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Posts posted by ackovach

  1. Yvette,

    Thanks for the advice.... I will try prune juice. I have heard it works wonders, but just forgot.... I was doing so good with benefiber, but I felt like it was clogging me up too.... so I quit. I will try it again.

    Did you recommend the Aloe Vera Gel? Do you still like it & why?


  2. Hi Everyone!!

    So I have to say I am SO,SO happy today. It is 4 days since my 2nd fill. The restriction is awesome. I finally get it!!! I can not wait to see the 190's.... So I have some laundry to air about the restriction, but I would not trade the restriction for anything... i just wanted to share my experience and maybe get some feedback!!!

    I am clogged from both ends.... yuk. I have been drinking Aloe Vera gel cause I saw it recommended on here. I guess it takes time. Plus I am taking 2-3 correctol tablets a day. I started the papaya enzymes yesterday. They do seem to help with the digestion & unclogging the band. I just need a few (20) good poops... (sorry for the TMI). I just feel very swollen, bloated & whiny. My clothes are huge everywhere except my tummy. I have heard that if you take too much laxative that your body will start to depend on them. I am a little scared about that happening to me. I feel like I am starting to depend on smooth move tea & correctol to get things moving. I do not look forward to that time of the month because I am sure it will make these feelings a thousand times worse.

    Drinking during meals.... no longer an issue. It hurts like hell to take one drink with food in my pouch. I think I did it 3 different times. So I am probably not the smartest person in the world. But I am done with that kind of intense pain. The pain of drinking with great restriction is not joke... I did not think I could walk, talk or breathe. It really scared me.

    Food intake very small..... This is kind of hard too, but I can deal with this since I know pain comes with overeating. I was eating lunch at a work function today with a group of co-workers. I was so, so careful. I just sat & sat while everyone ate. Then I would take a little bite. The food was really good & I really wanted to just dig in and eat it all. I was so proud of myself for not getting into band trouble, listening to my band & staying in control. Very rewarding.... I hope the scales think so too.

    Blood pressure dropping........ It is already going down again. Very strange how this happens all of sudden for me. It was 101/63 this morning and last night. So I will get to reduce my meds again. YIPEE!!!

    Scared to take medication.... right after my fill, I took 2 Tylenol gel caps and got a painful surprise of 2 stuck pills. It was a mindless, stupid thing to do. I just popped them and swallowed & immediately gasped. I could actually feel exactly where they were. This was more painful than drinking with meals. So now, I am so scared to take my medications 2 x a day. It takes 30 minutes to an hour to take them each time. I am cutting them up very tiny, but not crushing. Very time consuming. This is what I really hate most. It would be so much easier if I did not have medications to take. I now drink sugar-free hot chocolate after taking them to help melt the medicines. This does seem to help. I guess the next step will be to crush them... not looking forwarding to that either. I did that for 2 weeks after surgery. YUK.....


    I am going to post some before and after pictures once I get below 200.


  3. Mona,

    That is awesome!!! You and I are experiencing the same thing except I have the small band. But I know what you mean about loving the pain!!!! It was shocker for me when I finally understood what they were talking about. I had my 2nd fill last Saturday. When I drink water, my pouch gurgles as the water goes through. I can barely eat 2 tablespoons of food. It hurts like hell if I drink with my meals!!! YIPPEEE....... I am so happy for us both!!! CHEER.. CHEER... HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!

  4. Hi everyone,

    Lately I have been a little discouraged lately. I have been weighing 202 -207.... very frustrating... but I am feeling better today & felt like posting. I got a second fill. I started out with 1.8 cc and today left with 2.8 cc. she said it was a big fill..... I am a little scared & excited. I am scared of pb'ing & pain. But I am so,so excited that my weight loss should pick up again.

    My fill appointment was very informative and I want to pass what I learned on to the newbies.....

    My fill doctor uses fluro and on the the first fill she did fill me to point that barium slowly trickled through the band. I had great restriction for 2 -3 weeks. Since, it has been strictly will power. She did my 2nd fill exactly the same. I had the nerve to actually watch it on the xray screen today. Very cool.

