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Private or Public Banding

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I chose not to tell people I was getting banded. The only people that know are my husband, a friend that came with me to TJ and another friend that first told me about the surgery. I have a few different reasons for not telling people; I didn't want to hear about the 'dangers' of getting surgery in Mexico or have all my skinny friends share once again how they stay skinny by not eating dessert for a few weeks (I have never eaten dessert my entire life) or by cutting out their morning pastry. I may tell a few close friends eventually but we'll see how the band works for me first. Please share your story.

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I PLAN on being private about my band. I made the mistake of telling a couple friends, 1 was great, the other tried to tell me that this was insane and it is only for people who are majorly obese and that she has all these stories to tell me about surgery in Mexico and tried to make me promise not to do it and have it done in Canada....So lesson, I haven't talked about it since.

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I told a few people - and regret telling most of them. Now I am bombarded with "so how much have you lost?!?" and other questions that are none of their business. I only told a few friends because I wanted them to know why I was leaving town (I asked a few to be available for my children if they needed something) so they wouldn't think I was just taking a vacation without my kids or something. I also told a few friends who are overweight, in case they had any questions about it.

The only ones I don't regret telling are the overweight friends. Not a single one of them has made me feel embarrassed about it, while the thinner friends keep asking me why I just don't go on a diet again (I can always lose weight without much effort, my problem is not sabotaging myself and re-gaining it), and I don't want to get into all my mental/relationship issues with them.

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I am semi-private about it. My immediate family, my boyfriend, my best friend, and 3 co-workers know. I don't know if I plan to make it public, but if I do, it'll be after I lose a substantial amount of weight. I did lie a bit when I told my co-workers - I told them I was going to San Diego for the procedure because I was tired of explaining that it was safe in Mexico. It's so draining to explain it over and over, when you're trying to make a positive change in your life!

It helps to have this forum to talk about it - I don't feel the need to tell people who aren't very important to me. You guys are wonderful!! I'm lucky to have all of your support.


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I told a few people - and regret telling most of them. Now I am bombarded with "so how much have you lost?!?" and other questions that are none of their business. I only told a few friends because I wanted them to know why I was leaving town (I asked a few to be available for my children if they needed something) so they wouldn't think I was just taking a vacation without my kids or something. I also told a few friends who are overweight, in case they had any questions about it.

The only ones I don't regret telling are the overweight friends. Not a single one of them has made me feel embarrassed about it, while the thinner friends keep asking me why I just don't go on a diet again (I can always lose weight without much effort, my problem is not sabotaging myself and re-gaining it), and I don't want to get into all my mental/relationship issues with them.

I told people I was going on a shopping trip with my friend (couldn't think of what else would fly) and I have had a few 'must be nice' snide comments since I came back. I reassure myself that I wasn't being selfish because in actuality I was doing this so I can be around for my family for longer and be healthier but since I can't tell anyone else that I just smile and nod.

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I chose not to tell people I was getting banded. The only people that know are my husband, a friend that came with me to TJ and another friend that first told me about the surgery. I have a few different reasons for not telling people; I didn't want to hear about the 'dangers' of getting surgery in Mexico or have all my skinny friends share once again how they stay skinny by not eating dessert for a few weeks (I have never eaten dessert my entire life) or by cutting out their morning pastry. I may tell a few close friends eventually but we'll see how the band works for me first. Please share your story.
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I told everyone what I did, after I did it!

My reasoning is....you can eat around the band and sabotage yourself. If I did that, I would be mighty embarrassed...so I told people to keep myself in check.

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The only person who knows is my husband, this past weekend my mom was in town and she saw me for the first time since Christmas when I was 47lbs heavier... I really wanted to tell her but for some reason I couldn't not sure if I didn't want her to know I spent $8000 to lose some weight or if she would think I took the easy way out. She is overweight too so she could benefit but I just couldn't do it... Maybe someday!

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The only person who knows that I am going to have the surgery is my husband. I haven't even told my best friend that I am going to have it done. I talked about having it done and she told me how dangerous it was and that I didn't need to have it. I want to tell my mom, but she will be TOTALLY AGAINST going to MEXICO to have surgery. I'm not telling any of my co-workers because I don't want the question, "How much have you lost so far?" all the time. My brother-in-law lives in CA, so my hubby and I are telling everyone that we are going out there to see him (they don't know he lives about 5 hours from where we will be). :P

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I stayed private about being banded. The only people that know are my husband, a friend that accompanied me, and my mother-in-law who was banded a week and a half before me. I guess I didn't tell anyone because they would be appauled about me having surgery in Mexico, and because I am a little apprehensive about the results.

