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Everything posted by Kristi

  1. These are so great... I haven't laughed so hard in a while....
  2. Thank you all, I have been so busy the last couple days. I really tried not to get on the scale for a while and it was so very hard not to. I will do my best to go by size and fit of clothes, but I missed my scale. I have been struggling to stay off, but ah well, I will try, no guarantees now.. So last night I tried on my stretchy capris that are size 10 and I got them on and zipped them up and they were a tad snug in waist but felt so very good. I have 2 other size 10 jeans (non-stretchy) that don't fit yet, but I will get there. It is a process. My trainer at the gym is surprised by how much I push myself, but as they say, "ya gotta do what ya gotta do..." And this is all for me, so I push my body and keep training hard. I did for the first time in years get on a treadmill yesterday after I did the bike for 25 minutes at the gym. I actually did not get dizzy on it and stayed on for over 20 minutes. :lb25: That is a record for me. (usually after I do the nautilus machines and free weights and other stuff, I do 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 on the bike.) Woo hoo.... Anywho, I have to take my recycling out to the recycling center. Fun... Hugs to all, Kristi
  3. IrishRN, Congrats! On both the restriction and the difference from before the surgery. It is awesome when family can see the difference and give such a morale boost. Hugs, Kristi
  4. Good evening All, Well, I did something I wasn't going to do. I weighed myself on the scale. Bad..Bad..me..... Anyways, I am still on Operation Size 10, but here is what happened. I decided I was going to wear one of the size 12s in my closet that I only tried on a few weeks ago. Well to my surprise I put them on and get this.... there was room in the waist... The last time there wasn't and this time they were loose :cheerleader: I was in shock. so I immediately stripped back down to my undies and jumped on the scale... I hit 170!!! WOO HOO............ It has been so long since I have weighed even under 195, and now I am 170..... I tell ya, I did the happy dance for about 20 minutes... I couldn't contain myself... :girl_dance: I am so tasting the 160s right now it isn't funny. My trainer gave me the goal which was to hit 164 before I left for Philly next month, and I am so very very close... And I didn't think it was that possible when he told me that... I have more motivation than ever to get into my size 10s right now.... Well, I am off now. Hugs, Kristi
  5. Hello Carrie, Hey, my Birthday is the 20th of September. ;D I occasionally get a tall skinny latte but I don't even drink 1/4 of it, but maybe once a month or twice. I used to be addicted to Starbucks, but since getting banded, not the same since I am rarely there. It 's hard. Keep up the good work. Kristi
  6. :-h Sabrina, I also think you did right by having the unfill and not risking anything that could go wrong with your band. However, yay for restriction! Keep up the great work. Hugs, Kristi
  7. :lb10: , What an amazing accomplishment! I think it is so awesome to hear stories like yours. It gives so much hope for all of us. Thank you for sharing, Kristi
  8. :lb10: Andy, Welcome to Bandland. This forum is awesome. The pain will get easier day by day, however walking is a must to help alleviate it. I was given a liquid med called Lortab, it is a narcotic, (I am pretty sure), but for me it helped take the edge off in the beginning for the shoulder pain and I only took at night before bed. However, like I said, walking was the best thing for me that worked. Take care and keep us updated on your progress. Kristi
  9. :lb14: So, How do you like San Diego so far? I actually moved to Riverside County early last year. My husbands ship will be stationed there in a few months. We also drive sown several times a month. I miss being down there. I love the new area but the weather is definitely not the same. Well, I am off now, Kristi
  10. Hi Holly :-h Somehow I missed your pictures. I was looking forward to seeing them. Hugs, Kristi 12:17pm... Ok, I feel like a bit of a dork now. I just figured out how to view you pics. I have to agree with others, you look like a whole new person. You look Fantastic! ***Congrats*** Kristi
  11. Woo Hoo for Operation Size 10.... :cheerleader: It is funny, I write this on the top of my workout page everytime I am at the gym. This has kept me very focused. I went to the Doc today and got my 3rd fill and he was quite surprised by the changes I have made to myself. I just explained that I have goals and that my biggest is Operation Size 10 that needs to be completed before I go to Philadeplia next month. (I think he is very impressed with me, since he said that several of his patients are not as motivated as I am.) Also, he loved the name of our newest goal, pronbably cuz he's a military Doc and both of the nurses loved it too. The fill was interesting. I am upto 3.5ml's and it definitely gave me more restriction. I had a cup of soup/broth for lunch and it took forever to eat and I didn't eat it all. I am not used to that. So I am gonna sign off for now, I have a Job's Daughters meeting, Hugs, Kristi
  12. Thank you all so much.. It is awesome to have such wonderful support. I added a 3rd pic from this morning to the list of pics. Although I cannot seem to get the August picture smaller, anyways, Hugs to all, > Kristi
  13. Thank you... Pammie, Holly, Tracie, AimmeJo and Determination, > It is really amazing the transformation that I am seeing these days. I absolutely love my band and I just keep at the gym trying to change my body for the better. Everyday is a new day. And yes Determination, the jeans I am wearing are my size 12s. Infact the pic sitting on the rocks was taken the beginning of August and these specific capri jeans are loose now. :lb21: Hugs, Kristi
  14. :lb5: Well, I finally was able to get some pics posted. Hopefully they turn out. The first one was on April 24th, 2009 and I was at my heaviest at 238. I am the one looking at the camera... Eeekkk...... the second one I was down to about 188, my first 50 pound goal.. Hugs, Kristi Thanks Shelby for the info on how to upload.