    My fill doctor has been trained by Dr. Ortiz and has done fill for over 3 years. Based on her experience, the first fill last about 2 weeks or a month. The 2nd fill lasts about 2 months. And the 3rd fill lasts up to 6 weeks.

    Well, that's my little tidbit for the day....


  5. I have lost almost 30 pounds that I would still own without the band. YIPEE

    Wow, I need a little pick me up..... My scales are not moving at all right now. I lose and gain the same 3 pounds over & over. I really thought that I would have lost 40 pounds by now. So while I am so happy with my band, I am little disappointed.

    Sometimes I can eat anything other times I am really tight and 1 bite really hurts. I have my 2nd fill scheduled for saturday, but I am a little scared because today I was having miso soup & sushi. My first bite of sushi stopped me in my tracks. It hurt so freaking bad. It really surprised me. I had to drink a little hot tea for the pain to subside. I feel so guilty about that. It is was almost a reflex to the pain.

    I have not pb'd since being banded. I think it is due to ice chips & drinking a warm fluid if I think I getting trouble. I could barely eat tonight which was wonderful. I was happy. Just a couple of bites of turkey breast totally filled me up & I was satisfied. I wish it was like that all the time. It seems like it either hurts like crap or no restriction all. And sometimes I am a bottomless pit....

    I am so,so much healthier today than 3 months ago. I started running last week for the 1st time in my life. It feels great. I just really can not believe that I can run. I know my body is shrinking even though the scales aren't where I think they should be. I work out religiously 4 times a week and try to get the 5th day in. And I working with a strength trainer & a cardio trainer.

    I am trying to do a low carb week or 2 to kick start things again. I never been to good at diets. I was really hoping that I could just depend on the band & not get so hungry. But the band has rules too........ So I am working through this.

    I will be so,so happy to get just 1 ounce below 200 pounds........

    Thanks for listening to my rant!!!!

  6. 8 pounds.... lucky you.... I normally weigh 3 pounds more. I make sure I wear the same outfit to the Dr. office each time.. Crazy huh?? I know. My husband laughs every time.

    I had my first fill on 9/13. I am scheduled for my next fill on 10/25. I had great restriction for about 3 weeks. I think I was still sore inside from the surgery too. Because that kind of pain is gone now. So I may have been a little swollen during my first fill.

    Good luck to you!!!


  7. ok, I am 2 1/2 months post op. The worst rule for me is no drinking while eating. I promise myself everyday that I will not drink with my meals. then break it..... I am so thirsty while and after I eat. I am really frustrated that I am having such a hard time with this rule.....

    Most of the time I drink with my meals. I am eating 1/3 to 1/2 less than I used too.

    Frustrated.... Amy

  8. Hi there!!

    Something about the band makes us more fertile!!!! I have heard many stories of women getting banded or bypass & immediately getting pregnant. It is really big no-no for bypass patients.

    When were you banded?

    From what I understand from talking to several different bariatric doctors before deciding to get banded, you can safely get pregnant 6 weeks after being banded. They don't want you too, but if it happens, you & your baby can still be healthy. You can have unfills as needed to control how much weight you gain while pregnant.

    Then after you the baby, you get filled again.

    Keep us posted!!!

    Best wishes,


  9. Hi,

    I went through the exact same symptoms that you have. I had some blood work done and my potassium was low. So the Dr. added potassium & I added a b-12 sub lingual. My blood sugar was also going crazy up & down which can make you feel cold, tired, & sick. Then I was really tired for about about 6 weeks post-op. But I feel like a new person now.

    Hang in there, you will be done with the recovery before you know it and can start reaping the rewards!!!

    Take care,


  10. ok, what is a carbonated alcoholic drink? Is beer carbonated? I am leaving for Play Del Carmen on 9/27 and want to make sure I have handle on this?

    I love my corona light with a lime..... I am really gonna miss this............ I know beer is a no-no. Is it a no-no because it is carbonated? What if I opened one and left it in the frig for 30 minutes, could I have it then?



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