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are fills painful?

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hello everyone i am new to the forum...banded on 6/23/08, i am due to go in for my first fill on my 1 month on 7/22/08, i would like to know if the fills are painful when we get them?

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I never even feel the needle go in. You will be fine!

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Hi Sharon,

I was also banded on 6/23. I thought we had to wait 6 weeks? Maybe I'll call and see if I can get it on the same day as you.


hello everyone i am new to the forum...banded on 6/23/08, i am due to go in for my first fill on my 1 month on 7/22/08, i would like to know if the fills are painful when we get them?
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hello everyone i am new to the forum...banded on 6/23/08, i am due to go in for my first fill on my 1 month on 7/22/08, i would like to know if the fills are painful when we get them?

I had my fill done at the OCC under fluoro and didn't feel a thing... a little pressure, but no pain. He said "1,2,3 it's in!" That was it! I was amazed how quick and painless it was. :yes:

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Mine were painless as well - didn't even feel the needle stick. Obviously, having your fill done under fluoroscopy is the key!

I know sometimes the unknown can be scary, but remember you have friends here who have been before you. So, relax, it was painless for us and it will be for you ;)

And then guess what?







You will have restriction!

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Nope, no pain. You can feel a weird sensation in your chest as they are injecting the saline, but it isn't pain. Just a weird sensation. And remember, as distasteful as needles are, the stomach is the least hurtful place to get one. Seems weird to think that, but ask any diabetic. When my neice became diabetic at a young age, I had to learn how to give shot and instead of practicing on her, I practiced on myself. I was terrified because I hate needles, but I wasn't going to hurt her just for practice so I did it to myself. Hard at first, but no pain whatsoever. You can't even feel the needle. Hard to believe, but it is true. After that, it even gave me more confidence with ANY needle, even blood tests. No more fear. I figured if my 12 year old neice could do 3 shots a day for the rest of her life, then as an adult I ought to be able to handle a few shots too. Thinking that way boosted my needle confidence.

I'm only telling you all this in the hopes that maybe it will help you face the needle a little easier. GOOD LUCK, you'll be fine!!!!

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Pretty much painless, but feels "weird". I am a huge baby, have a horrible fear of needles, but if I can do it so can you! I can't "look" or I will pass out or have a panic attack so I hum and keep my eyes closed until it is finished.

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;) well i think my care may be a little different than yours because i was banded here in san antonio,tx at the true results center,..i went for my one week and my dr scheduled me for my one month and said that he would see if i am loosing weight and if i am staying hungry then he will give me my first fill, my appointment is for the 7/22 and i was banded 6/23 so that will be one month, we will see...illl keep you posted...how are you doing so far on your weight loss and hunger..i have lost 15lbs since my pre-op diet (which i did for 2 wks prior to surgery) and yesterday, i do ok with the hunger as long as i eat on schedule, my body lets me know if i have gone over the time that i am supposed to eat :lol: ..one problem i have is hunger during the middle of the night, do you have that? my stomach will wake me up and i cant go back to sleep unless i drink about 3-4 ounces of juice!

Hi Sharon,

I was also banded on 6/23. I thought we had to wait 6 weeks? Maybe I'll call and see if I can get it on the same day as you.


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