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banded 7/2/08 sorry the othe post was on someone

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I recently found a lump where my port site is. It is rather large, semi-firm, and tender. The nurses say its normal, and wrapped me with with guaze and large 4x4's over the site to compress the area. Dr. So is very nice, attentive and sweet. Dr. Ortiz came in before my surgery sat down, spoke with myself and my husband. I was drugged so I can't remember if he signed my book or not. Got some hilarious pictures of staff laying in bed next to me. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got sick too, no surprise for me though, I have a tendancy to get what is called PONV (post-operative nausea and vomiting). They did a good job at helping me contol with -basically they shot me up with medication. well, I am supposed to be walking and I do need to go pee... sorry TMI....

Thanks guys, :D:D:D:D


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I am scheduled to have surgery on July 7. I have a few concerns. How is the facility there? How is Tijuana? Is it rough? Did you do any sight seeing? How are things going for you now?

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I am scheduled to have surgery on July 7. I have a few concerns. How is the facility there? How is Tijuana? Is it rough? Did you do any sight seeing? How are things going for you now?

Hi! So by the looks of it you have some question? I will answer them all!

----->How is the facility there? The OCC is located close the boarder. So either bring your pass port or bring you drivers licences with your birthcertificate.

the building itsself is beautiful. Very modern. The facility is really nice and moder too. There staff is very attentive and if you have a request

responsed promptly. Sorry -I am a little drugged here.

How is Tijanan?

-------->Fun, crazy. People wake out in the busy stree to pass out papers they want you to purchase. offer on 5$, and if they say no, then walk away. They WILL

come down.

Is it rough------> at nightimes. You dont' wasnt to be out alone.

sorry i am falling asleep because of the medicaton they gave me.

im me and i'll answer all your questions

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Dianna - was that you who had the "bump" :)

First of all, welcome to bandland :) Hip Hip Horray!!!! Hip Hip Horray!!!!

Second, I replied to the other post - I had the bump at my port site too. It felt like a baseball. I was at the hotel and Dr. Martinez came over and looked at it. I went back to the clinic and was wrapped in gauze and rode home safely on the plane that way. It was a hematoma. I was also given some antibiotics.

The bump started to bruise and then the bruise was bigger. If you remind next time we're talking, I'll send you a photo of my belly. I used the bruising to my advantage. I'd raise up my shirt to get sympathy. It worked! It did not hurt but it hurt to look at it.

Glad you're doing well! Miss ya and hope to "see" ya soon banded-one!

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