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Blog Comments posted by KristaH

  1. Well, as we were in there signing for the loan, even the consultants were on my side, regarding not getting it now and waiting. So needless to say...I'm at ground zero again. And payday was last friday...did we save anything...no! I knew it would end up like this.

    I really do appriciate your advice, but I think this is just it.

  2. Thanks Ladies...so much! I just dont know where to turn right now...I feel like we've exhausted every opportunity out there. I'm going to try and keep going but I feel like we're just hurting our credit even more by flling out sooo many applications. I just wish I could find the 1 person/company that'll understand me. If you have any miracle ideas, PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know...

  3. Thank you SO much for your encouraging words! and it is SOOO true that unless you've struggled with weight, you don't understand. I guess thats sort of the position I'm in. I've made the decision for myself, but feel like I'm still trying to convince other people, because they just don't understand. But what matters to me, is that I'm doing this for myself. I want a happier, healthier future. :D And great idea to start jotting questions down now...I will definately start doing that! I will keep ya updated! Thanks Again!

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