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Roro's Blog

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Hommus my new best friend !

Day 6 - Feeling better and better each day that passes... Still on liquids (2 optifast shakes) + 10gs of Hommus (my new best friend) + a litre of water + 1 frozen ice block per day but dietian has advised that tomorrow i am able to progress to runny mush... so im extremly excited and nervous :whistle3: Still not feeling hungry and having to remind myself to eat (drink) although cant say i haven't had any cravings... and couldnt tell you what i would do to someone to get half a cheese sandwi



Feeling Better...

Day 3 - I have to say im feeling so much better than i felt yesterday... NO Nausea NO pain and very little gas . Although i do have to say i spent most of last night reading about MUSHIE FOOD stage.. and it may sound extremely strange but i cant wait to eat any type of real food even if it has to be blended... my teeth actually hurt yesterday from not chewing anything for the last 10 days so in 10 more days im really wondering what will happen! Today was a pretty normal day on a liquid die



Day 2 - post op

This my very first blog ever... so it may not be the most perfect, but i feel it important for myself to remember my highs and lows during this experience and aswell share it with anyone who wants to read it My name is Rhonda and i live in Sydney Australia and im 35, i have a great supportive husband and 3 beautiful children aged 11, 8 and 6. They are truely my inspiration to a long healthy life. I have been over weight since my first daughter was born almost 12 years ago...and with each other



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