  15. Hi Holly, I know I have already posted, but reading your message this morning, well you are doing phenomenal. :lb21: Congrats! You are truly an inspiration.... Kristi
  16. Janet, :lb10: Isn't it great to not have to go into the plus sizes anymore in stores. You are doing awesome. Where is your cruise taking you? Keep us posted. Hugs, Kristi
  17. Hi All, Well I have a question about slippage. How do you know if it has happened? Has anyone had this happened and how does it feel? The reason I am asking is because on the 25th of August I was horribly dizzy and pretty much threw up all my dinner. (it came up liquidy and not chunky) Sorry for the descriptiveness.. And this was the only time I have ever gotten sick since being banded. Well, there were several days after that it felt different when eating. Now eating has gotten back to normal recently, but could I have inflamed my belly puch, and it needed time to heal. Or what? Any thought or ideas on this? Thanks for the help, Kristi
  18. This is such a great post Carrie... It is definitely true! :lb13: Kristi
  19. Hi Carrie, I am at a stand still with my weight. I haven't lost in numbers, granite I have had other nsv. My doc actually called me this afternoon to see how I have been doing,(which really surprised me) so he decided he wants to do a fill on Thursday. He said it was time, after I gave him an update. We'll see. Maybe it will be a good thing.. Just remember that Operation Size 10 is in effect and we will get there, slowly and surely... :lb21: Take Care, Hugs, Kristi
  20. Louise, CONGRATS!!! :lb13: That is an awesome victory!!! Kristi **BTW, I want to look up lululemon, I need some more workout clothes...
  21. :lb5: Elle, Congats on being banded and your weightloss. I was banded 3 months ago on the 19th of May. I love my band.. Keep up the good work. Hugs, Kristi
  22. Mamabear, I am so sorry for your loss. Kristi
  23. Hi Julie, I too have had a breast redustion, actually though I had two. My first one was in 1994, I was 22 and my breasts were way too big for my body. I was puching out of a 34DD but refused to buy any bigger bra and couldn't gp tp a 36 beacuse I had a very small back at the time and needed it done. After the swelling, I was at a C cup. I loved the perkiness, however I had complications and ended up with some scarring that was not the usual kind. Then the second one was 10 years later in 2004 and found out from that surgery why there was complications with the first one. Because of the scarring, I was covered through insurance again also helped that after two kids they grew big again and I was in a 38DD again. You see I am allergic to dissolvable stitches which makes for interesting surgeries since I have to use the old nylon stitches all the time, it does stink to have such sensitive tissue sometimes. GRRRR... Anyways, after my doc figured out what was the problem, in a month after that surgery, I had to go back and get kinda redone. Now this time wasn't so bad, because I healed up no problem and I love them still after almost 5 years. But after all was said and done I am still a D cup, but the girls haven't sagged in years.... :lb21: Definitely make sure to keep yourself bound together tight and I thought the pain was manageable. Although I did sleep on the couch for 6-8 weeks after surgery because I am a belly sleeper and I had to position myself on the couch as to not turnover on my belly. It helped me alot. After the surgery I was able to go back in to Victoria Secrets and buy pretty bras too. After I gained all the weight I couldn't wear them, but since losing so far 60+ pounds, all my 40Ds no longer fit (kinda look like I am engulfed in the bras, ha ha....) and I went on Wednesday and bought some at Vickies and am back to a 38D. I was very excited since they have really cute bras and I can wear them again. Good luck & :lb10: with your surgery. Kristi
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