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Evening/night snackers

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Ugh...This is my biggest problem. I have no desire to eat during the day and then all of a sudden at night I am famished. I have been eating healthy snacks, but it is driving me crazy that I get so hungry at night. Does anyone else do this and what can we do to take our minds off of it? B)

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Yes! I rarely leave my bedroom past a certain point at night because I know I'll want to snack. Thankfully, I have my boyfriend to keep my occupied, but he won't be there every night! I shut all the lights off downstairs in the kitchen, close my bedroom door and just DO ANYTHING until it's time to sleep. I also drink a large glass of water and brush my teeth a lot earlier so I won't crave food.

Girl, you're preaching to the choir.

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I really do not crave anything that much - since my 2nd fill, because I am always full :lb12:

But before that, the best thing I could do is grab one of my dogs (in turns) and go for a walk, to get me out of the house/kitchen. Seems to be sooo not me, since I am very lazy by nature LOL

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I save my protein powder and mix it in with yogurt or milk for an evening snack and it does the trick. it makes me feel full and satisfied. And gives me my calcium since I don't drink much milk.

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First, when this started, I was NOT eating enough. So I would eat a protein bar, or something else under 100 cals, at night. Then, I noticed I don't like to eat breakfast in the morning so, I drink a protein shake, or have a small yogurt. I have a nice big salad with chicken or chili for lunch around 1 or 2p. And I have a late dinner which is about 7 or 8 pm and this seems to work.

I guess it's because I really don't feel hungry or want to eat early in the day, but as the day progresses I do want to eat. So I have "irregular" lunch and dinner times, which works for me. I don't stick to a schedule where lunch as at noon and dinner is at 5, so I am not limiting myself of when to eat. I just eat when i feel like i'm hungry or about to get hungry. My dietician says, its not WHEN you eat, it is the AMOUNT you eat (calories) and the exercise you do to maintain or reduce weight loss.

It takes some time, but I'm learning to listen to my body again and use food as energy, not as an excuse. It's difficult, but I know this time my weight loss will be for the long haul. Patience and knowledge is a virtue, good luck on your journey.

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If I am hungry a couple of hours after dinner, I have yogurt first... counts as a liquid and a calcium. If I am still mentally hungry after that, I have some V-8 with a little soy and worchestershire sause, and maybe a drop or two of hot sauce. Sipping that will give your mouth a nice little burst, and almost always makes me lose the desire to eat anything. AND, V-8 has two servings of veggies.

Maybe this will help.

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