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Pretty Face Syndrome

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So, my sister-in-law says, "The reason you got so fat is because you have 'Pretty Face Syndrome'. People tell you how pretty you are and you just rest on that. I don't have a pretty face so I have to work hard on my body." Uh, thanks for the compliment... I think (?).

I got to wondering about that comment and started looking at some of your pictures. There sure are a lot of pretty faces staring back at me. How many of us only look at our faces in the mirror and think, "I don't look that bad." I know I walk right past that bathroom mirror when I'm nekkie. Her theory is interesting but it doesn't explain people like "Jessica Freakin" Alba!!

Also, I really don't think I'm all that pretty but it sure is nice she thinks so! :)

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Yes, I am guilty. I used to have a bumper sticker that said "I may be fat, but you're ugly and I can diet"!


Oh my!! Once my brother in law called me a heifer and I said, "Fat I can fix, but ugly you're stuck with"!!! I'm still fat though ... and he's still ugly. LOL God forgive me for that.

I never thought to make it a bumper sticker. I wonder if that's where that windfall of cash he got came from. He stole my insult!! :P

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Hmmm...I don't know, is that what you call a back-handed compliment? My sister is infamous for back-handed compliments. I have never heard of the sydrome but personally I have never had anyone say to me "you have such a pretty face..." and although I consider myself relatively attractive I would probably rate myself a 6 on a scale of 1-10. I am one of those people who is definately not photogenic and I take terrible pictures so I have a tendency to base my looks on that. If a photo is a mirror image then I have issues.

I have heard of and it sounds like your sister is referring to "Butterface Syndrome" which goes something like "she has a great body but her face..."

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Butterface syndrome, hahahaha!!! I have to share that with my friends on facebook if you don't mind. On another note, I am the opposite with photos...I look better in pics than real life. It's a good thing I was never single when online dating was so popular or there would be plenty of dissapointed guys out there when they saw me up close. I know I'm not ugly, but I know I look better in pics for some reason.


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I have heard of and it sounds like your sister is referring to "Butterface Syndrome" which goes something like "she has a great body but her face..."

LOL. I wasn't going to say that because it sounded mean but she said I had Pretty Face Syndrome that's why I was fat and she had Butterface Syndrome and that's why she works on her body. But since YOU said it first I'll go ahead and share the whole story. ;)

I'm blessed in having a sister in law that's as close as a sister. She's always encouraged me in my weight loss. She wasn't being snide when she said that. Shout out to sis in law!

As far as what I think, pictures of my face look better than what's in the mirror and pictures of my body just don't make sense! Just whose body is that attached to my head?!!

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