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Surgery Dec 5th and OMG I am so scared!

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OMG! I don't know what's wrong with me, now that I am really close to my surgery (abut 36 hours away) I am getting so scared and have some much doubts about my surgery. Is this normal? I can't sleep or even concentrate in my work. I've been so stress that I got a really bad cold sore in my lips (usually trigger by stress). I am always thinking: what if something goes wrong during surgery? Am I prepared for the changes? What happen after surgery? How will I feel after? I'm not really good with pain so, will I be able to handle the pain? is there alway pain after the surgery? Do you feel normal or you always feel something in your stomach? OMG! I have some many questions! :lb12: I even thought about cancelling or re-scheduled!

Is there any one that felt that way right before surgery? Please help me !!! :unsure:

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Dear Carla:

I think it is normal for alot of people to have the last minute jitters and worries. You are taking a huge step to change your life, but for the positive. We have all tried and failed so many other diets that our own self doubt wants to sabatoge us before we even get started. You made the decision and I would urge you to just stop and breathe when you get stressed. Do some positive self talk things, as corny as that sounds. Only allow positive ideas and images in your mind. If a negative one comes flooding through you can make it go away by focusing on your goal...the new you, the smaller more healthy you, shopping in a regular store, and whatever else motivates you to lose this weight. You will be fine. Read the positive testimonials on here about people right after their surgeries and they are up walking, chatting, sucking down cool pops and sipping on juice. What a life!!

Take care honey and I'll say it because it's easy to say..."Don't stress". But now you have to put it into practice.


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Hi Carla, I felt the same way. I am here now at the OCC. I had surgery yesterday & it went great. These guys know what there doing. Dont cancel! I am soo excited right now :D . You have already made your decision. Just run with it -- towards bandland! Let us know how you do.

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I sit here thinking, "yep, that was ME!" It's the unknown that you are having these thoughts and it is soooo normal! TRUST US!...been there, done that!

Just prepare yourself accordingly and do each stage one at a time and just before going in to the next stage, prepare for it. It is really simple and when I say I had a whirlwind experience when I had my surgery...I meant it! Mine took 19 min for the lapband and 10 min for the hiatal hernia repair. Also, I woke up 5 min later and was WALKING around the hallways 20 min later! I had NO pain at all and never did. I had very little gas inside me because I WALKED every chance I had. You will be fine...one thing at a time and come on the forum and ask questions for any concerns you have. That is what we are here for...support!

Good luck and see you on the other side! WTG...Congrats and your decision and prepare for the ride of your life!! You are going to love it!! Woo Hoo!!

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I was scared too, never had surgery before, and it wasn't that bad! Honest. And the staff at OCC were really good.

You know what I did to ease my fears the night of the surgery? I treated myself to a relaxation massage at my room at the hotel. There's a lady (I can't remember her name now) downstairs in the hotel lobby that does it. It's a bit pricey for a massage (in my opinion), but helped to take my mind away from things and sleep better the night before.

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Hey Vangirl, I love the massage thing. Okay, do you mind if I ask you the price? That just sounds so wonderful!! Sounds like you are doing O.K. all things considered. Anne

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I have had a C-section, Tonsils taken out and an ovarian cyst removed. On a scale of 1 to 10 they were all around 6 from the difficulty, pain and was also nervous and questioning my decision the night before and the day of the surgery. I spoke to two people in the waiting room who had had the lap band surgery and they said it was 'nothing' and not to worry. THEY WERE RIGHT! This is the best decision that I have made for my health in years and would do it again in a heart beat! The pain for me was minimal, yes I had some gas and a little discomfort but managed it through deep breathing.

I was extremely impressed with everyone at OCC, they know what they are doing. To give you an example, the IV that they put in the back of your hand normally bruise badly - I had no mark, no incision scab nothing!!!!!

Being nervous and worried is normal, it would be abnormal if you weren't. Hang in there, you will regret it if you cancel.

