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Everything posted by Jann

  1. Hehe -- thanks -- he will. Like I said, it's a time game. It's all very new.
  2. It was marketing genius that Dr. O placed himself on Oprah even if they weren't well informed. The cult of Oprah is a big one and and it doesn't surprise me that website traffic and inquiries are up which will inevitably lead to more surgeries as a natural byproduct. Imagine if he bagged the "Big O", he'd be a billionaire instead of a simple probably at this point multi-millionaire! hehe I'd have offered it to her for free too! The waiting list would be months if not a year down the line not to mention all that FREE press. He'd have to open many more clinics to accommodate that growth. Very smart and strategic move, Dr. O!
  3. Oh yeah, I remember she wheeled a wagon of fat out on stage!
  4. I also picked up the Salter Nutitional Scale that tells me the nutrient break out of everything I weigh. It's awesome and stylish. I keep it on the island in the kitchen. It breaks out calories, salt, protein, fat, carbs, cholesterol and fiber for whatever you weigh. It comes with a book that has every imaginable food coded. You toss whatever on the scale, input the code and it gives you the break out based on the weight it detects. It was $99 Cdn. I keep playing with it 'cause I can't eat solids yet. I've measured pretty much everything I can get my hands on. hehe. I chewed SF gum yesterday to get that ketosis taste out of my mouth. I'm sorry I did. My shoulder is killing me today!
  5. YAY PAULA!!!! Love the new pic! Congratulations to you!!! I'm so happy for ya!
  6. I only told two people, my hubby and my best buddy. I'm not prepared to have to "answer to anyone" at this early stage and human nature is what it is. A million questions and a spotlight on me. No thanks! My best buddy is completely supportive and in fact just offered to pay for his sister-in-law's surgery at OCC as she's about 250, five feet. I told him she could give me a shout any time and I'll tell her my experiences and directed her to the forum. Hubby is vacillating and all over the place with this. One minute he's extremely supportive cooking broth, next minute he's taunting me with food. I think the end result is a big scary place for him right now and it's causing him some insecurity. Too much change too fast! He's about 200 pounds overweight but refuses to consider lap band. It used to be that we enabled each other to order delivery and eat poorly now I'm early stages of "born again banded" and he's out there on his own without his co-food-consipator. I can only assume that he's wondering how it will affect our relationship when I get to goal weight but I don't know that to be a fact. The reality is other than the physical changes I will undergo I can't imagine not having him in my life. He's my soulmate and I'm in for the long haul. I figure this is a time game and it will settle itself out. I have noticed he's eating a bit healthier and he seems more conscious that he needs to change but it's baby steps. It helps that there's no "crap" food in the house, hehe. I keep telling him, protein protein protein not carbs carbs carbs! I wasn't prepared to go to the buffet luncheon for his dad today and I begged off. He wasn't pleased but I explained that at this stage I didn't want to have to go explain broth versus buffet, etc. He asked if I was planning on telling his family and my response was simple. "Not right now, maybe in six months" He said, "You can hide it forever". Actually, I'm not hiding anything. I'm adjusting. There's a difference and I'm not qualifying anything to anyone. Maybe I'm being too hardcore and self protective but I have to do what I have to do to continue on this path without reservation. It's my journey, not anyone else's but mine and my hubby's at this point in time in my opinion.
  7. Jenn! How's it going? Oooooh, don't say "Bandster Hell". I said it to Dr. O and he got completely annoyed, walked out of the room and I never saw him again. Apparently it's a sore point!
  8. I heard Tiger got two or three eagles yesterday. He rocks! Oh to be able to say those words, "Actually getting too skinny"...
  9. hehehe -- I don't know how technically correct it is but I laughed my ass off anyway!
  10. hehe -- that would actually require having a hot day. Like AllCdnGirl said, this summer in western Canada sucks. It's been raining and cold all season with a dash of sun here and there. Calgary is built on desert and it rarely rains comparatively speaking. Last night I turned the heat on 'cause I couldn't warm up! It's not THAT cold clearly, I just couldn't seem to warm up. But yup, a nice cold Corona with lime wouldn't go amiss!
  11. I tried to get into my laptop today and couldn't. I keep a system on every floor of the house. Well, it's biometric by virtue of what I do for a living so it requires my fingerprint to access the system. I tried -- I tried -- I tried -- I got locked out -- I tried -- (well, you get the picture). I finally got really frustrated after getting locked out four times and called Hubby to look at it. He had me try it ('cause he's a 'puter geek and that's what he does) and I proved it DID NOT WORK. Such a disbeliever he is! He scratched his head, looked me right in the eye and said, "Hmm, must be because your fingers lost weight"! I fell over howling. He tried his fingerprint and it worked every time first time. We reset the biometics on it and away I went. I found that so profoundly funny! Who'd of thunk it?!
  12. Hi Nicole, I can't medically advise you clearly but I can suggest you send a copy of this to Dr. Ortiz and see what he has to say about it. You have your whole life in front of you. I waited 'til I was 48 to get the band. I wish I had known about this years ago! Take care, hun. Let us know how it goes for you. Hugs!
  13. My dad always says "Why borrow trouble?" -- for me it's like those WebMD sites, etc. My friend is addicted to them and the more she educates herself the sicker she becomes. Now she's got all the phantom symptoms for almost every major disease going. I look at it this way, if my body tells me the band isn't well I'll TCB immediately. I know what the major issues potentially are and what to look for. That's enough for me. Sometimes igorance is bliss.
  14. I've been thinking about this although I didn't see the original show. If I understand correctly it didn't go favourably to lap banding. I can't see how she could have supported it given her economic and media support of Bob Green. She was instrumental in his media creation and continues to be. He's anti lapband and she's all about promoting healthful eating, exercise, etc., although she admits her personal failings. Politically there's no way she could have come out on the side of lap banding given that. I've pvr'd her shows although I admit I'm not a fan and I think her time is done in her original context for the most part. I just delete them every night. I'm only really interested in the Cassie episode.
  15. I'm holding out 'til the 7th day but I keep day dreaming about a boiled egg of all things. Just one. I've never even been a fan of boiled eggs! Is it just me? Everything I drink is too salty or too sweet. No happy medium. My tastebuds are messed up!
  16. Damn, I bought two boxes of the stuff in anticipation. Hehe -- good thing Hubby likes porridge! (me not so much but I was willing to try)
  17. They are really creamy too. We started buying them about six months ago when we switched all the ice cream based treats in the house to low fat. I've even got hubby eating Skinny Cow products. Go figure!
  18. LAUGH!!!!! I know, the glamour just never stops does it?!
  19. What an awesome way to indulge! GOOD FOR YOU! Nobody ever gained weight in a dream, eh?!
  20. That they do! Let's hear it for the boys!
  21. Sorry to hear that! I haven't burped not even once and the other end is still sleeping as well. I can feel the gas rumbling but it's not appearing to go anywhere. Every now and again I get a twinge in my left shoulder right at the neck but it's manageable. Gonna start introducing some Benefiber tomorrow in my coffee I think. I can't have protein until Monday but I'm looking forward to it!
  22. OMG, too funny -- the arrogance. You are hilarious!
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