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Everything posted by Jann

  1. I wish we had all your great stores. I can't find ANY of that here north of the border. Jann
  2. Aw, thanks! You will absolutely exceed all expectations. I'm on record with my prediction. Jann
  3. You look so incredibly happy. I just LOVE your hair and the way it frames your MUCH thinner face. Glad you had such an awesome time! Jann
  4. I bolded in your post what I had for pre and post. I'm pretty OC myself but you've got me beat. Most of it I didn't even use. I can't wait to see you in your journey! Hugs! Jann
  5. Awesome, I'm so glad to hear you got into Dr. D! YAY FOR YOU! He is a great guy and he won't overfill ya. Take care! Jann
  6. Absolutely nothing. Just regular gentle cleaning in the shower. The glue will come off quite naturally in it's own time. Jann
  7. Honestly, I close my eyes the minute the doc comes in 'til he's done. What you can't see can't freak ya out! Jann
  8. There is a lot of good info in here especially for newbies. Jann
  9. Jello Jello -- not Jello pudding. I'm excited for ya! It all happens so fast once you get there. Jann
  10. Nice to meet you Mike, Dante' and Joey! Hold your head up high and revel in your successes! I'm thrilled for all of you! Jann
  11. I don't know what Ramon Noodles are but you can't have noodles. First seven days are liquids the consistency of water only, vegetable broth, beef broth, chicken broth, popsicles are fine and they don't need to be SF. You aren't getting any calories to push you over. Apple juice is 1/2 and 1/2 not full concentrate. I would watch the sodium level in the broths as well. I found them obnoxiously salty and bloated badly. Everybody is different so you may find you don't have that response. WOOT! You must be stoked! Jann
  12. If you continue to eat for example three pieces of pizza or volumes of food you will for sure damage your pouch and put yourself at risk. You are in bandster hell and it's totally easy to eat like you used to. You have to exercise profound amounts of self restraint right now. It's critical to your overall success. Whether you are restricted or not you have to have the internal fortitude to continue to eat like a bandster. This is where your headspace comes in. It's not easy hun, but it is necessary. To answer your question on the fill you have to wait at least six weeks after surgery but longer is better because it allows your stomach to heal properly. See Jazzy-Jude's post on what to look for re: adjustments. That should answer all your questions. Take good care! Jann
  13. Oh look, you already have started your journey and we're thrilled you're here! Jann
  14. If the are the same ones, I buy those for my breakfast as I can't bear food in the morning. The ones I have come in peach or berry. They are not at all chalky or creamy. They are more syrupy and tart and they make ya pucker but that totally works for me! You get skin tingly's for about 15, 20 mins so don't freak out. You're supposed to! Jann
  15. G'luck and Godspeed Dolittle!! Jann
  16. As selfish as this may sound, you don't forgive for their sake. You do it for your own. My dad has cancer, my mom absolutely treated him like crap and in fact said point blank "I hope it kills you" when he was diagnosed. When he left her she blamed me. It was my fault not hers. She abused him for 54 years and he just wasn't gonna stick around anymore. Yay for him! Dad stayed for the kids. I'm like, "Uhm, we're all in our 30's, 40's and 50's now" DUH! He actually told me getting cancer was the best thing that ever happened to him. It gave him the will to break his complacency and he found out there was love in the world. He's with another woman now who unfortunately also has cancer that she thought was in remission. She just found out she's not and it's in her lymphatic system. We're not hopeful. In the interim, Mom hasn't talked to me in months except for when my aunt told her I was on life support in August. She called me, told me she loved me and hung up. She hasn't returned my 32 calls since. She's told my five brothers and my aunts that she doesn't have any daughters. I don't own that, she does. When she dies, and she will, she's in renal kidney failure, I won't cry for her, I'll cry for the tragedy of the loss of who she could have been. As for how you are going to do it, that's simple. Let the past go. Stop worrying about how you will be received. It will cripple you. As you change positively so will the environment around you. Those that choose not to forgive have that right, concentrate on the ones who do and the new people you meet knowing that you own what you have done but you have moved forward. Jann
  17. Wow, we totally have the same mom. Frightening. Jann
  18. Upload your photos to http://photobucket.com/ after you create your account there. Select SAVE and CONTINUE. Select the IMG code directly under your photo as it is the only one compatible to this forum. Cut and paste the code exactly as presented Go to MY CONTROLS on this forum Select EDIT SIGNATURE Paste the image code you took from Photobucket When you get the photos exactly the way you want them UPDATE SIGNATURE This will embed your photo into your signature line. For side by side comparisons -- I downloaded the Picasa beta. http://picasa.google.com/ Place the photos you want included in your collage in the same folder Open Picasa It will search for all pics by folder and find the one you've placed the photos you want to include. Select that folder, select the pictures you want to use and look for the icon that says collage. (Above the photos) Play with the different collage options available until you find the one you want to use. Save the image and upload it to Photobucket. Repeat the instructions above to place it in the forum and your signature line. I did this all off the top of my head so I think all the instructions are in place. G'luck! Jann
  19. I love your commonsense approach to this. You are well on your way to great success, girly! I still recall stupid things I did from 20 years ago that make me cringe to this day. There just comes a time that you have to let go. People have very short memories for the most part. No one is harder on us than us in my opinion. Thanks for that, Jann
  20. Thank you Julie, and yup, I totally agree, this journey isn't just about pounds. Jann
  21. Darlene, I just noticed you are 182 pounds! Look at you go girl! WL is gonna slow down naturally the closer you are to goal so don't get discouraged. Jann
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