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Hey Vangirl, I love the massage thing. Okay, do you mind if I ask you the price? That just sounds so wonderful!! Sounds like you are doing O.K. all things considered. Anne

She offers different types of massages at different rates. It was $70 or $75 dollars US (plus I tipped her $10) for a 50 or 55 minute relaxation massage, and she went the whole hour for me. They brought up the massage table and set it up in our room, which was really convenient. I timed it so that I could go to sleep shortly after. I think she is in the hotel lobby from 4-8pm, between the restaurant and the computer station.

I'm definitely doing OK all things considered. Some people experienced minimal pain, others (like me) experienced more. But even at its worst, it wasn't so bad that I couldn't handle it. It was my very first experience of surgery, and I honestly don't think I could have had a better experience anywhere else. Like loosew8 said, everybody knew what they were doing, and did it well. I didn't have any mark at all from my iv port. I once had bloodwork taken from my hand, and that was more painful than when the nurse (Carmelita) at OCC set up the IV port. She is a sweetie too :)

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Of course surgery is scary, and traveling to another country for surgery is even scarier.

BUT you have to think about the scariest of all - what would happen if you did not get this done? Obviously you and your doctors have made the decision that you are in medical need of this intervention. Without the surgery, you will probably continue to gain weight. What that means for your health and quality of life is VERY scary.

The OCC is filled with wonderful people who know exactly what they are doing. I imagine they have done more surgeries than any other clinic in the world, and are prepared for anything that can happen. Trust that you will be in good hands!

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I ws freaked out too, very nervous but it was a great experience. You should be having you surgery today right? Keep us updated..

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Alrighty Carla, How are we doing? I just checking in on a few new folks....

You will not regret what you have done for yourself!!!! Just stay positive and let your lapband family help you with your journey.

Hugs ><' Always!


OMG! I don't know what's wrong with me, now that I am really close to my surgery (abut 36 hours away) I am getting so scared and have some much doubts about my surgery. Is this normal? I can't sleep or even concentrate in my work. I've been so stress that I got a really bad cold sore in my lips (usually trigger by stress). I am always thinking: what if something goes wrong during surgery? Am I prepared for the changes? What happen after surgery? How will I feel after? I'm not really good with pain so, will I be able to handle the pain? is there alway pain after the surgery? Do you feel normal or you always feel something in your stomach? OMG! I have some many questions! :lb12: I even thought about cancelling or re-scheduled!

Is there any one that felt that way right before surgery? Please help me !!! :unsure:

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Hi there!

I did it! and it went well!

Thank you for all your support :)

I in my 4th day and I have been struggling with the pain in my left shoulder and my chest (when I burp). I don't know if I am hungry but I feel a hole in my stomach :o I hope I will feel better tomorrow since I have to go back to work (and no one knows about my sugery :wacko:

I was told that I could start drinkable yogurt today but I am afraid. Did anyone drink it at day 4th?

Well, Thank you very much again for all the support, without it I don't know if I would've made it ;)

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Hi there!

I did it! and it went well!

Thank you for all your support :)

I in my 4th day and I have been struggling with the pain in my left shoulder and my chest (when I burp). I don't know if I am hungry but I feel a hole in my stomach :o I hope I will feel better tomorrow since I have to go back to work (and no one knows about my sugery :wacko:

I was told that I could start drinkable yogurt today but I am afraid. Did anyone drink it at day 4th?

Well, Thank you very much again for all the support, without it I don't know if I would've made it ;)

Oh you bet you can! I couldn't wait for day 4! I got the Yoplait Strawberry Bananna for the extra potassium...one word ~ BLISSFUL! It was sooooo good not to have broth!!! I had one every day and then some days into my creamy soups days and I still have them now. Good source of calcium, protein, etc.

The pain you might be referring to is the gas bubbles in your system. You will have them for a bit. Continue to take the gas x strips and do several mini walks throughout the day...this will help immensely. Make sure you drink your protein water too.

Congrats and keep up the good work ~ you are doing just great!

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