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Am I crazy?

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I know my health is way more important that caffiene....however, I am the General Manager for my company, its a very stressful job, and im on the go all day long - and honestly, if I dont have about 20 oz diet coke in the morning - WATCH OUT = you dont want to be one of my employees that day....

So i've been researching and I know its not allowed with the band.... and i dont know if I can give it up - I am so unproductive at work when I dont have enough caffiene... .and im hateful. I know this will go away over time but I dont know if I have the willpower. I have felt like crap the few times ive tried to give up diet coke. As long as I have the morning drink (i sound like an addict!) I've been able to switch to water for the remainder of the day once i get in the habit.... i just dont know how I can go all day with just water.

I can tolerate sweetened ice tea but its not something i enjoy and nothing i would ever willingly pick to drink unless there was no other choice.... but I know me, and I know im going to need something to get me started in the morning....

Am I crazy or has anyone else went through this? I obviously have sucky will power or I wouldnt be getting the band.... i dont want to pay all this money and go through the pain just to screw up the band or cause it to stretch or slip because i just *had* to have my diet coke in the morning.

All advice is welcome!

but...fyi.... I love plain water - any flavored water is nasty to me - just give it to me plain. I dont like gatorade, coffee, powerade, crystal lite, hot tea, green tea, etc.... Im picky for a fat girl! Im also a vegetarian who LOVES bread..... lol

What am i going to do?

~ Christy

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I know my health is way more important that caffiene....however, I am the General Manager for my company, its a very stressful job, and im on the go all day long - and honestly, if I dont have about 20 oz diet coke in the morning - WATCH OUT = you dont want to be one of my employees that day....

So i've been researching and I know its not allowed with the band.... and i dont know if I can give it up - I am so unproductive at work when I dont have enough caffiene... .and im hateful. I know this will go away over time but I dont know if I have the willpower. I have felt like crap the few times ive tried to give up diet coke. As long as I have the morning drink (i sound like an addict!) I've been able to switch to water for the remainder of the day once i get in the habit.... i just dont know how I can go all day with just water.

I can tolerate sweetened ice tea but its not something i enjoy and nothing i would ever willingly pick to drink unless there was no other choice.... but I know me, and I know im going to need something to get me started in the morning....

Am I crazy or has anyone else went through this? I obviously have sucky will power or I wouldnt be getting the band.... i dont want to pay all this money and go through the pain just to screw up the band or cause it to stretch or slip because i just *had* to have my diet coke in the morning.

All advice is welcome!

but...fyi.... I love plain water - any flavored water is nasty to me - just give it to me plain. I dont like gatorade, coffee, powerade, crystal lite, hot tea, green tea, etc.... Im picky for a fat girl! Im also a vegetarian who LOVES bread..... lol

What am i going to do?

~ Christy

I hate to tell you this...but girl, you in trouble. I loved diet coke as well in the morning, but was able to give it up and now I drink coffee in the a.m.--I had to learn to like coffee and I still can only drink it with my sugar free vanilla coffeemate. You're going to have to give it up. I'm sorry, but if you want to get the most out of your band, you will. And, afterwards, anything carbonated hurts like a bitch. Sorry, to have to be the bearer of bad news.

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I am the same way. I am addicted to diet pepsi. I am trying not to think about life without it :lol However, being healthy and getting my life back is WAYYYY more important then that diet pepsi.

My cousin who was banded a year and half ago took a sip of a diet coke and immediately had to vomit..*yikes*

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Christy sweetheart, you have some major talking to yourself because you can't have both.

I just read lisal's response to Misty's post regarding soda pop and it's a good one. Check out the thread "Why no drinking when eating" by SheRee, the originator poster.

Take it from me who drank a minimum of (2) 6 packs of regular Pepsi DAILY and I started drinking at 5am and drank until midnight or so. Before I started preop, I drank down to 1 liter a day. I am a little over 2 months after surgery and I have not had a single craving for any soda pop. I've don't have the desire to drink it either. I thought like you did ~ willpower to give it up? ~ there is NO way I will give up my soda I thought. I am my own witness on this and I'm flabbergasted about it! I know I will try to sip Pepsi after my 6 months postop because that is MY reward. I will tell you then, if it is worth it or not. By listening to others, they say it's not. Now, if I can do it you can too. I drink my water and also, since I've upped my protein intake, I have more energy and my focus is totally different than before the surgery. My outlook on food and drinks have changed so drastically, I am amazed. But it's a GOOD thing! I am on the road to lead a healthier lifestyle I thought I never would have the opportunity to have. I am NOT going to let this pass me by!

