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Hello I will be at the OCC for my 3rd fill on July 31st. anyone else that will be there ??

Good luck to the people going into bandster life and to the ones that have just made there journey.

I will be there July 30th for preop and surgery all in the same day, then off to the Marriott till Aug 1!! Maybe I'll see ya there =)

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Hey girl, I got your message. I've been really busy but I will call you tomorrow. : )


Protein Water Mix - Check

Fiber Powder - Check

Gas-X strips - Check

Liquid Extra Stenght Tylenol - Check

I'm having surgey next Wed. I didn't even know we needed this stuff. What is Protein Water Mix? Can we take the chewable Gas-X? What is Fiber Powder?

The Protein Water is the Special K protein powder that you can add to water. Just to help me get protein when I am on the liquid diet post-op. Fiber powder is BeneFiber powder to add to water to help with any constipation. I don't know about the chewable Gas X but they have strips that just dissolve on your tongue. I had two friends banded at the OCC a little over a year ago and with their advice and other posts on this website I came up with these things that I though would help me over the next few weeks.

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Thank you for your help Jenny! : ) I noticed you have a low BMI and not that much weight to lose. I was curious about your decsion to get banded.

I have struggled with my weight ever since my son was born 14 years ago. I am pretty good at losing weight, it is the not gaining it back that I am not so good at. Like most of us on here I have tried all different things, Weight Watchers, Body Bugg, High Protein, etc. and I do good but it is just not sustainable for me. My biggest problem is portion control (I can out eat all my friends and family) at 5'11" I can pack in the food. I decided to get banded when two of my friends did and it has really helped them. I just need that extra help to keep the weight off. It seems like each year I check off one more side affect of being obese/over weight. ~~ high blood pressure, sleep apenia and bladder problems! So that is really what has motivated me to move forward on this. ~Jenny

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Protein Water Mix - Check

Fiber Powder - Check

Gas-X strips - Check

Liquid Extra Stenght Tylenol - Check

"Eat, Pray, Love" book for the Trip - Check

Waiting for Monday to get here!!!!!!!!!

I'm with you! T-minus 3 days til our surgery day. I've got my check list going just like you. I've been busy trying to get my life in order to be out of commission for the next week or so. I read the comment about your low BMI and choosing the band. This forum has opened my eyes to the huge array of people that struggle with weight loss. I used to be so annoyed at thinner people that just kept complaining about how they couldn't get the 20 or 30 pounds off...now I see that no matter if it is 5 or 500 pounds, we are all struggling with our own demons...and we all need just the same support. I look forward to meeting you on Monday. As excited as I am about the possibilty that this might be the answer to my prayers, I am still scared that this procedure will be just one more thing that I try, spend thousands of dollars on, and still fail like I have so many times in the past.

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Dr, That's the recording some of us overweight people have in our heads, "that we will fail". I know I struggle with this. My weight has led to low self esteem and low self esteem has kept the weight on. I am fearful of being overweight and dying and then again fearful of breaking free from the weight and becoming all that I am meant to be. I just keep focusing on changing my life for the better, getting healthy, and living happily ever after with my wonderful husband. I am becoming more and more determined to do this, as a friend suggested I do. ;) I know that we will both be successful as we go on this journey! :D

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Dr, That's the recording some of us overweight people have in our heads, "that we will fail". I know I struggle with this. My weight has led to low self esteem and low self esteem has kept the weight on. I am fearful of being overweight and dying and then again fearful of breaking free from the weight and becoming all that I am meant to be. I just keep focusing on changing my life for the better, getting healthy, and living happily ever after with my wonderful husband. I am becoming more and more determined to do this, as a friend suggested I do. ;) I know that we will both be successful as we go on this journey! :D

:wub: We just need to remember this is a life change. Its all about the choices we make. We can Do This we will succeed. :wub:

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Hello everyone! I am one week post-op and doing really well. I've stuck to the liquid diet and I really haven't felt hungry, which is weird to me. My weight went up five pounds right after surgery and it took about two days to go back down. Since then, I've been losing about a pound a day. Including my pre-op phase, I'm down a total of 15 pounds. The port area is the only thing that's bothered me, but it hasn't been unbearable. I'm still anxious and excited about the journey ahead. I feel really good about my decision.

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I HIGHLY RECOMMEND PROTEIN ADDITIVES . . . I only made it 3 days on the clear liquids before going zombie and crashing. Thankfully some milked-down yogurt got me revived. Even the Mayo Clinic doesn't recommend staying on a clear liquid diet for longer than a few days unless you have some sort of protein or nutrients.

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I had lap band surgery on the 28th. We just got home today from Mexico. I'm doing pretty good. I have soreness around the port incision and some gas pains. I struggle with the mental game of hunger. The clear liquid diet is tough. It's the end of day 3 and I am so sick of broth. I had two angels who had surgery the same day as me, Robin and Angela. They helped me through every step of this journey.

I would recommend Dr. Ortiz and his team to anyone considering this surgery. The Mexico hospital was clean, the staff is friendly and professional. If anyone has anyone questions, feel free to email me anytime.

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Just joined the forum. I was banded on July 16, recovery went great, and the transition has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I've lost about 17 pounds post-op (along with 15) pre-op and looking forward to much, much more success in the next months and years! Sure, that's generic, but can't think of another way to express how excited I am right now. Haha!

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Just joined the forum. I was banded on July 16, recovery went great, and the transition has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I've lost about 17 pounds post-op (along with 15) pre-op and looking forward to much, much more success in the next months and years! Sure, that's generic, but can't think of another way to express how excited I am right now. Haha!

That's so awesome you have lost 17lbs post op!!! Congratulations on all 32lbs lost!!! You are doing great! The transition isn't so easy for me, but that's ok, I'm staying strong and learning a lot about myself along the way.

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