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Everything posted by Kittycat

  1. Thanks so much, what was your starting weight and BMI?
  2. I started pre-op diet today, 4 Optifast shakes per day for two weeks, the shakes suck! I would like to know from those who were on two shakes and a lean cuisine per day for their pre-op diet....how successful were you in losing weight? I am thinking of asking for a pre-op diet change, but need some facts! Thanks Ladies Cathy
  3. Thanks again..I tried the Diabetic Boost, that one sucks too!!! OMG!! I have had one shake and veggies all day!! My co-ordinator said to thicken and flavour them with cocoa or cinnamon, nutmeg, whatever as long as it's fat free....so I am going to try to freeze it and had a some cocoa. I hope it helps, I have a long way to go, this is only day one! Yuck! And you are probably right...I am in a mood and food withdrawl and frankly don't like anything right now! I hope it gets better! Thanks everyone, Cathy
  4. Thanks Ladies, I really appreciate your feedback, my patient co-ordinator recommended Diabetic Boost. So I will try it. I am just really winey today, I think, feeling headachy and aggitated..which I guess is normal considering. I am not hungry which is good, but old habits die hard. Snacking during the day and evening is the hardest. I have my celery for this afternoon, Yeh!! Have a great day! Cathy
  5. OMG!! I thought I was going to throw just trying to get the first Optifast shake down. I love chocolate and shakes, but this powder mixed with water, tastes absolutely gross!! And I have to down 4 per day!! Lord give me strength. I was wondering if anyone has some suggestions as to how I can lose the weight without drinking these shakes. I noticed that most of you have two shakes and a lean cuisine per day. What shakes do you recommend? Thanks for your help, as always! Cathy
  6. I would say yes..keep to healthy eating and drinking your water and under the calorie count and why not! Best of luck! You're doing great! Cathy
  7. Hi Janet, I start my pre-op this Tues, May 27 and I am starting to freak out...can I really do this..will I get headaches from the system change? Or be crusty (b*tchy)? I am going to make a vegetable soup with all non-starch veggies to supplement the shakes. My sx recommended 4 Optifast shakes per day ( 900 calories), but I can skip a shake and have non-starch veggies. I figure the soup will help me feel like I can eat. LOL!! I wish you much luck and be sure to let us know how you are doing...and I will too!! Take Care Cathy
  8. Try to not freak out, like you said you on your period and stress can play a factor too! Relax and try not to worry too much about the weight and continue on your pre-op diet and the lbs will come off in a day or two!! Best of luck with your surgery and keep us up to date on how you are doing!! Cathy
  9. Thank you for posting this all important information. I am just starting my journey, pre-op diet starts on Tuesday and having a method to deal with the discomfort of hunger will certainly help getting me over the hump!! Cathy
  10. Thanks everyone for your support....I really appreciate it! Oh and I have to give up Diet Coke at the same time...I guess I better warn everyone from husband to co-workers that I am not going to be a happy camper for the next few weeks! LOL!! I will keep you up to date on how things are going! Cathy
  11. Hi Ladies, We the time is closing in...pre-op diet starts on Tuesday. I thought I was ready...but now, everything I think about it my stomach flips. Can I do this? AHHH!! I even went out on Friday and got a cute new haircut to start my new life....thinking this would help. Any suggestions on how to psych up for this? Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive up to now....I am going to sooo appreciate your knowledge and feedback going forward! Cathy
  12. I just wanted to comment on the group photo, you all look amazing..great pic! Cathy
  13. What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see those before, during and after shots!! All the best, Cathy
  14. Sorry you had to experience that, it sounds scarey, but you have learned from this experience and we do too! Thanks for sharing! Take care, Cathy
  15. Munch on veggies....all you want of non-starch veggies (grown above ground)....and good luck. I start my pre-op in 6 days!! Ahhh! Take care, Cathy
  16. If they don't make you remove them, they may tape over them. I have always worn my wedding ring for surgery and they tape over it. Good luck! Cathy
  18. I start mine in 6 days...kinda freaking out too...but excited too...three weeks until banding! You are doing great, keep it up and if you need us for support...you know where we are! Take care, Cathy
  19. Wow, you look amazing in that pink dress! Hot Babe! You are doing fab! Keep it up! Cathy
  20. Glad to hear from you, you are doing amazing, glad all is going well for you. Take care, Cathy
  21. Wow congrats on your 1 year anniversary and your amazing weight loss!!! I will be banded on June 10th and I was hoping the swelling in my left leg would go away too once I dropped some weight. But I figured it out, it may not be my weight at all...it was the humidity. When it's hot and humid here in Canada, my left calf and foot swells right up. When I was in the Dominican in January of this year, it was hot, hot, hot, but no humidity and I didn't swell at all!! Continue to drink lots of water and reduce your salt intake and if worst comes to worst contact your doctor for water pills...I had to go on them one summer, they were a bit getting used to because you are peeing non-stop for the first few days, but eventually things even out. Good luck and keep up the great weight loss! Cathy
  22. Wow Lisa you are my idol! I can't believe that one day I could potentially be thin. I haven't been thin long enough to remember. Great pics...again what an inspiration for us! Cathy
  23. Hi there, I haven't been banded yet, but recall reading here on the forum and in my post-op diet hand-outs, that you should sip a teaspoon of drink or soup at a time, slowly and easily and no drinking for 1 hr before eating or 30 minutes afterwards. When you have soup or anything else, eat slow and stop when you feel any feeling of fullness. Good luck! Cathy
  24. Hi there, I am being banded on June 10th too!! But here in Mississauga, Canada. Do you have to do a pre-op diet, mine starts on May 26th for two weeks. All the best!! Keep us up to date. Take care Cathy
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