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Everything posted by julieburns

  1. Dear Karynlynn and others: I am so glad you went in and got yourself taken care of. Your story has me rethinking what I am doing for sure. Thank you for sharing your situation. I had to have an unfill after my 2nd fill within 4 days because I couldn't even keep liquids down. It worries me about what Dr. So said. I've had a rough month or two. The last 2-3 weeks I could barely eat anything. I was able to sip slowly and get protein drinks down and have a rare few tiny, tiny bites of something. I've been stressed out and got shingles of all things. I'm also in full blown menapause and that is screwing up my cycles and temperment something terrible. I have thought about getting an unfill but I keep thinking because I can drink liquids I am OK. I have had times where I PB almost every day for a few days in a row even when I am following the rules and trying to eat something I used to be able to eat. I can't even try to have anything until after noon and then it's liquids only. I think I have figured out though that the foods that make me PB are ones I should not be having anyway especially bread of any kind. I have been able to eat some "bad" things like shortbread cookies, a few pieces of chocolate and I had chips and salsa last week, all within reason and only a few bites so when this happens I just think it's stress causing the fluctuation and I just need to be careful. Anyway that's where I am. For the most part I am happy with this amount of restriction as I am losing well but I just don't want to have anything go wrong. Good luck in this new phase for you sweetie!!
  2. Try not to let your discouragement go crazy. I was right where you were 6 months ago. I lost some weight very quickly, maybe 7 pounds on liquids and then it came to a dead stop. For a few months I only lost a few pounds. I also worried that this too would be a failure for me, yet another attempt that didn't pan out. But I hung in ther hoping, praying that this would work. I kept my thoughts positive and told myself this WILL work and yes I will be smaller. I tried to say as many positive things to myself each day (thanks LisaL for that suggestion). Well here's the good news....after about 3 months, 2 fills and 1 unfill (currently at 2.0cc in 4cc band) I just started noticing how I really had no appetite most of the time. I started eating way less and wasn't obsessed over what the scale said. I wasn't obsessed with what I couldn't eat anymore rather what could I eat to get in my calories today. I only weigh myself about every 2 weeks , well maybe 10 days or so now and I have lost to date, post-op about 50#, mostly all in the last 3 months. I was so happy because this was the first year I did not gain at Xmas time, the treats at work did not call to me as they used to. Yes I'll admit I ate a small bite of 1 or 2 things or a small piece of something else but I could only eat so little I savored every pea size taste. I actually lost 5 pounds in about the 10 day span of the holidays. Never before has this happened!! So dear girl I encourage you to stay positive, focus on what WLL happen and you too can be a success. Don't allow the negative stuff to penetrate you and don't even read it. Stay focused on your success!!! Hope this helps.
  3. Yes no more PM's...how sad is that. I think this sight is really going to lose people because of this. I couldn't receive one from mona today and have no way to get in touch except using the public forum. What's crazy is then people get mad because they think we are not sticking to the topic. I am very disappointed.
  4. Since they have shut down the PM system I didn't get your last message. All I could read was "Facebook". Maybe I'll taker a peek over there or let me know on this thread I guess. It's too bad that the PM system is gone. How can people connect and really get to know each other without it. And heaven forbid we write something "Off topic" that others don't approve of!! I'm sad this site has dwindled so because of a few who made it bad!!
  5. Just think this is the end of 2008 but also the end to old habits and unhealthy eating. Here's to a new year, a new us and a new attitude about food!!!!!
  6. I wanted to give an update on my weight loss thus far. Today I hit 65 pounds gone forever. I am excited to say this will be the first Christmas ever that I will either maintain my weight or perhaps lose. I love my band. I am in the 2-teens now and can't wait to be under the 2's!!! It has not just melted off quickly. A good portion of my weight loss has been since my 2nd fill the end of September of this year. Yes I am at my "sweet spot" although from one day to the next my band can change on me. The last few weeks I have had no appetite and am forcing myself to get in enough protein etc. per day. I have a long way to go yet. I want to lose #100 pounds total and I know my loss could slow down. I am a poor exerciser although I have a very physical active job which I count as exercise. I enjoy walkinf my dogs almost everyday so that counts too. Do I have a secret to my loss?... No. Just perseverance and continue each day at a time even if you are not losing. Sooner or later it will come off. I am not in a sprint rather a marathon that I hope to finish by the end of next year. I know I havn't posted pics which I need to do but I am computer lame and my hubby must do this for me and he's super busy. I promise by the end I will get my pics on though. To any newbies out there all I can say is yes this works for good. You will never regret ( I hope as I have not) getting banded. It is NOT easy though. I have had lots of hurdles to jump through along the way. And to the "oldies" I thank you for all the continued messages here on this forum... it is the life line for myself and many others who are going through this. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!
  7. My favorite chocolate from See's are the Butterscotch squares also....for years that's what I wanted for christmas!!
  8. :lb10: :lb21: :lb10: :lb21: :lb10: You deserve this so much. Stay healthy though and just make sure you get your nutrition. You can do this!!
  9. :lb24: and :lb10: See's is also my all time favorite. I used to "binge" on peanut brittle at Christmas time, by the box. What a wonderful accomplishment for you!!
