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Trying Not to Lose My Grip....

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I am getting really tired being on a liquid diet for almost 4 weeks now...OMG!!! I want to chew something soooo bad!!!

I am trying my damndest not to chew and spit or become a chip-licker, but it's getting tough.

I am a snacker...I confess and my life resolved around snacking in the evening. I am not hungry...I just want to snack...I am a snack-addict!!! AHHHH!!!

I had some jello, not satisfying, had a little more creamy soup...now I'm full....so it's not hunger...it's habit!

I am trying so hard to stay on course, it's really important to me, more important that chips and dip.

Thanks for letting me vent...I vow not to cheat and keep my grip on reality.

Cathy :wacko:

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Hey Cathy

Hang in there you can do it. I am feeling exactly the same way. I'd give anything to chew, chew and chew more. I'm not sure what the fix is but if you figure it out let me know. I've got 6 days until solids, Yippee. Let's knock out these last days together. I too promise not to cheat. Although does chip licking count as cheating?????

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I am getting really tired being on a liquid diet for almost 4 weeks now...OMG!!! I want to chew something soooo bad!!!

I am trying my damndest not to chew and spit or become a chip-licker, but it's getting tough.

I am a snacker...I confess and my life resolved around snacking in the evening. I am not hungry...I just want to snack...I am a snack-addict!!! AHHHH!!!

I had some jello, not satisfying, had a little more creamy soup...now I'm full....so it's not hunger...it's habit!

I am trying so hard to stay on course, it's really important to me, more important that chips and dip.

Thanks for letting me vent...I vow not to cheat and keep my grip on reality.

Cathy :wacko:

Hang in there Cathy! Remember the reasons why you chose to make this change. You can do it; you are a strong woman and can get through this part. From what I hear it is the hardest thing to get through. Maybe go for a walk, or take a bath or do something for yourself to get your mind off of food. Remember, we are here for you!


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Hey Cathy

Hang in there you can do it. I am feeling exactly the same way. I'd give anything to chew, chew and chew more. I'm not sure what the fix is but if you figure it out let me know. I've got 6 days until solids, Yippee. Let's knock out these last days together. I too promise not to cheat. Although does chip licking count as cheating?????

Thanks Julie...unfortunately, my diet is plan is different from the OCC...I have one more of week of creamy soups then I'm on mushy/blended foods for another 2 weeks...no solids until July 11th...first fill July 16th. I would settle for lumpy mash potatoes right now!

Oh and chew and spit or chip licking..is not cheating...as long as you don't swallow it...avoid it if you can...it doesn't break the habit!

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I am getting really tired being on a liquid diet for almost 4 weeks now...OMG!!!

4 weeks on liquids??? I thought you were just banded on the 10th? I was banded on the 4th and am still on liquids (until wednesday). Just wondering where the 4 weeks is coming from if I'm only doing 3 weeks of liquids and was banded almost a week before you. Did you do liquids only on pre-ops? Just curious. :)

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I am getting really tired being on a liquid diet for almost 4 weeks now...OMG!!! I want to chew something soooo bad!!!

I am trying my damndest not to chew and spit or become a chip-licker, but it's getting tough.

I am a snacker...I confess and my life resolved around snacking in the evening. I am not hungry...I just want to snack...I am a snack-addict!!! AHHHH!!!

I had some jello, not satisfying, had a little more creamy soup...now I'm full....so it's not hunger...it's habit!

I am trying so hard to stay on course, it's really important to me, more important that chips and dip.

Thanks for letting me vent...I vow not to cheat and keep my grip on reality.

Cathy :wacko:

I know it's difficult, Cathy but it does take 21 days or 500 repeat behaviours apparently to change a habit. Today I had a small piece of sugar free gum and it made me feel better. Of course, having learned from the shoulder pains last time I had to be very conscious of my chewing so I didn't take in air. I'm a serial snacker by nature so when I get the urge now I clean something 'til it passes. I know for sure snacking is head hunger not real hunger. You have to find your replacement. In my world, snacking seems to be tied to not moving, couch, TV, that kind of thing. So, I'll get up and toss in a load of laundry or find something I was too busy to do or that I procrastinated on. I also jump into the jet tub with candles, tunes and a good book when I start obsessing about practically anything. I can't do that this early out so I clean!

You can do it, you are DRIVEN!

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I am getting really tired being on a liquid diet for almost 4 weeks now...OMG!!! I want to chew something soooo bad!!!

I am trying my damndest not to chew and spit or become a chip-licker, but it's getting tough.

I am a snacker...I confess and my life resolved around snacking in the evening. I am not hungry...I just want to snack...I am a snack-addict!!! AHHHH!!!

I had some jello, not satisfying, had a little more creamy soup...now I'm full....so it's not hunger...it's habit!

I am trying so hard to stay on course, it's really important to me, more important that chips and dip.

Thanks for letting me vent...I vow not to cheat and keep my grip on reality.

Cathy :wacko:

Way to go for venting!! That is SO important!! What you're doing right now is hard and we all need to let it out, if nothing else but to save our sanities!!

I'm SO proud of you for making it this far. Please remember to just be really gentle with yourself. You've taken the first steps in an all important journey, and you're getting through it, as best as you can.

