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Everything posted by LisaLaw

  1. gosh sabrina...by no means did I say that to make jabs...I am so sorry if you took it that way I have to remind myself that I cannot compare myself to others OR their life experience - that is the rotten thing about email or blogs, sometimes the message comes across weird. I am OKAY...yes..OKAY even now with sitting at this rotten plateau for 5 months at 180 lbs, because I know eventually my body is going to say "gosh...is this what you want me to do?" I have been taking my vitamin D and my HCG and have lost 1.5 inches around my waist in 4 weeks. So that is good for me! I am so very sorry for your troubles. I know this has been a struggle at times with him since the beginning. of course if you are stressed, your band is going to slam shut. my thoughts are with you at this rough time. xoxo C
  2. I have a friend who recently had a hysterectomy...is terribly overweight and miserable. We all went boating together and I wore my size 10 denim skirt with my candies shoes (put on a bikini top)...and even though I still have 45 lbs to go...her jaw dropped. That was the best advertisement. She has been watching me through this process since last year and said to me while we were boating that she wants control of her life back. I also told her I would love to support her and go back to TJ The best thing you can do and be is a friend. Show encouragement, reassurance and a little kick in the ass...but beyond that...you just cannot lead some fat chick's to common sense...LOL Most of this is fear based and people who live in fear NEVER accomplish anything in their lives. I put both my 250 lb friend AND my 325 lb aunt who WENT to TJ with me for the surgery in this category. Change is very scary for some people. there is nothing more you can do than what you are doing now. oodles C
  3. we will be having those margaritas eventually you look great!
  4. howdy I have a 10 cm Inamed band that holds 4.0cc's (these bands can hold up to 6.0'ccs although they rarely ever go above 5.0cc) It took me 3 fills From the 1st - 2nd, I had zip for restriction after 5 days and immediately went back in for the 3rd. I am now at 3.9ccs and would love a tweak...but am having non-elective surgery at the end of September, so I am going to wait until after xmas (when I am about halfway on the mend).
  5. I found myself trolling the kitchen like a shark. 80% of my issue was mental. When I came to terms with that, the weight and heaviness of both the physical and emotional lifted and the lbs began coming off. The road will not be easy at times, but you can do this! I have dropped 45 lbs in 7 months...not great compared to some people, but we are all different...I would not have been able to do this without this band. On Saturday I was able to wear this adorable skirt I bought in 2004 and never wore it because I began packing on the lbs. It is a size 10. There are times I still troll the kitchen, but now I reach for band friendly foods if I need a quick snack (blend up a quick protein smoothie, slice some tomatoes with olive oil and balsamic)...sky is the limit. I no longer choose the 'unfriendly' band foods because I have learned it makes my life hell. This is a journey/marathon, you are in it for the long haul...it is not a sprint. xoxo
  6. Love, love, LOVE the new pic sweetie! is this after the TT? Be careful about getting too tight, slow and easy is best. I am sure that the surgery and having the unfill has shifted things a bit (in a good way!), but as Pammie says, it sucks not being able to eat normal food.
  7. Great Job Stormy! LOL...I love it! girl, you have got to get out of jeans though, it looks like it hinders your movement and dang! I cannot even bend my leg up and over like that! I am impressed! woohoo
  8. OH my gosh girlie!! so proud of you!! way to go you are keeping your confidence. you will be at goal in no time
  9. wow wow wow ...my thoughts are with you through this...best wishes!! I highly recommend the wonderful potato soup that Kim2bSlim posted awhile ago...it is fabulous. get a hand blender to take care of the chunky stuff (or put in a blender and add chicken broth to smoothen it) it is wonderful. Here it is: My Mom's Homemade Creamy Potato Soup (or Cream of Broccoli) 6 potatoes 1 stick of I can't believe it's not butter 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 tsp salt (optional) 1/4 tsp pepper (optional) 2 cups Chicken Broth 2 cups fat free (or skim) milk 1/2 cup flour 1 can cream of chicken Slice 6 potatoes thin, and boil in pot until done. Drain them and take a fork and mash them up as thin as you want them. In another pot, melt 1 stick of butter, chop onions very thin and saute in butter until onions are done. Add 1/2 cup flour (and salt and pepper if you want) into butter and onions until blended. Add 1 can cream of chicken soup, 2 cans water, 2 cups chicken broth, and 2 cups milk-whisk often so it won't burn. Cook on Low/Med. Add mashed potatoes, with wire whisk blend well..Cook about 10 minutes. You can add more milk if it is too thick. If you would rather have the broccoli version, just add a 16 oz package of frozen broccoli instead of the potatoes. This makes a huge pot of soup..I eat it for days! xoxo
  10. here is a great article in CNN today about the deficiency in kids: <http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/08/03/vitamin.d.children/index.html>
  11. Thanks Roblynn for reminding me! yes, it was in the Seattle Times...GREAT article and may clear up lots of questions. By no means am I advocating anyone running to begin supplements until you speak with a doctor OR have bloodwork done to see if you need it to begin with. Here it is: <http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2009584113_vitamind02.html>
  12. this place will not do fills unless you sign up for their 3 month plan "counseling" plan for $380.0 or their 6 month "counseling" plan for $780.00 THEN you have to spend an additional $135.00 for a blind fill IF they will let you. does not sound legit...if patients want to get a fill, you should not have to jump through hoops to do it or sign up for food counseling.
