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Dare to Dream

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Round 3 PT a Bust!

Day one went great. Day two we went to town. I was good all morning. Soy milk carrot juice and isopure. MMMMM until I ran out!!! by 3 I was starving. so I took my kids out to Mongolian BBQ which is one of those places where we can load up a bowl with meat veggies noodles and sauces and they cook it on a round grill right in front of us. So I figured if I was going to break the PT I was going to do it with just meat and veggies (no noodles) which really are my favorite. So I ate lapband style. B



starting recovery

I already can feel the difference after the PT has started. This morning I drank 16 oz right down before feeling full. by 3pm this afternoon I had the same satisfied feeling after an 8oz cup. So I know I had stretched it out grazing all weekend. I am glad I am doing the 5 day pt to get back on the ball. here is the total nutrition facts at the end of today. I drank ALOT of soymilk (yes with a little creamer) Isopure, and a small dinner splurge(3 bites of tune Noodle cassaroll) that really threw



4th of July Holiday- Recovery Needed

UGGHHH! I feel so sluggish. We went to a family BBQ with some friends of ours stayed up late, watched fireworks and ATE ATE ATE! I feel So tired, sluggesh, just plum bushed! My husband made me promise no counting or measuring, just have fun! OK, I am relying on my lapband now! yuck, I slimed for the first time in weeks if not longer. I only have 1.5 cc fill and next to no restriction. I ate more than I thought I was capable of! Just thru the day of visiting and snacking when dinner came everyo



Metabolism boost #1- MORE FOOD

My 2 cents is in blue so no one get confused. So why do we hit those nasty plateau's??? That's one reason it's almost always easiest to lose weight at the start of a diet, and harder later on, Kimball says: "When you are very overweight your metabolism is already running so high that any small cut in calories will result in an immediate loss." Then, when you lose significant amounts of body fat and muscle, your body needs fewer calories to sustain itself, she says. That helps explain why it's



#1 Metabolism boost

today I am going to take Step one in boosting my metabolism. INCREASE my calories! Yep I said it INCREASE! My personal goal is to EAT 1000 calories a day. YEA now the types of calories... protien as much as possible. I have been keeping track of my intake and out go on Livestron and I really like it. here is the link. http://www.livestrong.com/thedailyplate/us...when=2009-06-30 I am a visual person and I really like the chart on the right hand side telling me how the calories break down. Thi



Lapband Intake VS Metabolism

Ok everyone, Lapband takes care of the intake of calories just why does our bodies greedily hold on to every calorie that enters our mouths???? METABOLISM!!!!!! I am on a bit of a rant here but I for one am sick of this sluggish metabolism that is insistant to "Survive" thru this "STARVATION period" it seems to think it is in. I am going to make it my personal goal to find a way to get in enought of the right kind of calories and the right activities to beat this Ol' body at its own game! Fi



week 5, first fill, flipped port fixed

5 weeks post op and I had to have a second surgery because the port had turned to the point where it was impossible to get to to fill. So far I have paid $100 in transportation for 3 trips to the Surgeon, $415 surgeon fees and I finally have my first fill of 1.5 cc. I didnt realize the lapband was going to be so expensive to maintain but thru it all I still feel it is totally worth it! Since the fill I have had some weird nautious spells. After I drink water, soup or whatever it goes down fine



still cant get filled

First fill was again a bust!!!!! port is turned pointing to my left shoulder. I had hoped he could hit the spot but it just wasnt working. SO I HAVE TO HAVE THE PORT RE POSITIONED!!! UGGGG So now I dont know which way to go. My options are to do it here in the states, I have no Idea how much that will cost.... Or back to my surgeon. He said he will fix it and fill it for free I just have to get there. So I am looking at getting the passport- $45, Plane ticket thru Orbitz.com- $355 , and I a



Throwing out the scale!

I have been thinking abou just throwing OUT the Scale! it is like I let it determine if I am happy or not! CRAZY!!!! It is soo important to get a bigger picture than the number on the scale. Inches, Loose clothes, energy, knowing if today thier is no weight loss that is ok! keeping a positive attitude is totally important and we cant let the numbers depress us. I have noticed it is like I am addicted to stepping on the scale... every morning I just cant walk past it...... UGGGGGG I am tota



5 Day pouch test starts monday

OK, I have been sooo hungery, like an constant munchies. When I eat it loast for such a short amount of time , VERY frusterating! I can wait for my first fill. I will be going to RIchland Wa to see Dr. Adrian Heap to get a fill on the 18th. I know it will take time to hit the "SWEET SPOT" but I really lookforward to it! My hope it to eat every 4 hour like a normal person. Just lapband type/size meals! Tuesday is my 4th week the dreaded 1 month bandaversery and I was soooo hoping to have lost 30



Weightloss Challenge! All may enter

What a great way to NETWORK! FREE ENTRY for all who attend this ~Texas Awards Event~ JUNE 23rd YOU CAN BE A STAR! In the "WLSC SPOTLIGHT CHALLENGE” Grand Prize- Free Get Away to the SPA & Glamor Recreations ~ FREE Seminar by Dr. Ramos Kelly MD~ *Expanding the Definition of Weight Loss Surgery* Q & A Strait from the Surgeon! 1st ~ 2nd ~ 3rd Awards ~ Door Prizes RSVP For your Free Admission Tickets! Pre Register for "WLSC SPOTLIGHT CHALLENGE” Email Your Testem




