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Everything posted by WormButterfly

  1. You ladies are my saviors, hearing about your experiences helps a lot. Right now I have the worst anxiety i think that i have ever had. I appreciate the support and guidance and advice very much. My surgery is being done in Melbourne, Australia as that is where I live. I was not able to find the X-gas you mentioned but i found capsules with an oil type stuff in them maybe i could pop then and let the fluid dissolve on my tongue? I will ask the dr before the op. I am in this strange nesting phase today, the house has to be perfect and super 'retentively' clean... whats that about I was told i will be wearing a hospital gown...no home nightie as i just phoned the hospital to be re-assured lol, didn't help much. I just hope they have super size ones as i don't want my soon to be fine behind hanging out! I am daunted.. anxious, paranoid and every word like that right now... I dont even know if i want it done now! *waaa* I can hardly back out of it now but i don't know this is for me i dont want to develop ostop problems when i am older or diabetes or anything if i can help avoid, and i think this is the right thing but it still scares me. I am taking my teddy bear! *smiles* Also i asked them to film it the surgery i mean.. they wont and they wont take photos so i am very disappointed about that.
  2. Thank you everyone your all so reassuring and i do need that reassurance, be it positive or honest negative happenings etc. Is the scarring bad? I did some shopping today and bought 2 huge large European pillows and cases my first ever lol! They are those huge fluffy...huge... ones so i can sit up when i get home in bed. How long did it take you all to walk and do things? Also sorry for the rudeish question but how was going to the ladies room? Did you need assistance?
  3. Hi there i am having my op in 2 days on Wednesday I am scared and too keep my nerves at bay i am going ... shopping. What will i need? So far i have a nightie.. trust me i normally am a nuddie sleeper lol so i had to get one.. Can you wear underpants? or is that area too sore for light elastic? I don't know what else i need ...... To wear.. or things to do or to eat can you experienced lap banders who have been ther elet me know what you advise? I did get vitamin E capsules and have been rubbing them on my entire stomach to help my skin prepare .. look i am so scared and advice for the nerves would be great because i feel like cancelling the operation but after 4 years on the waiting list i dont know. I feel a failure that i have not lost weight without the op... and kept it off The optifast 2 week preparation for the op i have lost 10 kilos! Is the operation worth it? I used to think so but now that ts my turn i am so frightened. Hubby says go for it, don't be scared and my parents who's approval i still seek for everything... is not really there so much they feel i can lose weight if i want to alone etc. Guys sorry this is more than a list post i just kept typing... but please help with my shopping list. Worm Butterfly
  4. Ill tell you one thing, men do not have the same emotions as women, in fact statistics say on average in relationships men have less that 30% the emotions us girls do. It still dosnt help you feel better I know but what should is that your an incredible go getter and your life is changing now, *hugs* look at what you have done for your self! That shows GUTS!
  5. I feel sexy when I fit into my clothes and I cant feel my undersized bra squeezing into my back (which is the case now)
  6. Congratulations! You really are looking stunning! Your photos are so inspirational! =D>
  7. Hello, I am getting the band soon, I don't have a date but I know its before the end of the year so I am getting ready physically and mentally trying to prepare for it. Does anyone have any scarring good or bad/horror stories to share about their healing or scarring etc? Photos would be really great so I can see what might happen to me, you don't need to have your faces on the photos for privacy, I wouldn't either. I cant find any photos of scarring on the internet anywhere, so if anyone would be gutsy enough i would appreciate it a lot. Thanks so much Worm Butterfly
  8. Hello, My Dr comes reccomended well as far as his place of business, apart from that i dont know much about him or anyone that does the operation. You all say to research about your dr, but how do you do that? He sounds very well known, has written journal articles and is head of surgery, that sounds great dosnt it. However where can I find more? He is based in Melbourne, (VIC) Australia. Thanks so much WormButterfly
  9. Have you tried Celebrity Slim? They are really nice.
  10. Also to post a starting bid of $20,000 that would cost her a bit wouldnt it!?
  11. Well at least she is trying very resource! It must mean a lot to her for her to exploit herself like that. I hope she gets it without the branding tattoo.
  12. Does anyone know the rates of death from banding operations? When I get t done I am told I have to sign a liability waiver regarding death. That scares me a little bit but apparently its standard in Australia. Did any of you have to sign something like this? Does anyone know the rates of death from the banding operation from a reputable source or journal? I know its a weeny percentage but I think I want to know. Sorry and I didn't mean to scare anyone by asking this question.