Every Sunday we have family dinner at my brother's, and I have to admit that it has been a little akward explaining away my eating habits for the last month (I was banded April 8th). Eventually, I will probably "slip" and have to come clean with my family and they will probably be hurt that I didn't share earlier. Hopefully by then I will have lost a ton of weight and will be able to show then how successful the proceedure is. Until then it is pretty much my little secret.

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My husband, my children, my parents and 3 friends now. I don't think its anyone elses business especially in my family, they all think they know whats better and are better than everyone else. I don't need any negative remarks, not when I'm doing this to improve my health and all over self esteem. I am on the road to great success and I refuse to allow certain family members to sabotage it.

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I chose not to tell people I was getting banded. The only people that know are my husband, a friend that came with me to TJ and another friend that first told me about the surgery. I have a few different reasons for not telling people; I didn't want to hear about the 'dangers' of getting surgery in Mexico or have all my skinny friends share once again how they stay skinny by not eating dessert for a few weeks (I have never eaten dessert my entire life) or by cutting out their morning pastry. I may tell a few close friends eventually but we'll see how the band works for me first. Please share your story.

I only told my Hubby, 2 daughters and one friend. I didn't want to hear all the comments about the surgery and getting it done in Mexico. I still have'nt told anyone, but I'm going to after my first fill at the end of the month. I also think I'm going to say that I had it done in San Diego... save the "mexico lectures." The one friend I told bugged me for over a month, telling me not to go and she was afraid. I was sorry I told her but I finally told her that it was booked and I was going... end of story. Everyone's story is different, I guess it's what each person can handle from family and friends... to each his own.

I'll tell one day....

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I was banded 4/7/08 in tj, by dr. o. before i went, i didn't tell anyone. my sweet hubby went with me so of course he knew. as i have thought about this, i have come to the decision that obviously some people are going to have to know. i didn't want to tell anyone till after my fill, but the more time you spend with people, especially eating, the more they will know something is up anyway. don't lie to your family and friends, it will bite you in the butt, every time. the ones i have told have been so supportive and were very curious about mexico. they even asked about going down for a boob job =D> i guess it would be more exceptable if we had all been to Paris', but we didn't. so those that ask me what have i been doing...i tell and if they don't ,i don't tell. sooner or later it will be out anyway and people just won't ask, i hope they just have compliments and questions. it's only somebodies business if you want it to be. so as it gets out what i did, i want have to worry about those i lied to...get my drift?

but it's wonderful news to share any way you want to do it. ><'


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I chose not to tell people I was getting banded. The only people that know are my husband, a friend that came with me to TJ and another friend that first told me about the surgery. I have a few different reasons for not telling people; I didn't want to hear about the 'dangers' of getting surgery in Mexico or have all my skinny friends share once again how they stay skinny by not eating dessert for a few weeks (I have never eaten dessert my entire life) or by cutting out their morning pastry. I may tell a few close friends eventually but we'll see how the band works for me first. Please share your story.

Hello there!!! I have chosen to keep my procedure quiet. My husband knows and my parents know and that is it. I do not want anyone else to know. I did not want to hear the negatives either or the just go on a diet comments. If there is a comment about my future weightloss, I plan on saying, "diet and exercise". I eat fairly well now and I exercise most days during the week, so I guess I would not be completely lying.

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I have always had a hard time keeping a secret of my own. Don't get me wrong I am a very trustworthy friend. But I just could not keep my own secret. Well at least not very long. I did tell my mom, a couple of co-workers, and my husband before the surgery but no one else. I told the rest of my family and a few more co-workers afterwards simply because I knew my family would worry to death while I was in TJ. Now I am very open about the band and advise many patients when asked by the doctors (at work that is).

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I choose to go public. I didn't tell some people till the actual banding was done but then I told everyone. I am proud of what I have done and if people don't think I am loosing weight fast enough thats their problem. I will be happy to inform them how the band works and that it is suppose to be a slow weight loss so that it is safe. Any weight we all loose is that much less of a risk we are taking with our health and people should praise us for what we accomplish. But that is just my opinion.

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I had told some people in the past that I was thinking of doing it and most of the comments were not very positive, of course they come from all these people that have no weight issues. That was last year, so this year when I decided I was going to have it, I didn't tell anyone but my immediate family, my hubby, parents, brothers and kids. All were very supportive except one. My brother made me have doubts, not because of it being in Mexico, just because it was a surgery and in itslef can present certain risks. I was really stressing about it after he kept telling me not to have it done. I feel better now, and people ask me what I'm doing because I am losing weight and I tell them I am on a liquid diet to jump start my weight loss and then eating healthier and limiting my amounts. That's it!! DOn't feel bad if you don't tell.

