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Took a stand

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Yesterday while I was at the store I came out and parked a few cars down was a land cruiser with a beautiful yellow lab in it. It was about 80 degrees and he did have the back windows open about 8 inches but I was so mad. The dog had it's head out the window and was panting and I was boiling mad!! I went into the store with the license plate number and had them announce to the owner to come to the car immediately. After about 10 minutes this guy came out, late 20's mid 30's, and I was watching him go up to his car from a distance. As he put his groceries into the car I walked up to him and told him how hot it can get in a vehicle even on a relatively cool day. He said nothing in response which was fine. I told him he didn't deserve a pet. He walked over to put his cart away and all he could say to me was.."Why don't you go on a diet!!" My heart sank. I never expected that type of answer but can see how I was an easy target and that's all he could come up with quickly to hurt my feelings. What a jerk. I guess I did take a risk but I am an animal advocate through and through. I walked away and said nothing after that. As he drove away his lab looked at me like he was smiling and trying to apologize for his horrible owner. Boy if I could have gotten that dog out the window I would have. Better yet I thought later I should have cooled the dog down by pouring one of my bottled waters on it, while in the back seat of the guys car!! I know it wasn't scorchingly hot but I just had to say something. It certainly made me aware of how the world sees me though....as a fat person!! I know he was a jerk and all but it still hurt. It took me back to grade school and I was teased for being overweight. It still stings!! But yes I do know he is a jerk and to consider the source.

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Julie, take it where it's coming from. Obviously, if he is so thoughtless as to leave his dog in the car in the heat, he's a selfish jerk.

People like that go no where in life, they are self absorbed and have no compassion whatsoever.

If that's all he could come up with after you confronted him, he's truly an ass!!! I know it hurts, but try not to dwell on it. You are a beautiful person inside and out and he didn't know how to respond to what you had accused him of and made a knee-jerk reaction.

You did the right thing and if you still remember his plate #, you may want to report him to the animal control centre in your area, because if he's done it once, he'll proably do it again..and you don't want to be seeing that story on the evening news.

Chin up sweetie...you deserve better!!

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Yesterday while I was at the store I came out and parked a few cars down was a land cruiser with a beautiful yellow lab in it. It was about 80 degrees and he did have the back windows open about 8 inches but I was so mad. The dog had it's head out the window and was panting and I was boiling mad!! I went into the store with the license plate number and had them announce to the owner to come to the car immediately. After about 10 minutes this guy came out, late 20's mid 30's, and I was watching him go up to his car from a distance. As he put his groceries into the car I walked up to him and told him how hot it can get in a vehicle even on a relatively cool day. He said nothing in response which was fine. I told him he didn't deserve a pet. He walked over to put his cart away and all he could say to me was.."Why don't you go on a diet!!" My heart sank. I never expected that type of answer but can see how I was an easy target and that's all he could come up with quickly to hurt my feelings. What a jerk. I guess I did take a risk but I am an animal advocate through and through. I walked away and said nothing after that. As he drove away his lab looked at me like he was smiling and trying to apologize for his horrible owner. Boy if I could have gotten that dog out the window I would have. Better yet I thought later I should have cooled the dog down by pouring one of my bottled waters on it, while in the back seat of the guys car!! I know it wasn't scorchingly hot but I just had to say something. It certainly made me aware of how the world sees me though....as a fat person!! I know he was a jerk and all but it still hurt. It took me back to grade school and I was teased for being overweight. It still stings!!

He's a jerk, tell me where he is and I will go beat him up for you. Fat girls unit. We can still fight, HA, My friend is almost 300 pound and is almost a black belt. He dont know who he is messing with. So what if we are a few extra pounds, we can get rid of that. He can't get rid of his ugliness, what a terrible person to leave a poor dog in the car. Poor thing. You dont worry about him. God will get him for being nasty, he probebly already has. You did the right thing. Dont you let him upset you.

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my response: "I may not always be fat, but you will always be an idiot."

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Julie, my friend, it's time for you to learn a life lesson that I learned at an early age.

When some idiot comes at you with something like "go on a diet" they are expecting you to slink away and hide under a rock.

What they don't expect is for you to turn it back on them. Instead of coming up with something equally as smart as he said, point out to him and whoever is listening how stupid he is. My favorite retort in that situation is "Is that all you've got? Go on a diet? You're endangering your dog and all you've got is "go on a diet?" You should thank me for not calling the police."

The fact is that you ARE on a diet. Everyone who sees you can see that you are overweight. You need to own that. We can't hide our excess pounds like an alcoholic can hide their problem. If some idiot says something like that, it should be a "duh" moment. Ask him to repeat what he said. Ask him again. People who heard him the first time may snicker at what he said to you, but imagine you prompting him to say it over and over again. It puts the focus on what an idiot he is. All of a sudden people will be laughing at HIM because he's such a jerk. He might as well have JERK tattooed on his forehead.

Have you ever read any quotes of Friedrich Nietzsche? His most famous is "That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger." It is so true in this situation. Another one I think you might like is "No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." If you own yourself and your body, words like that won't hurt you.

Watch this clip of Steve Martin in the movie "Roxanne" and learn how to treat a bully. This clip taught me a lot.


Jena - waxing philosophically

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That's ALL he could come up with????

Julie, your hair could have been on fire and he'd STILL have been a dim witted dork.

*I got into it yesterday with a guy for hitting his toddler in the mall*

I'm sorry the stupid pet owner treated you as badly as he did his dog. That's on him. Not on you.

Soldier on. You did the right thing.

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THAT BASTARD!! What an idiot. I am still shocked when someone talks about the way someone else looks! He is a pig and not worthy of you. I think you're a great person for going back into the store to get the owner! I am sure the poor dog was very thankful to you and THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS! This will probably get deleted but that guy makes me furious!!

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I too think you showed amazing strength and courage to stand up to him! I wish I had the guts to do things like that. Don't let his petty reply bother you. You ARE on a diet and you are working on your issues, what's his excuse? Anyway I thought it was a good suggestion for all of us that if we see an animal mistreated to take down the plate number and call the SPCA and report it. They will more than likely follow up to see what is going on at his home with his poor animal.


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Seriously, if that's ALL he can think of as a response, clearly he knew he was in the wrong. He was probably embarrassed and that was the only thing that came to mind. He didn't have a real argument, so he went for the cheap shot. Forget that asshole and be proud that you stood up for that dog. You go, girl! (Yeah, I said it!)

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I will tell you what you are!!!: A caring and health conscious person, who loves animals and their rights are valuable to you.

What he is: Clearly someone who dosnt care for his dog, someone rude, cold, uncaring and very uneducated.

I have been in similar situations, where people can only come back with 'oh your fat' ner ner... It hurts I know, but take it from me, I would rather be you than him!

Good on you for helping that poor dog too, well done i commend your efforts. There should be more people like you.

I done something similar once but I broke into the car and took the dog out for some water and waited for the owner whom i then gave my piceof mind and reported to the RSPCA.

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