Share your Story and Win! https://obesitycontrolcenter.com/before-and-after-contest/ The OCC Testimonial & Spokesperson of the Year Award... Is the way we thank to you for sharing your life changing experience with others.
  13. Yes my lovies, I finally did it. I had that arm lift I have been waiting for... I've always had large arms, I am of mostly Norwegian, German, and Irish descent... and we are known for thicker arms, and I for sure got that from my Norwegian Grandma. It had come to the point that when i was working out (or waving to someone) that my upper arms kept up the motion long after I had stopped... It was also causing some pain and friction during my workouts. I was going in to have a fix to a breast lift from years ago and since I had to have surgery anyway - I decided to just go for it and have my arms done at the same time... if i was going to be recuperating, might as well get it done... so I did. Even immediately after surgery - OMGOSH - are those my arms? I took a picture the night before I left for Mexico and then one a few days after surgery. You can already see the remarkable change. I had an extended arm lift so it goes from my elbow up my arm, through the arm pit and then down my side, to take care of that bra bulge as well. I'm being very careful to follow all of Dr. Medina's advice so that I let the arms heal well, so that as my scar fades, it will be a nice, tight, clean, faded out scar. I won't say this recovery is a breeze... I mean - you use your arms for everything and I'm having to be very careful about how far I extend them for a few weeks. Thankfully most of my work is computer so i can use my laptop, and i wear a headset with my phone, so i'm not having to hold anything. Probably having the surgery 2 weeks before Christmas is the hardest part, but it made me get organized, get things done early, and will give me that excuse of... sorry, no i can't do those dishes or make those mashed potatoes because i can't use my arms for that yet! (insert evil grin here) but it also made me cut back on Christmas - not the joy or the experience, but the endless shopping, parties, baking, candy making, and over the top decorating, and allowed me time to sit back, and enjoy it, watch a few more Christmas movies. Have a little more snuggle time with my kids. And just enjoy the Reason for the Season, and the Celebration of my Redeemer's birth. I can't recommend Dr. Medina from www.thearielcenter.com more highly. I have seen several pictures of his other cosmetic patients, including arm lifts, and he does amazing work, and he specializes in post bariatric cosmetic surgery, which is so important! Those of you that had recent arm lifts with him will forgive me for my endless questions, but you look fabulous and i'm a need to know kind of girl. He also fixed a problem with my previous breast lift, but I'm way too shy to post those pictures, but my girls look good! So here is a before and right after pic... i'll post updates as the healing continues! If you are considering cosmetic surgery visit www.thearielcenter.com or email cosmetic@thearielcenter.com and our coordinator, Ora, will be happy to assist you! Usually all its takes for a consultation and quote is some pictures and description of the areas you are interested in improving! 1/12/2016 update - new "after" picture - and LOOK you can see my muscles... that has never happened before! You can see the picture on The Ariel Center Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thearielcenter/ or my review on RealSelf https://www.realself.com/review/tijuana-mx-arm-lift-bare-arms-finally-batwings-fixed#dr-review
  14. I thought I would share this post about hair lost after surgery from the OCC Nutritional Team. Many patients experience early postoperative hair loss, which is mainly due to telogen effluvium, an alteration in the normal hair cycle, a dormant or resting stage, that results from emotional or physical stress (i.e. surgery). This event is unrelated to protein malnutrition or vitamin and mineral deficiencies which is a common misconception. Hair loss experienced 3-5 months after surgery, ​ ​is more often due to the stress of the surgery and the extreme weight loss; in these cases, hair will grow back. However, there are nutritional deficiencies that can contribute to hair loss as well. A diet low in protein and/or calories can also cause hair loss. Nutritional deficiencies such as protein, iron and zinc deficiencies can increase your risk. If hair loss occurs after six months post-surgery, nutritional causes are probably involved in hair loss. The nutrients that are related to hair loss are protein, iron, zinc, biotin, essential fatty acids and vitamin b12. To prevent the nutritional cause continue following our dietary recommendations post-op: in addition to the bariatric multivitamins you should also include probiotics (in addition to gut health they produce additional biotin) liquid B12 which is better absorbed than in capsules, calcium+D3 and of course your protein. Don't forget to take separately the bariatric vitamins from the calcium as iron and calcium compete for the absorption at the gut. Working on your protein goals and taking your bariatric supplements will help prevent the nutritional cause. Attached you'll find a protein equivalents table to help you count your daily protein; let's aim for 70-80 grams of protein per day. As always, for OCC patients, if you have any questions about nutrition please email nutritionist@obesitycontrolcenter.com or you can email me, lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com
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