You will have the willpower Christy, it's all part of the relearning we do to make this weight loss a success. You just have to believe it will otherwise, you are wasting your hard earned money.

To make this band a success, you have to throw away your negatives and focus on the positive. YOU CAN DO THIS! Do whatever it takes to be motivated to go forward with the bandlife.

Oh, you love bread too? So do I...I make my breads all the time ~ sourdough, wheat, white, rye, you name it. Currently I am eating bread, not much but I am. I am going for my 2nd fill this coming Saturday and we shall see how I am with bread after that. Breads tends to 'gum' up and it's like a big ball of hard gooey mess after chewed and trying to go thru a tightened stoma is not going to be fun eating I'm sure. It's all a trial in error and every person's body is different. Maybe bread won't work for me but it may for you ~ who knows?

Hope this helps a bit...

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I was the same way. I lived for my diet Pepsi! I don't drink tea or coffee, so it makes my choices very limited. However, I can tell you this... it hasn't been an issue for me. I'm two weeks out from surgery and I haven't craved it. Socially has been the hardest. You know... when my family goes on a "coke run." Those are the times it feels weird not to have a 32oz diet Pepsi in my hand. I haven't had headaches or anything. Tell yourself that you can give it up, because you can!

PS... great name BTW!


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I went through the same thing about two years ago. I was seriously addicted to Diet Coke. My family kept printing those things about aspertame and how bad it is for you and how it kills you. But I didn't care. But about two years ago I went cold turkey. I was sick of everyone telling me I was addicted. Well, I was! It took me a very long time but I am Diet Coke Free ><' for two years now. I even tasted it the other day and it was gross. I just got banded last Friday and I couldn't even imagine drinking anything with carbanation. I would try giving it up. You will feel crappy for a while, but remember:

Diet Coke does NOT taste as good as THIN feels!!!!!

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I, too, was a diet cokeaholic and I can tell you that it was an easy one to give up. I agree that socially it's hard, but you won't want it after your surgery. I was banded on 10/10/08 and I haven't had more than 2 sips (from my hubby's) and I haven't cared. I substituted tall non-fat lattes from Starbuck's every once in a while. The caffeine dependence goes away as you progress. Also, now that I'm exercising more regularly, I sleep better and am less tired when I wake up.

You'll be fine. Take it from me. I was there!

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I, too, was a diet cokeaholic and I can tell you that it was an easy one to give up. I agree that socially it's hard, but you won't want it after your surgery. I was banded on 10/10/08 and I haven't had more than 2 sips (from my hubby's) and I haven't cared. I substituted tall non-fat lattes from Starbuck's every once in a while. The caffeine dependence goes away as you progress. Also, now that I'm exercising more regularly, I sleep better and am less tired when I wake up.

You'll be fine. Take it from me. I was there!


I thought I was the only one addicted to Diet Coke. I know I will have to give it up so I've been cutting back. My mom had gastric bypass 4 years ago and she still can't tolerate carbonation. I hope I am like those who say they don't miss it. I think this will be one of my hardest things about after the surgery. We CAN do this. It's better for our health anyway.


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Sweetie, yes, you are crazy! LOL But, guess what, most of us were! :) My advice to you is, say no to them now and forever. Trust me, if I can, you can! I drank Dr. Pepper like there was no tomorrow. In fact, I never drank water! I was self destructing myself without realizing it & if you think Diet is better, you are foolin yourself.

I didn't like any of those drinks you mentioned either, but I learned to & I suggest you do the same thing. Otherwise, you are going to have a life of water. Unless you choose to drink the soda, which could effect you negatively. It is your choice.

Wish you the best! Just remember this takes a committment that you might not have never done before. So dig deep!

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Let me tell you my story, girl! I was a true diet coke addict. I don't even want to tell you how much diet coke I drank each day. It is truly embarrassing.... :o It was the ONLY FLUID that I consumed. I didn't drink water, no juice, no milk NOTHING but diet coke. And, I had been doing it for at least 15 years. So, I knew that I wanted the band and was so tired of being a fat girl. I KNEW I had to quit. It was an interesting experience. I cut myself back until three days before surgery I had my last one. I was so addicted, but it came down to having the band or having diet coke. It was an ultimatum. So, the "detox" was rough but after three days it was much better. I would encourage you to do it.. (not cold turkey) bit by bit. Now that it is gone, I don't miss it (it's been over three months) and I feel better. I still don't like water, but I drink splenda sweetened tea and crystal lights. YOU CAN DO IT! You have to decide which is most important to you. BTW, I am an ICU nurse at a very stressful unit so I do understand that as well... you CAN live without it.

