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Posts posted by IrishRN

  1. Hi! I think I saw you getting your fill before me. Congrats- on finding the right level of fill for you!

    I have a quick quesiton- This was my first fill and I started eating again today and dont feel much restriction. I was not sure what to expect so I thought I would try egg w/english muffin for breakfast and was able to eat it without feeling restriction and tried what I would normally do for lunch- a turkey sand. I found I could eat half of it....I was thinking I would have more restriction. It seems like I am eating about 1/2 to 3/4 what I normally would... Will this change? or do I need more of a fill?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated...

    I'd say you are right on track. I felt no restriction with my first fill after a while you will begin to realize you are eating less. It was not until this last fill i gained restriction. Listen to your body and it will come.

    I'd love to place a face with who you are. Who were you in the waiting room?


  2. B: soy iced latte (although i only drank half) Cal 70

    S: 1/2 c Cottage Cheese 1% w/ 4 almonds chopped and 1/4c blueberries: Cal 150

    L: 1/2 c broccoli/carrot slaw from Trader Joes and added 2 almonds/unsweetened cranberries and 1/8 apple chopped. 2tbls low fat drsg. Cals 150

    S: lite popcorn 2 cups: Cal 120

    D: TBD

  3. Hi, I'm 18 years old and weigh 350 ibs, I was just wondering what the likelyhood of my having excess skin was? Do you think that being young I will have a better chance of it not being so extreme?

    Because of your age, you may have a good chance of not having the excess skin worries that older people have.

  4. what a great idea....

    B: soy latte - homemade with espresso, 1 cup vanilla soy milk 2 tbls SF creamer and 1 splenda = 130 cals

    L: orange chicken lean cuisine: 300 cals

    S: soy latte - my addiction

    D: 1 chik-fil-a strip w/ honey mustard dipping sauce

  5. HAHA...OOPS...WRONG SECTION! I honestly eat everything...just small amounts. I try to eat healthy though...but I DO cheat because that is just the way I can control myself from big cheats! My very fav treat as of late is FF Greek Yogurt. :) 24 G of protein...add a little fruit and splenda and it is sooooo good!

    I figured... I found it quite funny! Thanks for the tip on the Greek Yogurt! :)

  6. I had a fill on Monday in TJ and what a difference. I finally feel restriction and I'm not sliming or pb'ing......yet.

    I've always been one to make good food choices... just too much in quantity.

    Cool thing today.. I work from home and my 16 year old daughter who I homeschool came in my office and asked if I had seen the pictures from Puerto Rico lately.... we went in April 09 before surgery. She said she can see a big difference now. yes!

  7. I am not expecting an exact answer...lol...but I was wondering to myself...with losing over 150 pounds...how much extra weight I have on me just from saggy skin....hmmmm. Anyone that has had a TT and or lift...how much more weight had you lost after surgery?

    Since you posted this in the Post op Diet and Food section... it had me wondering just what are you eating? :P

  8. Hey Sabrina,

    I was so like you – at 188 pounds I felt pretty thin and just wanted to move my body in a more tone direction. My face was a little bit round but compared to where it use to be… I was fine with it. Now I'm 50 pounds lighter and I’m having problems finding where my weight should be – when I like my body – my face is too skinny, and looks old – mainly because of the skin on my neck (that’s why I want the face lift to get rid of that). However if I get to the point where I like my face – I think I’m too big in my body.

    The truth is I’m most likely just over thinking everything. Been on this quest to get lean and healthy for so long that I don’t know what a good place for me it…. It’s weird.

    I just had to re take my drivers license picture and I actually posted it to the Gallery – as soon as Chad approves it’ll be up to view – and I think I may be too thin in my face – I put the old one next to my new one, its pretty shocking.

    I look at your picture now and think you look absolutely beautiful - can't think of you losing too much more weight - but that's difficult to tell someone since I did.

    Losing weight is hard; finding who we are once we lost it can be hard as well.



    Lisa... I would never know that was you in your drivers license pictures.

  9. Small, I'm right with Pammie, but when I was losing weight and had a tight fill it was eraser size.

    Food isn’t the same for me anymore – it will lose a lot of its luster and it’s more about turning it into fuel, I don’t like watching people eat – the big bitters gross me out. (I call myself a tiny bitter now).

    Eraser... as on the end of a pencil? or one my kids take to school that looks like an oversized piece of gum? lol

  10. Under the direction of the OCC doctors, I went for a complete unfill three weeks ago because I kept getting stuck, even on liquids, every few days. At first I tried two slight unfills, but was still having problems so they figured I needed to completely unfill and let the swelling go down. I thought eight months in to this I would be able to control myself around food without a fill, but no luck.

    I gained nine pounds in three weeks, three pounds per week consistantly. I wouldn't say I was binging, but I was eating the foods that I can not when restricted, like sandwiches, and all kinds of meats that I haven't had since December (mostly chicken and beef) and found my appetite came back with full force after about 48 hours. The first thing I noticed was I was waking up hungry every morning. When filled, I don't seem to get hungry until noonish.

    Anyway, I'm not proud of myself but I'm not depressed about it either. I bought some great size 12 and 14 clothes this summer that now I'm going to get to wear a little longer- gotta look at the bright side, lol! I started at size 22 so this size (and shopping in normal stores) feels pretty good. I really didn't believe I'd ever be less than 200. On the flip side, I can see how quickly I could get back over 200 without this tool. I don't want to be that tight (and risk losing my band) ever again. I only got 2 cc's put back in so we'll see how I do with that.