  13. I have anorexia, not currently in an episide obviously thats why I am getting the band but when I was losing rapid weight with the eating disorder my hair also fell out in sad sad big handdfulls and it was scary as all hell, i totally relate. The trichologyst (Hair specialist) that i saw gave me zinc and "BIOTIN" for it. I stopped taking the zinc as it made me sick but within 2 months the hair loss stopped and the weight kept coming off, i attribute this to the biotin and swear by it. I also started using organic shampoos and conditioners.
  14. You guys are making me so JELOUSE! Thats because of the wonderful efforts you all are making and because I am getting my band in a few months, so its like your the candy and im the child lol! Good on you! Your successes are really encouraging.
  15. I cant tell you if its normal and I'm sorry about that but I thank you for asking these questions, when my times comes for the op and recovery I and many others here will benefit from these questions, we are all human and our bodys are all made of the same things..lots of pretty atoms and stuff I hope your bumps improve, I would also recommend massaging them lightly with vitamin E oil.
  16. Hi Sounds like yur looking after yourself, I should make notes on a few of those things you mentioned. I know that when I was in my severe anorexic stages the dr made me have zinc, I don't know why nor am i interested that much anymore, however the zinc did make me nauseous and twice i vomited within 30 minutes of taking it, I think it would be the Zinc, unless yur sensitive to something else. Let me know when you find out I'm interested in that. I hope you find out what it is.
  17. Hello Vix, I am a newbie here at the moment, but already feel the warmth here. I think the decision you have made is one from the brain for its your health and life and not yur husbands. Also you have considered his feelings so the decision also comes from your heart. Thinking about what your going through seems unimaginably difficult, however do what you need to do for you life. If your hubby isnt interested in your health then something feels a bit odd, he should be supportive especially as i think he knows how much this weight matter affects you. Love xxx
  18. Hello Im just wondering what some of the different brands of post op drinks you had where. I was recommended 'Optislim' I think, there are others I know as well which might be good like : Optimax Sustagen (But that's all I know off so I am hoping some experts here can fill me in) But id love to know yours as im pre- preparing for my op. I know about the juices and soups etc but I am after only the ones you can buy because I might not be in the mood to do stuff after the op Thanks everyone xx
  19. I am blown away by the supportability here. We are all in this together just at different stages, we all know what its like to be well 'fat' and the emotions associated with that which is why this is such a caring place.
  20. Wow thanks for the replies, so many allready! It is motivational. I dd have one question, does anyone have a list of things i should stock up on? I read about Vitamin E capsules, has anyone got a lost of things they recommend? Id rather stock up now! How long did it take after the op for you guys to get around as I go to uni and cant miss lectured and tutorials.
  21. Hello, I am new here and have been reading a lot of your posts all night. Ive been on a waiting list to get the lap band done in Australia for 2 years now and its my turn. In a few months I am told I will be banded. I saw a dietitian yesterday he was informative and explained the food after the operation which was a little confronting but I understand it now, also i saw a heart specialist and sleep specialist to make sure I have no contraindications or surgery. I am all set to go now i am just waiting. I am excited about this. I am in my 20's and weigh 110-112kg. Last year I was 70 kilos. I also suffer from anorexia, which might sound like a weird comment to many of you but I was diagnosed last year, as well as having a further EDNOD eating order not otherwise specified. Now my weight is up again and I cant live with myself. I wake up and feel my fat, i feel ashamed, I feel unhappy, which is why I am looking forward to changing my entire life. I am scared of the operation, the scars and the change, but at the same time I look forward to the change. I am a plus model part time and full-time I am studying Ba Biomedical Science and Ba Psychology. I don't know what else to say but I look forward to knowing you all and learning from you, have a great day. Worm Butterfly
  22. You look like a wonderful dad in both photos (Im just clucky) In the second one though you do look incredible and your results are so clear! If that was me I would be REALLY happy! you look smoking! Great Effort!
  23. Congratulations on your weight loss, that's a massive amount already and so soon! Well done!
  24. Hello, I will tell you what you are!!!: A caring and health conscious person, who loves animals and their rights are valuable to you. What he is: Clearly someone who dosnt care for his dog, someone rude, cold, uncaring and very uneducated. I have been in similar situations, where people can only come back with 'oh your fat' ner ner... It hurts I know, but take it from me, I would rather be you than him! Good on you for helping that poor dog too, well done i commend your efforts. There should be more people like you. I done something similar once but I broke into the car and took the dog out for some water and waited for the owner whom i then gave my piceof mind and reported to the RSPCA.
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