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week one Post op



Checking in for my week one post op and I have to say I feel AWESOME..

My energy is BACK. No Pain, Lost 8 pounds.

I just couldnt do the liquids any more so I have been eating mushies and fruits, CHEW CHEW CHEW.

The wounds are healing very well, I do have a bit of a bump where the port incision is. So I am wondering what you all have experienced when it comes to swelling and how long it takes to be not noticable.

let me know, Thank you, Leah


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Leah - I had surgery on the 24th of April. My incisions are still the purplely red color, especially if I have been swimming in cold water. My swelling is gone. I did have something odd happen last week. I push up against one of my incisions and it made a pop like bubble wrap would. So, me being me, I pushed on all 4 of them. Each one of them popped. Has not done it since either. I wonder if it was a air pocket, or scar tissue, maybe even water? Not so sure on the latter, water....hmmm.

I am going for my first fill on Monday and boy am I ready. Not so ready to do 3 days of liquids again, but hey, whatever I have to do, I will do! Here is to our weight loss journey!

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wow, that popping sound is odd! I hope it doesnt hurt.

After my one week report my insision's scab rubbed off in the shower and the bump came streaming out! YUCK, BUT the skin on all but one insision has completly healed over and the only bump it the line of scar tissue under each line. and of course I can feel the port under the one. My week 2 isnt quite here yet that is tuesday so I dont know how much i will have lost by then.

I did get a sneak peek and so far I have lost 4lbs this week which is a total of 12 lbs since my lapband's b-day.

I will check in again after the 2 week mark. I am also keeping a video log on you tube abd myspace.

FYI - (yes, I am showing the healing of the insisions) LOL :)

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