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Everything posted by macleay

  1. The zip lock bag is a GREAT idea! I just had my first PB experience yesterday and thank god I was home!
  2. That is great that you have a buddy to go through the surgery with! I spent the night and was glad I did, just for the security of knowing a doctor was close by just in case. I know of others that didn't spend the night and did just fine, so I guess it's just whatever you're comfortable with.
  3. Two miles yesterday and two miles today. Took three days off and what a mistake! I really notice the difference in the way I feel when I exercise.
  4. I wouldn't have any problem taking my kid to Mexico either, as long as Grandma was there to watch over her. But what about you--will you be alone for your surgery? It's not essential to have someone there with you, but I have to admit, it was nice having someone to talk to before and after the surgery--it's a long day.
  5. Enjoyed the You Tube. What a beautiful girl and it was neat to see the before and after pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  6. So, tell us how your first day on solids went--what'd you eat and how'd it go down?
  7. Wow--50 pounds! That's AWESOME! Congratulations.
  8. I don't have any suggestions but just wanted to commiserate with you. The last week was the hardest and the last few days were terrible. For me, it wasn't that I was hungry, I was just READY to eat something ! lol Hang in there, it's almost over. Just look at what you've accomplished in the last 5 weeks! How much have you lost?
  9. You are my hero!!! And did you change your "after" picture? You look gorgeous!
  10. It's not at all abnormal to have no restriction before having a fill. Some people do, most people don't. And there isn't a set number of fills before you get the right restriction--it's different with everyone. If you spend some time reading the posts on this board, you'll see that there are people who haven't every had to have a fill (Revy!) and people who have had several before getting to their "sweet spot". You can lose weight without restriction if you limit your calories, eat the right foods, exercise, and burn more than you consume. But restriction makes it easier. The idea is that if you have good restriction, you will feel satisfied with less food, as long as you're eating the right foods, not foods like ice cream, chips, etc. Those foods go straight through and don't fill you up like protein and veggies. You're lucky to be able to go to the OCC for your fills--ask Dr. So and he'll also be able to give you some good information about restriction, etc.
  11. Wow, sounds like you have a good amount of restriction just with the band. I know that some people have trouble with meats that aren't very moist and with breads. I'd be interested in seeing what you are able to eat in a day and also, if you're losing weight? I certainly would not get a fill at this point--it sounds like you have good restriction and I have to admit, I'm kinda jealous! Not trying to minimize, your frustration--I'm sure it must be difficult to all sudden not be able to eat so many things. For many of us, it's a very gradual thing as we get fills.
  12. I don't think I was ever told that the band would make me make better food choices, in fact, just the opposite. I was told the band was a tool and that I would have to do the majority of the work, by making good food choices, exercising, and working WITH the band. I saw from reading others' posts that some people had trouble with certain types of foods and others didn't. I also was aware that I could easily sabatage the band by eating the "wrong" foods. I certainly can't speak for Kris, the original poster, but her situation sounded similar to mine. I've had several fills now and am doing my best to eat the right foods--lots of protein first, then veggies, then carbs if I have room. And that's the problem--I always have room! I don't feel like I'm tring to cheat the band at all! Isn't the band supposed to help me restrict my eating when I'm doing my part by eating the right foods, not drinking liquid before and after meals, and exercising? The good news for me is, I've lost the 4 pounds I'd gained since going off the liquid diet in January (refused to move the ticker up! lol), so I hope I'm finally on my way. But I feel like I'm doing it totally on willpower without help from the band. I know it will help me once I get the proper restriction and will just hang in there until that happens!
  13. Cool!! I like to keep my lunch between 250-300 calories. I go out to lunch 1-2 times per week and have been trying to find something low calorie, but also tasty, and this one fit the bill. I'm not a salad lover, unfortunately.
  14. Applebee's Grilled Shrimp and Rice lo-cal (under 550) calories! I don't like rice so I asked them to substitute veggies. It was an awesome lunch!!! 500 calories for lunch is too much for me, but I'm hoping since I substituted the veggies the calorie total was less.
  15. They sound really good--I don't know if you can buy Jenny Craig food without being on the program, but I'll check it out. I'm with you on Onderland--I'm not even close, but I am determined to get there.
  16. Good question and I am very interested in hearing others' responses. It took me 5 fills to get where you are (actually I'm at 8.1ccs at this point), and I don't seem to have any problem eating meat and vegetables--I can eat as much as I want and don't seem to get full at 1/3 of what I used to eat. I haven't tried bread since my last fill (one week ago) so don't know if that will be a problem. I am planning on giving it a month or so and trying to eat right before I get another fill, but expected a little help from the band.
  17. 2 miles this morning and it brought the ticker over 100--woohoo! I'm sure with the others that haven't been updated we have much more than 100!
  18. This doesn't qualify as music, but it's what I listen to when I work out--the Adam Carolla podcast. I've done the same DVD workouts for so many years, I have them memorized and just watch them on TV with the sound down while I work out!
  19. Sherri, I got my first fill done at the OCC and it was 2.5 ccs. I would have liked to go to them for all my fills, but I couldn't afford the time or money. I go to a doctor who is about an hour south of me, Dr. Kelly Fitzpatrick. She does not use fluoroscopy, but is very experienced and I have no complaints (other than it's taken me 5 fills to get any semblance of restriction! ) Not Dr. Fitzpatrick's fault--I just can't seem to handle large amounts of saline at a time.
  20. OCC is just the best, aren't they? I felt the same way you did. I've had a few surgeries before this one, so I had something to compare, and OCC wins hands down.
  21. Oatmeal breakfast square? What's that? And yes, my motivation changes from day to day. I have had 5 fills in a shorter time than probably most people and I'm still not sure if I have good restriction. My challenge has been to not get discouraged that I haven't lost weight since my surgery and the three-week liquid diet, and to not gain any more. I've played with the same 2-3 pounds for 3 months now, and get very discouraged sometimes. I just had my 5th fill last week, though, and I'm hopeful that this will do the trick. Sometimes I feel like I deliberately eat bad food to stop the weight loss, but I sure as hell don't know why.
  22. Two miles on Monday! I skipped yesterday and could tell the difference in how I felt. I always feel better when I exercise!
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