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PREGNANT :) I havent been on here much lately, but figured I would come share the news with those of you who care lol. I am almost 9 weeks. I actually had just booked a fill when I found out lol - so far so good :) I am having a bit of a hard time with not having enough restriction - but I have been so nausious that it is probably a good thing!


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OMG look at how amazing you look Donna! WOWZERS! Way to go!

Yup - I am! lol - we actually tried for over 2 years. I figured its never going to happen, so I went and had all my PS in May then voila ha ha. Just hope all the work somewhat looks decent after lol - oh well, I dont mind another visit to TJ :)

I am due in September - and unfortunately have to have a c-section, which freaks me out a little because I had my old scars made a little prettier as they were UGLY before.

I had my ultrasound friday :)

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WHAT???? How exciting! Have you ever been at a normal weight when you got pregnant like you are now? Both times I got pregnant I weighed 239. I've always wondered what it would have felt like to be pregnant with a normal BMI. I guess now you'll know! Way to go!


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PREGNANT :) I havent been on here much lately, but figured I would come share the news with those of you who care lol. I am almost 9 weeks. I actually had just booked a fill when I found out lol - so far so good :) I am having a bit of a hard time with not having enough restriction - but I have been so nausious that it is probably a good thing!



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WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!! That is so exciting! I know it kind of stinks to have it happen after the PS, but who cares it happened!!!

Definitely don't be a stranger and let us know how it's going!!! Congrats!!!

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Congratulations!!!!!!! My first baby was C-section, but the second was vaginal. Unless there is a medical reason why you have to have a c-section, you might get lucky and deliver vaginally like I did. I was mobile almost immediately and in way less pain the 2nd time than with the section. Good luck.

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PREGNANT :) I havent been on here much lately, but figured I would come share the news with those of you who care lol. I am almost 9 weeks. I actually had just booked a fill when I found out lol - so far so good :) I am having a bit of a hard time with not having enough restriction - but I have been so nausious that it is probably a good thing!


What beautiful news! Congratulations!

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I am definately having a c-section. They dont give you a choice here after having two before. I have started to stretch out a little and I admit its a little uncomfortable - I swear I can feel my poor skin stretching! Nope - I was not a normal weight for either of my two pregnancies. This is the first time in my life I am at a normal weight. I am excited though to see a baby bump - didnt really have one before. I am worried though that its going to be really uncomfortable!! I guess time will tell.

Thanks everyone! You should see my husband - he is so flipping excited, its ridiculous (my previous children are from my ex so this is his first).


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How about Ariel Ortiz!!?? :)

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How exciting for you and your hubby. Maybe your tight little tummy will be your restriction now. So happy for you. We will be hoping to find out the sex of the baby from you when it is time.

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