Here are some suggestions I remember reading before I had my lap-band implant:

- chew, chew, chew gum until you can't chew anymore.

- don't forget to breathe! Breathe in and breathe out. This is so important! Breathing takes away stress and allows the body to relax naturally.

- recognize that what you may be feeling is "mental hunger." Mental hunger keeps telling you that you need something RIGHT NOW. Physical hunger comes on gradually and gives you a chance to satisfy it before it goes away on its own.

- remember that there are something like five to eight times a day that we are VERY SUSCEPTABLE to reacting to our impulses. If you can get through these times (they usually only last for a couple of minutes, each), then, you should pat yourself on the back for making it one step closer to your goal.

- when you're in the middle of a mental craving, just keep telling yourself that your mind is lying to you as your body already has all the fuel it needs to make it through the day,

- and finally, remember that your body is changing and it needs your help to heal. It is very susceptible right now to damage, and it needs your help to make it the rest of the way.

Hope this helps.


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Hang in there! It will be over soon and then you can chew! The hardest part is that there is no surgery to change your habits. I had to read the literature over and over that said "no snacks between meals" so that my brain can understand STOP SNACKING. I think that since you have been sticking to the plan you are very strong and you can do it.

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Cathy.. you are doing excellent. Just hang in. Think of how much weight you're going to lose in the first 6 weeks. That will be a huge reward in itself. Just to add to Janet's suggestions..... it takes 20 minutes for a food craving to reach it's peak, and then go away. If you can find something else to do for the 20 min to completely change what you were thinking, you will overcome the urge to eat. Good Luck!

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I don't know how much help this would be, but when I craved food I would make a cup of hot tea and sip it. Carried it with me around the house and sipped it. And like the other's said, it is impotant to stay busy. I'm a lounge lizard in the evenings and that's when my snacking urges start. It IS hard and I must admitt, I've cheated at times, BUT I'm also proud to say, I'm doing better as time goes on!! :D Habits are hard to break, no doubt about it, but WE CAN AND WILL DO IT!! [sorry for shouting, I get carried away... ;) ] Stay tough!! We're here for ya!! Darlene

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I'm right there with you, girl! I was banded 6/12 and today I get to start creamy soups and protein shakes. I can't wait! Chewing gum seems to help me somewhat when I'm tempted to snack. Also, I agree with the other posters...find something to clean, read, straighten, anything to get your mind off eating for that moment. I need to work on the very same thing, so just the act of typing this message is reinforcement to me to take my own advice! HA!

Good luck.....remember you are NOT alone....we are all in it together!


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Hang in there, Cathy... your battles and then your victories uplift us all.

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Cathy, I have made a procrastination TO DO list. You know all the stuff that builds up that you just never get to. When head hunger kicks in I pick the next one in line and go do it when there's nothing left to clean. Head hunger is fleeting if you don't give into it. I suppose for everyone it's different, mine clocks about ten minutes or just a tick over.

Ask yourself, will this one minute cheat add any value to your future? Has snacking served you well in the past? (Rhetorical questions I know but it does give you pause) Go into the fridge and look at a pound of butter and ask yourself "Hmm, where will this extra pound end up? Hips, thighs, belly?" I also imagine my actual stomach with the band and how trim it is now with my new pouch then I imagine that pouch stretched badly out of shape and useless. Do I want another surgery? Not on your life!

Go to the pantry and pick up a five pound bag of sugar. Maybe the visuals will help? When I find myself daydreaming of serial snacking I get up and do something and this sense of quiet calm kinda kicks in. I'm trying to retrain my brain by reinforcing good habits over bad ones but it's a process. I've been eating poorly for years!

I'm down to 198.5 (hoping a couple pounds lower after TOM) -- finally made it to onderland, I haven't been here in years! I know I haven't lost a ton of weight but where before I couldn't bear to look in the mirror when I'd have my shower in the morning now I find myself looking at my body and noticing the changes and I LIKE IT! That's good incentive!

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Hi Cathy! I understand how hard it is!! I'm on liquids until next week and I almost didn't make it yesterday!!! I was so darn hungry!! I wanted something solid so bad but I was a good girl. Luckily I had taken soups and yogurts with me to work so I didn't have anything "bad" to eat!!! Hang in there...it will be worth it in the end!!


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4 weeks on liquids??? I thought you were just banded on the 10th? I was banded on the 4th and am still on liquids (until wednesday). Just wondering where the 4 weeks is coming from if I'm only doing 3 weeks of liquids and was banded almost a week before you. Did you do liquids only on pre-ops? Just curious. :)

Hi YorkieMommy,

I was on two weeks liquids with Optifast 900 pre-op, post op I was on 4 days of clear liquids, on Jun 14 I started on full liquids (creamy soups, yogurt and puddings) for two weeks, on June 28th I start blended/mushy foods for two weeks and start on solids as of Friday July 11th.

My surgeon feels this is the best method to ensure healing. But it's getting tough.

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That's everyone, you have been wonderfully supportive as usual!!!

I did fine...I drank some water, cuddled with my hubby and went to bed.

Today, I am busy with meetings and work and am just getting to eat lunch now...and cream of potato and cheddar tastes good!!

You are the most awesome bunch and I truly appreciate every one of you, I can't wait until we all have before and after pics to share!!!

Driven to Succeed!!!

Cathy ;)

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