  13. Robin...GREAT info! A very good friend from high school's wife is an NP. I have been talking alot to her about this over the past week and she said that Vit. D deficiency is on the rise and that the average normal person may not know they have it...especially if they think they are doing everything right. She has a liquid dropper that I can use under the tongue (1 drop = 1,000 I.U.). I will be getting it next week after I fax my paperwork to her. My symptoms have been: fatigue, obesity (duh), major plateau and I have a borderline low white cell count. I see my Dr. again this next week to discuss this further and am hoping that between the HCG and the vitamin D at 8,000 IU I am doing, it will make a difference. Dr. is following up with another blood panel in 4 weeks
  14. I still get the occasional stomach spasm that hurts like hell and can cause heartburn.. MYLANTA is my best friend. One swig of this when the symptoms start and within 10 minutes I feel 110% better
  15. OH, I wanted to add one thing. I can tell a major difference in my mood, my energy level and my appetite since taking the 8,000 IU daily I have to take Vit D deficiency can cause all sorts of wacky things...
  16. NOPE...LOL...shamefully I am a Hawaiian Tropic girl all the way (or Coconut Willies from Hawaii - pure coconut oil). especially since I have been laid off, I lay out at least an hour a day 2-3x per week (if I have time) THAT is why I was so puzzled. I have been doing this since the weather got hot back in May..:\ (Addendum: Please...noone lecture me about sun. I take very good care of my skin - ask Lisal...I look 13 years younger than I am)
  17. great job Shelby!! I remember this time last year, you were just getting ready to get banded and you probably never thought you would be here right now...=D getting ready for a 5k!! keep up the great work!!
  18. You are a gorgeous girl. I feel your pain about the TT. I want that and an implant reduction VERY badly...but money is stopping me right now. just keep working towards your goal. best wishes
  19. I am thrilled for you Jude! the best is yet to come...and the rest will begin dropping off! *muah
  20. thank you Dawn! that is very sweet. and yes, I agree...I think something from all the glorious pain killers has probably blocked absorption. on another interesting note, I was speaking to a long time friend of mine whose wife is a doctor, but does alternative as well as traditional medicine. She offers a Vitamin D3 liquid that goes under your tongue. one drop is 1000 IU.
  21. Carrol, you are a blessing! thank you for sharing this information. I was beginning to think WTF had I done wrong...LOL I agree...just because you "DO" what is right...does not mean your body is accepting it. one more reason to realize we are ALL different ;D
  22. most of the chain stores do not carry a good selection of bottoms and tops, especially for us DynamicDuo girls I found a swimshop that caters to 'larger' girls (boobs). you may want to try in the yellow pages or ask around. I feel your pain though! and just reading your story made me cringe. I cannot think of anything worse than swimsuit or fancy dress shopping when we are STILL not how we want to look. *sigh
  23. well, I was specifically told to take ONLY a Vitamin D supplement of 4,000 IU 2x daily. Nothing else mixed in...no magnesium, no calcium, nothing But I have read that you can get a shot, and I would prefer to do that..I am sick of pills.
  24. oh, one last thing. I found this tidbit of information: Some other health problems from being Vitamin D deficiency could cause include heart disease, chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, hypertension, arthritis, depression, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, PMS, Crohns Disease, cancer, MS and other autoimmune diseases. Now I am wondering if this is what is causing my plateau for the past several months.... I will sure be asking on Monday
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