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Posts posted by IrishRN

  1. OK, so back from the doctor with 1cc less in my band. I was inflamed and tight, but no damage was done thankfully! She was aiming to take .6 or .8 out but when she put the needle in, you could see the liquid just pop back into the syringe b/c it was so tight. It liked 2.1, so 1cc out is what I got! Told me to do like I would with a fill and just eat softer foods for the next 24 hours.

    Can't go back for a month, so really gotta work hard with only 2.1 cc's in there. Gonna be work but it's better than a damaged band! Go back to try to fill me back up first week of Dec.

    B: Protein shake - about half

    L: Taco Bell pintos and cheese and 1 cheese roll up - went down fine - yeah!!!!

    D: TBA

    Calories so far: 300

    Thank you all so much for your thoughts during this time. It means more than you know!

    So glad no damage and you had the slight unfill, I think some would not be obliged to do so if they were losing... who cares. So good for you!

    I gotta ask... what is a cheese roll up at Taco Bell?


  2. Question for ya - on the turkey roll up is that just deli style turkey lunchmeat w/ the cream cheese on it? Sounds good might have to try that!

    I love these too. I remember my mother making them as appetizers for partys except used ham. but I have to get the low sodium meat.. the deli meat tastes so salty to me now. I put a sliver of avocado in too.. yum

  3. Sorry i've been out of commission the last few days! My brother got in a car accident Wed morning and except for letting the dogs out i've been here at the hospital. He is stable, but it's gonna take quite a few surgeries he's already had two. I haven't been able to keep anything down and what I have eaten has been crappy fast food, cafeteria food, and things folks have brought us. My aunt asked if we needed anything and I asked if she would bring snacks hoping she'd bring healthy stuff...nope! M&M's and reeces peanut butter cups! :(

    It's gonna be hard, but i'm gonna try to get back on track as best as I can. Regardless i'm gonna post what i've eaten so keep me honest.

    B: Chips and dip (was starving and it was all that would go down!)

    L: Mini ravioli - about 3 and then got stuck

    S: Green beans - my brother won't eat his food so I ate them! About 1/2 cup.

    S: About 10 peanut M&M's

    D: TBA - just told my other brother to bring my dad and I something so we shall see!

    So sorry to hear about your brother... Thats a ton of stress for everyone in your family including you.

    Prayers to you and your family and.... Happy Bandiversary


  4. Hi Ladies....

    Ok today is day 3 of my band being TIGHT! Im not sure what is going on, any suggestions?????? I dont have a TOM, Im a little stressed ????

    B-about six bits of Oatmeal

    S-Green Tea

    L-One bit of talipia and 3 bits of Broccoli (Felt like I was going to get stuck so stopped)

    S-Green Tea

    D-Think Im going to have liquids again tonight....

    Water Zero Today :(

    Walking 5 miles tonight with Hubby


    That was me about a week ago. I ended up doing liquids for a few full days with maalox and seemed to help. I'm back to eating as usual. Maybe you are swollen from the last PB. Thats what I figured happened to me.

  5. I took a banana...cut it up and made tiny "sandwiches" with peanut butter in between the bananas...put 3 into each snack bag and froze them. WOW...so easy and delicious!

    yum... gotta try it. We are peanut butter whores in our house!!

  6. What a great week for all of you!

    Considering it was TOM this week... I'm down from 186.3 to 185.9.

    I did well in the eating and working out department. So I'm hoping I see it go down even further once Aunt Flow has finished her visit!

    I did start working out. We got the Wii and the fit board too. Love it!!! Its amazing how the time passes and I start sweating and before I know it I've done 45 min. Too much fun!!


  7. Of course this is not your typical custard pumpkin pie but it helps shed the cravings.

    1 15oz can pumpkin

    1/2c eggbeaters or 4 egg whites

    1 1/2c skim milk

    3/4c splenda

    1/2t salt

    1Tb pumpkin pie spice... I add more.. way more but its to your taste

    Spray pie tin ( I use a white corningware dish. works fine) Bake @ 400 for 15 min then 375 for 45

    I have also used Fat Free Evaporated Milk in place of the skim.


    pumpkin 175

    milk 135

    egg whites 70

    total = 380 for the pie.

    With the evaporated milk its 545 calories for the pie.



  8. lol..

    Irish do you have sweet cravings too? I think it is SO weird how my sweet cravings has went through the roof since getting banded or Maybe now I am just more aware of the sweets that I put in my mouth....hmmmm. I did not think I use to eat sweets alot but the way I crave them you would think I was going through detox....

    Heck yes!

    Some things even taste too sweet. Things I've eaten before without hesitation.

    I am trying to rationalize getting a pie at Costco and telling myself I would not eat the crust.

    I didnt get the pie.

    maybe I'll make a WW pumpkin pie..... hmmmm

  9. Thought I would give you all an update. I went to the doctors office that has been doing my fills and let the PA know what had been going on and what Dr. So had told me. She acted a little put out that I told her that Dr. So suggested that I have fluoro with barium to make sure my pouch looked ok and refused to do it even though it is available with the payment that I gave them. She pretty much said there was no reason to look at the pouch because it was a sure bet that I was swollen. She said that she would be able to see if I had too much fluid in the band when she put the needle in and see how much saline comes out on its own. She used a 2.5cc syringe and it immediately filled the whole syringe. She put 1cc back in and left 1.5 out. She told me to go on liquids for 4 days and to call on Monday if I am still having trouble. I asked her if she thought it should all be removed and she said no because then I would just eat and gain weight.

    I am really glad I went and that she at least listened to the part about Dr. So suggesting 1cc be removed, however I left feeling like a school girl who had been called to the principles office for doing something wrong! :huh: Lesson learned. I just really hope that I haven't stretched my pouch and the swelling goes down and doesn't turn into anything worse from here. I actually think that I have been too tight since about April or May when I had my first fill with this doctors office. I will be going back down to the OCC I think around the first week of December to have everything checked out.

    Again I am so thankful that you started this thread.

    I did want to ask though, did they have you do liquids for a while and how long before you started feeling better? I have been so bloated the last couple weeks and I think that goes along with all this other muck of being too tight and not getting much in.


    Considering you were able to get the barium with your payment and they still refused to do it would anger me. That is just pure stubborness on the PAs part and a power trip. There was no reason not to do the swallow. It is a simple procedure and does not take anymore time.

    You should never had felt like you did when you left - a school girl in trouble.

    Being in the medical field for so long, I have seen MD's and PA's like this all too often, these people are human and remember... they are practicing medicine.

    The problem is you knew what you were talking about and they didnt like it. Dont feel like you were scolded for being right.

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