I went in on the 8th to get a fill and they COULDNT get it. After a X-ray I can see that instead of the port face pointing away from my spine it is pointing slightly towards my left shoulder. It is like it is sitting on my bellf "Shelf". but you know it makes since because since the port it stitched onto my muscle and my belly i pointed that way the port is that way too. I am just hoping it can still be filled and with the exrays we now can see how it sits and SHOULD be able to get it done. I



3 weeks = 14lbs

ok I seem to be counting down!!! week 1 8#s week 2 4#'s week 3 2 #'s yes this totals 14 pounds but I dont like the way this is heading! I went to get a fill yesterday and even though finding the port was no problem he couldnt seem to get any fill IN. so he is wondering if it is on its side or flipped or what. So now I have to go get an exray to find out if it is tilted or what! so I can get filled. I can tell I have been eating more (an slice of pizza instead of a 1/2 like I was) and I



2 weeks- 12 pounds

After my one week report my insision's scab rubbed off in the shower and the bump came streaming out! YUCK, BUT the skin on all but one insision has completly healed over and the only bump it the line of scar tissue under each line. and of course I can feel the port under the one. My week 2 isnt quite here yet that is tuesday so I dont know how much i will have lost by then. I did get a sneak peek and so far I have lost 4lbs this week which is a total of 12 lbs since my lapband's b-day. I th



geting a fill ????

I found a Surgeon who will Adjust my lapband eventhou my surgery was done in Mexico. I have been wondering about going back to Tj for fills because my Surgeon Dr. Kelly is a wonderful DR. It is just hard to find someone to watch my 3 kids to go. And the person I found is only 1.5 hours away and I can take them with me. (I will just make a field trip out of the day) THe fill dr here charges 150 for the fill and 350 if he needs to use the flouro. $500 ouch! But what are my options?! I hope he wont



week one Post op

Checking in for my week one post op and I have to say I feel AWESOME.. My energy is BACK. No Pain, Lost 8 pounds. I just couldnt do the liquids any more so I have been eating mushies and fruits, CHEW CHEW CHEW. The wounds are healing very well, I do have a bit of a bump where the port incision is. So I am wondering what you all have experienced when it comes to swelling and how long it takes to be not noticable. let me know, Thank you, Leah



Now an Official Bandster

Surprize. My family decided (Lets GO Camping!) So I did not get down to the 235 I had hoped for but I did maintain 240 lbs so that is ok. I am back from Mexico now. My band was place 4-5 pm on the 19th. this puts me just about 4 days post op. I do know when I was in the hospital the night of the 19th and day of the 20th the pain was more of what I expected. I felt pretty good. Mostly like I had done 100 sit-ups there for my abdomen was totally sore. but it was bearable. I thought my left should



4 days to the lapband lifestyle

Surgery on 19th, flyig on 18th- My mom is flying from Newyork to be with my kids while I go. She will be here on the 16th at 7pm. All has been done. I have been drinking 2 meals and eating one with the family. since monday and have lost 6 pounds as of this morning (friday)which puts me at 239lbs. I will do the same today. Starting saturday I will go full liquids to flush the fats and prep for surgery even more. I hope to be at 235 lbs before surgery. Here to hoping and trying.



Family, Fears, Faith

Well this is 3rd day preop and I havent stuck to it at all. Today has been an emotional roller coaster. My inlaws are not going to support me in getting the lap band. They feel it is dangerous and expensive, and an excuse for not having the self disipline to follow thru with a Biblical way of eating. I know I have these issues that is why I need the lap band. To put me back in control of this mess! My mom is willint to fly to Oregon from NewYork to watch the kids. She has seen my battle wi



Pre-op day 2

Day 2 of Pre- OP I weighed in this morning @ 243 lbs which is 2 lbs lost forever. It is so nice to know with all of my heart that this is the last time I will have to loose these pounds. I have spent all of my adult life gaining and loosing weight it is a relief to think this battle is won now all I have to do is give it time to catch up with the health that is to become. Verse of the day- Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds. HEBREWS 10:24 Breakfast-



Day 1 of Pre- OP

PRE OP diet- one week before LAPBAND Surgery- IM so excited! Breakfast- Veggie Soup Broth Snack- 1/2 Peanut butter Sandwhich, 1/2 gram cracker Lunch- Veggie Soup - onions, garlic, carrots, celery, parsley- salt & Pepper boiled and blended- Snack- Peach & Banana Smoothy Dinner- Veggie Soup - onions, garlic, carrots, celery, parsley- salt & Pepper boiled and blended- I noticed food is starting to run right thru me. Has anyone else noticed this on the pre op? yep, feeling he



Dreaming and Doing

Well, I am just over a week off from flying to San Diego. This whole trip to Mexico will be an brand new adventure! I am SOOOOO excited! I was going to take the trip with my mom to get my Lapband from Dr. Kelly. She offered to come with me not to get her own lapband but as moral support. Well, as money seems to flow( or not flow) I just cant afford the extra ticket. Is there anyone out there woh happens to be going at the same time? I am not to worried, I know God has a plan. Maybe I will m



Daring to Dream of Health

A NEW LIFE! Life full of Health, Energy, Thankfulness and Joy! I look forward to being able to keep up with my kids! Come with me on my LAP BAND Journey. I have found the most amazing Doctor in the World! Dr. Ramos Kelly is absolutely FANOMINAL!! I have tried everything……. You all have heard it.. Low carb diet, high Protein diet, low calorie diet, juice diet, rice diet, and don’t forget the all time favorite cabbage soup diet. NONE of it helped. What about pills? WOW! Hydroxy cut, Lipozin



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