Diet coke never did me any favors, but my lap band has changed my life! :D

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I used to drink 8 Diet Cokes per day. I cut that out. Along with that, I cut out all of the fake sweeteners... including Aspartame and Splenda. I no longer have sweet cravings like I used to. Pretty amazing. The fake sweeteners made me have HORRIBLE sweet cravings. That's why I drank SO MUCH Diet Coke, I am sure.

I don't drink soda anymore. No cravings for it. It IS do-able. I was the biggest addict there was...

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No your not crazy. I know exactly where your coming from. I loved diet pepsi. And I have free access to all the diet pepsi I want at work. The other day I accidently grabbed one and took it back to my work station out of habit. Luckly I remember I could have it before I drank it. As far as caffeine goes... Have you tried chi tea? It works for mornings. Just beware of the overly sugary mixes. Whenever I get a craving I just think about all the hard work I've been putting into protecting my band from slipping. That helps me stay away from my favorite carbonated drink. Goodluck.

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Another thing to keep in mind is that is empty calories. Once you are banded, you should be eating around 1200 calories a day and I know for me I make the MOST of those calories - I like my food wayyy too much! :D

Not being able to eat bread is gonna stink, but I guarantee you the first time it gets stuck i'll be done. I hear it hurts like hell! That will knock out any cravings I have! :o

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You will be FINE! I haven't missed soda much and I have to admit I've taken 2 or 3 small sips from my husband.

I'm happy that I LOVE coffee, so I was able to keep that addiction :)

Just be sure you don't cold turkey yourself from the caffiene. If you get headaches or need a pep, just drink a little coffee.

This will all be SO worth it.

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Sorry I just read all of these - the holiday season is my busiest at work - so i've been gone ALL day.... but THANK YOU for all the replies and well wishes - I truly hope I can be as strong as all of you - I just don't look forward to it at all lol

After Christmas work slows for me so I will be able to really focus on cutting back my caffiene so hopefully by my surgery Jan 8th I will be off of it.

Again, thank you so much for the support.... I really appreciate it


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I too was addicted. I would drink only cherry pepsi during the day. Never any water. couldnt figure out why I constantly got UTI's. Dr keep telling me DRINK WATER. But I only wanted my cherry pepsi. I haven't had one since 08/01/08 and yes I have craved one but I am determined. I have not given up my caffeine (coffee) but I think I can live without cherry pepsi now, it was really hard and the UTI's, I have only had two since this started. I am drinking more water then I ever did before. The dr thinks that my body is adjusting and the UTI's should stop happening. It is so unhealthy to drink that stuff, plus it is fattening. Dr Ortiz told me after about 6-9 months, I could have one or two but I dont plan to do that. He told me that people need to be very careful about that stuff. That it is really not a good idea. I think he gave in cause I begged. But I agree with him, it is not worth it. He is so funny. I will follow the advise they gave me. It is not worth being fat, so I can have a soda, yuck!

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The first sip of carbonated soda you take will hurt more than you crave it! It’s not worth it at all. I had some soda and the pain that I went through shortly after and that evening as I tried to sleep was enough of a wake up call that I have not had anything carbonated since then. You will forget the what craving soda was like!

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No your not crazy. I know exactly where your coming from. I loved diet pepsi. And I have free access to all the diet pepsi I want at work. The other day I accidently grabbed one and took it back to my work station out of habit. Luckly I remember I could have it before I drank it. As far as caffeine goes... Have you tried chi tea? It works for mornings. Just beware of the overly sugary mixes. Whenever I get a craving I just think about all the hard work I've been putting into protecting my band from slipping. That helps me stay away from my favorite carbonated drink. Goodluck.

Yes, it hurts so bad that you will not want to eat bread again and if you do, you will keep chewing it until its the consistency of baby food just to be sure. I learned my lesson the hard way and my GF was there to witness it, so she is so careful now eating bread. She said just seeing me go through it was enough for her to imagine the pain. Chew Chew Chew!


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