    So glad you are on your way again Sabrina. Your attitude says you are going to continue to do incredible on this journey. Keep us posted


  11. They are one and the same for me - just cues to listen to and act on.

    For many of us the "I'm full" sign is differant. You need to find out what yours is and listen to it. (It can also change after a fill).



    Thanks Lisa

    I agree.. I think they are the same for me as well. I just need a tiny bit more help in feeling restricted. I dont feel I'm quite there yet.

    Even though my numbers have not been encouraging...I do feel I'm close to my sweet spot so I can move on to losing wt.

  12. Ive been reading Dr Ortiz book and really focusing on working this band and measuring this week. Its really been helping but what I've realized is I dont know if I'm starting to get tight or is it the feeling of fullness when I'm eating. Either way, I stop... slow down and then realize I'm not hungry. Its not lasting that long though. I feel as if I can eat again in the next 2-3 hours again. So I'm keeping my fill appt on Monday because I feel I need more restriction inbetween meals.

    Am I getting the hang of this?

  13. I got my 3rd fill for a total of 2.2 in my band and I'm hungry all the time, besides when the band was first placed and the 2 weeks after I could say I didn't have a problem being hungry, BUT now- I am never tight, in fact I wake up striving! I gained a half a pound back and I don't have that flatt(er) looking tummy I was starting to get, I AM thinking about going to OCC next month for a fill cause just getting pissed

    We're gonna do great! I totally understand your frustration... I feel it too. I know I need to work with this band and we just got to get to where it helps us too


  14. I was in your shoes, it is discouraging. What helped me stay focused and positive was knowing that with each fill I get closer to the level I need to be at. I recently had my 3rd fill. I am fairly satisfied with my restriction level. I am eating smaller portions and staying full for the right amount of time. With each fill, you are giving your body time to adjust to it's new stoma. Even if you don't feel like you are restricted, you are getting there! It won't be long and will be where you want to be. It's a process like anything else. You are doing great! Some of us have to have 3 or more fills before we hit a good level. You and I are from that group!

    This week the scale is moving. I feel skinner and my boyd is adjusting to fewer calories. Ya-hoo! My zip tie is working and yours will too! Slow and steady win the race!

    With each fill, you are giving your body time to adjust to it's new stoma. Even if you don't feel like you are restricted, you are getting there! Thank you so much for these words... So glad you are doing so well!!

  15. Sorry about this, it does happen. Suggestion, I've learned going in for fills to make sure I set myself up for success. I don't have fills in the AM (that's when I’m at my tightest). I don't get them before - or during my period. I stay away from salty foods or anything that could cause me to retain water. I focus on not dealing with stress and letting it go. I focus on drinking a lot of water the week before my fill to flush my body of any toxins. My goal is to go in and get a fill at my optimum.

    Don't stress out, you will find your sweet spot, but realize even when you do - it will need adjustment from time to time. I know its hard but even when you're loose - you can't use that as an excuse to overeat or test out your pouch - focus on measuring your food and eating bandster style - proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs (if you have room).

    Right now is the time to make sure you are exercising as well - the combination of eating less and exercise is the key to our success.

    Take care,


    great suggestions. With the heat down here in southern cali.. drinking plenty of water before my fill will be a benefit. I do remember it being "that time of the month" for my last fill. I am scheduled at the OCC on labor day. So far. I have not gained the 5 pounds back so that it a blessing. I'm definatley eating less but just not less enough.

    Thanks for all the kind words and suggestions.


  16. I got my 2nd fill and had good restriction for about 2 weeks. I even lost 5 pounds. Now its as if its gone. I scheduled a 3rd fill in a few weeks. I dont want to gain even the 5 pounds I lost back.

    This all does get discouraging.. I'm still not telling people what surgery I have had done out of fear I wont lose any weight. Oh boy.......... I'll keep crossing my fingers this works.

  17. OK I finally got a chance to post! I can only download pics at work so it took a bit.

    I look like death warmed over i've been working sooo many hours so ignore the bags and dark circles! :)


    Have a great day!!!

    Looking great Shelby!! I cant wait till I'm able to do the same. Thanks for the inspiration.

  18. Hi everyone,

    Im here for some support and advice.

    I guess its hard and we are in the same boat.

    I cant excercise im too lazy and have no motivation as is the story of my life, what do you do to motivate yourself?

    Also frigging chocolate and icecream.... how do i stop? I dont eat big meals thats GREAT but then i eat the rubbish that goes down so well and yum.

    I dont eat bread much at all, cant get it down, same with my vegetarian chicken fillets. I have the band but im not doing it well. Jusrt need some enlightenment and positivity cause i know how to do it but i feel i just cant?

    Oh and im soo lethargic...


    I understand as well... I've lost the same 11 pounds since the post op diet but hang in there... I've heard with restriction and doing the rules.. It does get better

  19. Hello

    Need some info on parking at the Border. Where do you park ?? I notice last mo when I was there was a parking lot by Mc Donalds is that safe.

    Any ideas please share.


    Mickie in Omaha

    I get off at the last exit and on the immediate right there is parking. 5 bucks for 2 hours. I think the most I paid was 7. Then I cross the street and walk over. Very very easy.

  20. (((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I'm in shock but very happy.

    On the day of my surgery I wore 20w jeans, today I went to the store because the 20w's were falling off, literally, and I purchased a new pair. They were a pair of 16 regular.


    Huge Congrats Robyn!!

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