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Everything posted by erin2796

  1. That's funny! I had my first PB today too! LOL! Must be one of those days!
  2. Oh man! You threw up in the shower! That had to be fun to clean up! LOL I'm better now, my tummy is a little sore but believe that I will never again eat chow mein! Morning or not!
  3. All I can say is now I know why they call it sliming! YUCK! I don't know what came over me this mornign but I decided to eat some left over chow mein. I can't eat a lot of food anymore so I thought about it all night and decided to wake up and eat it..... Big mistake! I only took about 3 bites of it and I don't know if it was just that I ate it to fast (I thought I had chewed enought) or if it was just to early in the morning to eat something like that, normally I just do a protein shake. It came right back up and I barely made it to the bathroom! I still feel like some of it is stuck in my stomach, I can feel it in the middle of my chest. Just wanted to share my experience.
  4. I had my surgery done in Mexico by Dr. Ortiz and had a fabulous experience for only $7900 which included the hotel for 3 nights andt he transportation back and forth to the airport. I do have friend that recently had her surgery in Vegas by Dr. Francis Teng. She seemed to really like him and still goes there for her fills.
  5. I arrived the day before surgery and had only lost 2 of the 10 lbs I was supposed to lose. No problems, they still did the surgery. I am going on 4 weeks post of now and have not had any problems with heartburn. Everyone is different of course. It is normal to have second thoughts, I'm 4 weeks post op and still worry that I'm not going to lose the weight. Make a list of pros and cons if it helps. You have to make the best decision for you, at the end of the day you are the only person that has to be okay with your choice. Best of luck!
  6. Another great post Michelle! Thank you for always sharing with us!
  7. I have been back on solid for a few days now and have tried bread twice. I LOVE bread and am now realizing that after you chew the bread down to where we need to chew it so it doesn't get stuck.....Bread no longer taste good to me! It really starts to get that yeasty flavor. I have not tried it toasted yet but I would imagine it still has the same taste. After years of eating warm bread and butter as a snack and at restaurants, I don't think I'll be eating it anymore.
  8. I should do that too! I can't help it I'm on the scale every morning when I wake up! It's addictive!
  9. Thanks Julie! I know I shouldn't be but I'm just worried that I'll fail yet again! I'll try to stay positive and hopefully the numbers will start to move down!
  10. Sounds like you are on your way!
  11. Hey everyone, So I am on my second day of solids and have gained 2 pounds already. I know that I was not getting enough calories on the liquid diet and I'm wondering if the recent weight gain is just still my body trying to adjust to the reduced calories and holding on to them? I'm wondering if this is what happened to most of you? I see a lot of post that people gained weight but not many following up. Did anyone run into this where they gained weight and then started losing after their body adjusted? I do not feel that I am eating a lot of food right now, barely any to be quite honest and surely not enough to warrant weight gain. Did all of you that ran into this change something after the weight gain or did you just continue to eat as you were? Looking for a ray of sunshine! Erin
  12. That's good to know! Thanks for checking into that one for all of us!
  13. That sucks! It would have been cool to meet up! I'm excited to get my fill! We are not sticking around in TJ though. My husband's uncle is a travel agent and got us a nice room in San Diego on the bay/beach for 2 nights for 305 so can't beat that! LOL!
  14. Sara, Everyone says we should be around 1200 calories from all of the post I have read. Does anyone else know for sure on this? I gained 2 lbs and am not liking that at all but I'm hoping that when I eat a bit more my body will stop stock piling the food! UGH! :lb12: Trina, I was terrified to eat real food also but I just made sure that I paid attention to what I was eating and chewed everything really well. It is hard at first because believe me, mentally I would have kept picking at my plate so I had to have it packed up in a to go box right away after I finished eating. Even though you are out and having a good time you have to really pay attention to your food and your chewing.
  15. I'm in an 18 now but hopefully will be in a 16 soon. I'd be willing to take anything anyone has in a 14-16. I'm still in my 18's right now but I'll be sure to post when they get to big and I can't wear them anymore.
  16. The recovery phase was not to bad. I was sore and nauseous for about two weeks but now I'm back to 100% and the only reminder that I had surgery are some small little scratches on my tummy! I am a little bummed that I have not lost any more weight though and actually have gained 2 lbs according to the scale this morning....Really wasn't expecting that considering I really did not eat hardly anything yesterday.
  17. Today was my first official day to eat real food!!! YAY!! I decided to take things slow with baked chicken, potato salad and cream corn...I only ate a few bites of each but I swear it was the best meal I have eaten in my entire life! It is amazing how full I get and how quickly; I brought home almost my entire plate of food. I have been stuck at the same weight now for a week, not sure if it is lack of protein or if I'm just not eating enough food so my body thinks I'm starving and just not letting go of anything. I'm hoping being back on real food will start moving the scale down again! Wish me luck everyone! Erin
  18. Dr Miranda just said to make sure you always have something with you to sip on.
  19. LOL!!! That bad huh? I was worried that I would never burp again! I get my first fill on August 8th so we shall see! I'll be sure the kids are protected!
  20. It's weird but I have not actually burped since being banded...Not sure what that is about, is that normal since it seems most of you have no problem burping?
  21. Glad to hear your doing better Trina! How are you doing with everything else?
  22. Great Blog Alana! I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words like you and MamaMichelle but I do enjoy reading your post!
  23. I was nauseaus for 2 weeks after surgery. I bought a bottle of Mylanta and that seemed to help. Good luck!
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