  10. Donna: Have a great time on your cruise. There was just a post yesterday about how restriction can come and go. In one day you have it and another you don't but then it does come back also. Mine was gone for 2 days (believe or not Thanksgiving and the next day!!), but now it's back just like before. It's so weird. Once again enjoy the peaceful relaxation and personal fun you deserve on this cruise!!
  11. Carrie: I had the exact same thing happen to me on thanksgiving day believe it or not. I have had restriction where I can only barely eat maybe 1/2 cup and can't eat until after noon or 1pm and then BAM on turkey day I ate much more quickly and had finished my small plate before I knew it. I was in shock. I also have had 2 fills. I decided to not act right away but wait a week or two like Evette said and see then if I need another fill. Yesterday I barely ate anything so I guess that's just how it is. The band is fickle!! It's a love hate relationship sometimes but it does work. Keep us posted on what happens with yours.
  12. Oh my dear Mona I feel your pain. You are working so hard and it must be frustrating as Hell to not see the numbers. I would be in tears too. You did say that your clothes were getting bigger though so maybe it's inches first, not pounds which is weird I know. You are such an important part here and thank you for being honest in your post. People need to know it;s not all sunshine and bliss with the band. Our bodies do have a mind of their own sometimes and you are an honest person who would just say it if you had been cheating. A big :lb4: ... you will win this battle just keep your goals in sight. It may take longer than you ever imagined but it will happen. I am losing slow also, eating as I should and it's very , very frustrating. You are not alone and thanks for posting this honest bit of info. (((((BIG HUG)))))
  13. Just had to comment again.. I had to use CPAP for 4 years because I gained weight ( at least that's what I blame it on). I had a repeat sleep study a few weeks ago and guess what? No more sleep apnea!!! I am free of the mask!!!! Keep this in mind as you lose your weight.
  14. :lb10: :lb10: :lb10: from one nurse to another, Welcome to bandland. It's interesting you mention the pain medicine as I had the same experience with them not wanting to give much of anything after surgery. Maybe it's the nurse in us that knows what we want!! It was not to bad though. Anyway I am so happy for you and keep us posted on your days ahead.
  15. I traveled alone. I took a very light backpack on wheels and seemed to manage fine. I had overpacked as usual, so once you pack take out half of what you have in there!! The plane ride was not uncomfortable. I had Gas -X strips in case but did as Lisa did and walked as much as I could at the airport before the ride home.
  16. Dear Carla: I think it is normal for alot of people to have the last minute jitters and worries. You are taking a huge step to change your life, but for the positive. We have all tried and failed so many other diets that our own self doubt wants to sabatoge us before we even get started. You made the decision and I would urge you to just stop and breathe when you get stressed. Do some positive self talk things, as corny as that sounds. Only allow positive ideas and images in your mind. If a negative one comes flooding through you can make it go away by focusing on your goal...the new you, the smaller more healthy you, shopping in a regular store, and whatever else motivates you to lose this weight. You will be fine. Read the positive testimonials on here about people right after their surgeries and they are up walking, chatting, sucking down cool pops and sipping on juice. What a life!! Take care honey and I'll say it because it's easy to say..."Don't stress". But now you have to put it into practice. HUGS
  17. :lb10: :lb10: :lb10: to both of you Kristy and Sarah. Have fun today by walking as much as possible, of course shopping if you like and rememeber to sip, sip, sip
  18. Don't give up on "protein drinks". There are so many pre-made ones that are very good. I went to a place and bought one of each of like 3 or 4 types to try and found the premier ones with 30gm protein and 1 gram sugar. I get them at Costco. But another route to try is powdered protein. I have found the best for me to be EAS whey protein. I make a delicious breakfast "smoothie using my favorite orange juice/mango/pineapple or whatever juice and put the vanilla protein powder in it with some ice. Shake it up and it's like an Orange julius. I would urge you to experiment and find something you like before your surgery because you really will depend on these after the clear liquid phase to help with protein intake. Welcome and best of luck
  19. Carrie.... I feel your pain. I don't have a good solution for you. I wanted to congratulate you on your great success though and sounds like you have a great workout program. I hate stubborn fat....it may just take awhile for your body to readjust (not what you wanted to hear I know) Keep up the great work though. It is bound to pay off.
  20. Even as someone who has been banded awhile this is nice to have on one page. Thanks Carrie!
  21. Mona's right, nothing to be nervous about, Where are you having it done? If you are having it with fluoro let us know and I'll explain a little about that for you. I had my 1st at the OCC as well and didn't even feel the needle, I am a huge wimp and was shocked at how quick and easy the procedure is.
  22. :lb9: So glad you are here. Congrats on your weight loss success with the band so far.
  23. I am so glad to see a post from you Kimmy!!! I missed you. You look FABULOUS!! Sorry about the surgery thing but good things will come in time and you want to be healthy for whatever you may have done..most importantly!! I think I just lost my restriction, like overnight. I was able to eat a full 3/4 on Thanksgiving and hadn't been able to eat more than 1/3 to 1/2 cup for weeks before. I am waiting a week or so to see how it goes. Yesterday I PB'd eggs before noon which I should have known better. I can NEVER eat before noon or 1:00. Anyway so glad you're still around. The drama was blown way out of proportion and unnecessary. People turned out right vicious. You are so sweet and I thank you for being here. Great inspiration too!!
  24. :lb10: and :lb9: You have some great things going for you so don't get down about the process. It may not be what you planned but you will lose the weight.
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