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Drinking water when you're stuck

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No water you just have to wait it out. Water makes it worse. Thats what I was told:)

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On another note - I was told that if you drink on top of a stuck pouch you can take the chance of stretching out your stomach. (Just think about it, you poor liquid on top of something stuck where's it going to go).

Not worth the chance - it’s a big no, no for us. The best thing to do is walk, and move your body. I know its hard - but it always works it way out, up or down......



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I wouldnt drink water if I was stuck, lesson learned, you will just throw it up. there is no where for it to go but up and out. Yuck! The enzimes are a good way to help when you have something stuck, eat four of those and wait it out. That is what I had to do. Then make sure you never do it again. Chew, chew chew. I can't say that enough.

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I remember Dr. So specifically and emphatically saying NOT TO drink water/fluids even if stuck because of the risk of stretching the pouch. Today I experienced this and just walked it off, per Dr. So's instructions. After a lap around the house I had an involuntary cough and up came the culprit and I felt fine.

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