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Only my husband and two of my teenage children know and I regret telling the teenage children who just give me grief and say things like you look great mom you don't need to loose weight (which we all know is a bunch of balony). My 16 year old daughter is especially obnoxious about this because she is rail thin and about 5 inches taller than me so doesn't see why I don't just eat healthier. I keep telling her the band is going to help me do that but she isn't buying it. Anyway our anniversary is the 17th so this is our anniversary trip and that is what everyone at work and my neighbors and friends who are on call for kids etc. know about it. When I do lose the weight I plan to tell people that I excercised and ate smaller portions because that will be the truth. I can't handle lying to people.

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I am keeping mine private. I have only told my husband of course, and my parents because they need to watch my two babies (actually dogs but I consider them my babies haha). I think that I am keeping mine a secret because I am so young, I don't want the pressure, the constant questions, or the judgment. It is hard for me to expect all my rail thin friends to understand the pain and inner turmoil that all that extra weight and rollercoaster dieting adds. Maybe one day I will tell them, for now we just don't mention it and eating little around skinny people doesn't make them notice (Hello....its normal to them, thats why there skinny). I have been tempted to tell but for now this is the decision that I feel is right, after all once it is out it is out...and in a town like mine once one person knows EVERYBODY knows haha. I can't wait to see how everybody deals with their family and friends during this time and hope to learn a few things from all of you.

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For me it just became evident that something was happening. And I hate lying or trying to hide, I'm just am horrible at it. I finally decided that I would tell people that I was on the lap band diet. And then I hated telling people that I had it done in Mexico, but I owed so much to Dr. Ortiz and most people were asking because they wanted help, so I got over that as well. My goal is to be as open and honest as possible. I wish someone had told me, I’ve had so many sit down conversations with people about this and I truly believe in the product and the man behind it so my new goal is to share my success with others so if they need the procedure for themselves, a friend or a loved one they have the opportunity to learn about this option and hear it first hand from someone who's lived it.

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I've told my husband, my sister (who is an RN), and one co-worker. I really hadn't planned on telling anyone except my husband, but after a lot of thought found that it is good to have allies. Even on the pre-opt diet at work, having someone at work that isn't constantly commenting on how much or how little I am eating is helpful.

I don't plan to share with anyone else. However, I put in for vacation several weeks ago and was approved. There is a regional meeting being planned and we were all told to email the dates that we are available. I emailed that I can not and underlined can not travel for work on May 29 or 30th because I'll be on vacation. Sure 'nuff, my boss emails out the dates... May 28-29! (He works in a different state and we don't talk often). I immediately emailed him that I have something on the 29th that I can not move and he hasn't responded. It's been a week now! I honestly considered rescheduling the surgery and then realized that never taking care of myself is what got me in this big ole body to start with!

SO, my thought is I may throw it out there and tell him that I am not going to the meeting because I am having surgery.

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I chose not to tell people I was getting banded. The only people that know are my husband, a friend that came with me to TJ and another friend that first told me about the surgery. I have a few different reasons for not telling people; I didn't want to hear about the 'dangers' of getting surgery in Mexico or have all my skinny friends share once again how they stay skinny by not eating dessert for a few weeks (I have never eaten dessert my entire life) or by cutting out their morning pastry. I may tell a few close friends eventually but we'll see how the band works for me first. Please share your story.

Only my immediate family knows and most of them are supportive. I have one sister, who is a physician in AZ, and strongly against it. I have listened to her concerns, and given her information about where I am going and my confidence in Dr. Ortiz. She still remains unconvinced, but the ultimate decsion is mine. The rest of my family and friends will know after the results start to show. B)

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Only two people know - my husband and a fellow bandster friend. My mother lives with us and she has no idea - she'd freak. She thought we went Palm Springs and that I came back with a little stomach flu.

I opted not to tell anyone else because I don't want the added pressure or comments from people "waiting" to see how I do - or don't do. I also think that more than a few people would think me foolish for plopping down 8K for something I "could do on my own" BLAH BLAH BLAH. Even worse, they would think I was nuts for having it done in Mexico. Maybe I could have lose weight on my own -eventually - but I was simply tired of the struggle and I had the cash - so why not? I completely believe that the band will help me finally lose my excess poundage. But on the slim (HA HA) chance it doesn't - I won't give the naysayers the satisfaction of saying "I told you so." So far so good - I love my band.

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Told my sister, had to listen to all her fears about Mexico, told my friend, had to listen to all her fears about Mexico... Told my Mom when I got home,( she was babysitting my pets) she said okay.... My sister lives in another state and cant keep her mouth shut as well as my friend who lives here.... I really dont care who knows as its not their concern..... to those who give you grief, tell them to blow it out their a$$ !!!!! I do :D:D:D

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