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Posts posted by ackovach

  1. I live near Atlanta,Georgia and there is a fill center here. I plan on going there. Any clue how much fills cost? I've checked their website but of course it's not posted.

    Hi Lisa,

    I live in Johns Creek, formerly Alpharetta.... I will be going to the Roswell Fill Center USA office on 9/13 for my 1st fill. Many people on this forum use this office and have wonderful things to say.

    From what I remember, all of the fills are under fluoroscope. The first one is 585 and 285. This is in the ballpark, but I can not find the exact charges......

  2. I cheated :( I had to eat something........I started getting sores in my mouth and I just couldnt take it anymore....I had some chicken nuggets from perdue but I made sure I chewed chewed chewed...I hope I didnt do something wrong but I just couldnt take it...tomorrow I'm going to go back to liquids only...but I only had 3 peices and whoa did I feel sooooooooooooooo full!!!!! Has anyone here cheated on the liquid diet??? I havent even seen my surgeon yet!!


    That is a pretty big cheat!!! Please don' t do it again. You could really hurt yourself. You don't want anything to get stuck in your band or in the stitches. I am surprised that chicken nuggets did not hurt. Just taking medications hurt me. I was scared to death to go on solids. This site really tries to emphasize that cheating can put you in hospital during the healing phase. You could pull a stitch or damage the band.

    I know his is a very difficult time. If banded by the OCC, it is liquids for 21 days. And no mushy foods until after the 21 days. You may have a totally different diet than the majority of OCC bandees.

    I thought the first 21 days were hell. I mushed stuff between my teeth and then spit it out when I thought I was totally gonna lose it. I pureed ministrone soup which is sort of a no-no. I diluted tomato soup with broth so I could at least have that. Sqeesh jello between your teeth or pudding. I would make homemade pudding, but made it soupy so I could drink it.

    Just keep talking to us and we will help you through this.

    We care and do not want you to injure your band. We are all battling an addiction to food. I am now battling the solid foods. I thought I would have more willpower than this. I can not wait til my 1st fill on 9/13.

    take care of your "new" self,


  3. HI Kittycat,

    A glucose monitor would take the guess work out of it. I use the one-touch. It is less expensive and pretty easy to use. And really does not hurt at all.

    I was very dizzy when my blood pressure started getting low. You may want to also go to a pharmacy and take your blood pressure.

    I hope you get to feeling better real soon.


  4. Hi Heidi,

    You are such a sweet caring person. I know you are so hurt right now. Just do whatever it takes to protect yourself. I have no clue what that would be, but find a lawyer to help you. I use pre-paid legal to help with legal stuff. I don't know if it applies or not.

    I know you are scared and alone. Just use this forum. I wish I could do or say more.

    Thinking of you,


  5. Hi All,

    I will be 4 weeks post-op on Friday. I still have a little restriction from the surgery and think I have kept the calories around 1200. I have not started a food log yet..... :o

    So 22 day post op, when eating Wendy's chili I had a sensation of choking. It really, really hurt. So I drank water til it went away.

    Sometimes my medications give me this same pain, so I drink lot water to get it down. I was told that I do not want these meds to sit anywhere except in the bottom of my belly.......

    Monday, I had a chicken sandwich from Wendy's. I took a bite and thought, I need a drink, feeling kind of dry. Then took another bite and thought I was gonna die or choke to death. I drank tons of water til the sensation passed. I hate that feeling of choking. I panicked.

    Then last night, I was eating tiny piece of raisin toast. I was almost done and then came the pain out of nowhere. No warning. It was much much worse than the other times. I was up jumping around like a crazy person. It really scares me. I feel like I am going to choke. So drank water til it went away.

    Is this restriction?

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Should I drink water when this happens? I really don't think I can just sit around and wait it out. I can't talk at all when this happens.



  6. I am struggling with my first week of solid foods. I am trying more protein too. So this morning I tried an egg white omelet with bacon, cheese, mushrooms & spinach. I could only eat a little bit of it. It was really good at first, then all of a sudden I felt queasy. So I don't know if that meant I am full or if the omelet had an issue. I had that around 9:15 am. I will let you know long it takes to get hungry again....


  7. Yikes, sorry you had such horrible time. To imagine a mosquito bite causing that much pain. They are mean little suckers especially in Florida. I am from south Alabama and have ran into some pretty mean bugs there too!! It never occurred to me that it could turn into an infection.

    I hope you get to feeling better real soon.

    What kind of pain medication were you prescribed? Do you think it was the pain med that caused the issue? Did you tell the prescribing doctor that you had the lapband?

    feel better soon!


  8. You guys on liquid diet are so lucky. I miss "having" to have liquids for the whole 21 days. I am having a hard time controlling my portions on the solids. I can't wait for a fill!!!

    I can't eat as much as preop, but I feel like I am back on a lifetime,stressful diet.

    Anyway..... trying to figure this out.

    Good luck on your liquid phase!!!


  9. Hi,

    We are all here to support you. Group therapy is the best!!! All these things have to do with our weight problems.

    Put your feelings in writing, it can help get the anxiety out. I started writing a blog with my day to day issues. I normally don't publish the blog, but I feel better by writing.

    I have found this site to have such well-rounded point view. And everyone really cares.

    I am glad that you have found the strength and courage to do what is best for yourself and your kids. You husband has to find his own way. I feel some of the same things you do.

    I have had issues with anxiety over the past 7 years and totally relate. It is amazing what stress/anxiety can do to your mind. I felt totally irrational at times and frozen in fear. And food calms me too.....

    You are not alone......

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