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Everything posted by Kim2BSlim

  1. It sucks, huh? LOL Hopefully it won't happen again!
  2. I have the 4cc band and I have 1.8cc in it after 4 fills.
  3. When I have a bad PB episode, I notice I am swollen. I can barely get anything down the rest of the day!
  4. I know how you feel! I have been working out an hour a day and eating very little and the scales didn't move for over a month. This morning I had finally dropped 2 lbs. The up and down thing drives me crazy and I do that quite often too! Hang in there..the lbs have to start coming off. Are you getting your water in? That will help some.
  5. Congrats on your surgery date! I didn't buy their shakes, I just used slim fast.
  6. I have been slacking again with my protein. I know salmon and tuna are high in protein. I love them both but was wondering if there is anything else you can make pretty quickly that is high in protein but not high in calories? Can ya'll throw some suggestions to me? Thanks!
  7. Oh man. I would be really pissed. I see the marriage being 1/2 and 1/2 and all, but he really needs to take into consideration your health. Do ya'll have kids together?
  8. Wow! Lucky you! It sounds like you sailed through the surgery! I had gas pains in my shoulders for over a month. It's great to see you home and resting well! Good luck on your band journey.
  9. Sometimes I get ravenously hungry. (In my big stomach, I guess) I had some tuna on lettuce for supper and then all of a sudden my big stomach is just begging for food! The problem is, my little stoma is not having it! LOL I just ate a little stick of cheese and my stoma said.."No way, Kim..I can't hold that!" It is almost like they are fighting back and forth. Weird, huh? LOL
  10. Trina~ I am going on to your Dr! LOL I will let you know what he says. Thanks everyone!
  11. My laptop was sent off today for repairs. I will be lost without it. I don't like my desktop much so I won't be on as much as usual until I get it back. I will be sure to tell ya'll about my fill on Friday though!
  12. What is your fave exercise? So far I am liking the aerobics. I like the Advanced Step, Hula Hoop, and the Run. I haven't done much of the others since I am concentrating on burning calories right now. That run kills me when I put it on the "long" run. It cracks me up when dogs pass me up like I am sitting still when I am running my butt off. LOL
  13. Water is a magic liquid! The more you drink, the more you lose! Oh and stay away from gatorade..it is LOADED with calories!
  14. Oh no Cathy! I am sorry you had to go through that at work. Fried chicken does me the same way! I can't eat hot wings either and boy are they nasty coming back up! UGH! LOL
  15. Thanks so much everyone! Kimmy that makes so much sense.
  16. I have never heard of that..you should google it!
  17. Thanks for the replies. I am just so frustrated. I have been working out 7 days a week, but I am gonna lower it to 3-4 days a week and eat even less cals and see what happens.
  18. Somedays I can eat bread, but other days I can't. These bands are so crazy! Alot of people notice that their fill loosens up very quickly. This may be the case for you and you are needing another one already.
  19. Cathy~ I am super happy for you! You should be so proud, woman!! Keep it up!
  20. Min e is the same way. This morning I couldn't get anything down and then it slowly loosens up during the day. Oh boy....
  21. I also agree with blazn. Check with your Dr's and see what they say. Good luck! >
  22. I still PB quite often myself. I also keep a bag in my car for that purpose.
  23. For the past 4 weeks or maybe a little longer, I have been doing pretty strenuous exercising at least an hour a day. I walk 1-2 miles, do crunches, some exercises with weights, and also the Wii Fit. I am still taking in around the same calories (about 1200 a day) I have not lost an ounce!! Everyone keeps telling me I am gaining muscle, but come on..shouldn't I be losing some weight too? I am not ready to stop losing yet..I still have 40 lbs to go. I know MM works out pretty intensely too and she is still dropping weight. Do I need to quit working out so much?
  24. I am a smoker and I also couldn't see quitting smoking and eating at the same time. I am not a heavy smoker and I passed the lung function test with flying colors. However, I never quit smoking and actually smoked the whole time I was in Mexico. I know, I know..Bad Bad Kimmie!!
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