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Everything posted by ckiki

  1. I know there are a million posts about people not losing weight and being frustrated after starting solids, but seriously why is this the case? I mean I am eating 1200 calories, drinking water, getting enough protein, eating the right foods, exercising, but I have not lost a thing since starting solids a week ago. I really don't understand this concept, it makes me want to go back on the liquid diet. My family is starting to bug me about not losing, and I don't want them to think I spent all this money for nothing. Another thing is, Dr. Ortiz told me, and I also heard it on a youtube video that if you follow the rules, you can lose 30% of your weight in the first 6 to 8 weeks. I am starting to wonder how this is even possible. I have all these goals set, and don't want to waste a month or two without losing anything. So, is there anyone here who actually did lose weight before their first fill, and how did you do it?
  2. I will be there on the 20th for my first fill. Then my daughter and I are headed over to Sea World for the day (she is ditching school..lol)
  3. I was banded the same day as Christy, and was the last surgery. Dr. Ortiz did come talk to me for a little while before surgery, but I was so mad because by then they had given me the relaxation pill, and so I felt sort of felt out of it talking to him..lol. He was the one who did my surgery, but I didn't see him afterwards. However, my mom did, she said she stopped him in the hall and he was already in his street clothes. She asked him how I did. I believe that Dr. Martinez did come talk to me before surgery as well, or maybe after, I can't remember. He did say hi to me as he came in the next morning though. I was very happy and impressed with both of them. Dr. So spent alot of time with me afterwards as well.
  4. I was wondering this exact thing. I haven't had a fill yet, so I guess it doesn't matter in my case, but it would be good to know for future.
  5. I was going to take one today, because I was having constipation problems, but they looked really big, so I opted for Milk of magnesia. Is it ok to have those capsules, with or without a fill?
  6. Well when I talked with Dr. Miranda at the OCC, she told me a good weight would be 195, I am 5'11, and have alot of muscle, but still I thought that was really high, and wayyyy to close to 200 lbs. I figured my BMI would still be considered overweight at 195, and I didn't get the band to be still considered overweight and still wearing plus size clothes. Soooo, I just calculated my BMI until I was at a normal range, and 175 seemed to be it
  7. Hey Christy, glad to you hear your doing well. And I know exactly what you mean about burping. I burp alot now..lol, and it always feels so good. I have been doing the ice thing after eating at times when I really need it, like if I have eaten something spicy, and it does work. I also chew gum, which I saw someone mention that on here, just a half of a slice, and that seems to be helping alot too. This may be a TMI, but I was having bathroom problems, like I haven't gone in 2 weeks, I was starting to get worried...lol. I have been taking benefiber and it didn't work, so today I finally had milk of magnesia, and it gave me the runs...but I feel so much better now. Well thanks everyone, and good luck to you Christy, and everyone else here.
  8. What wonderful NSV's...I love it..lol. I know exactly what you mean about the towel, I cannot wait for that day! JazzyJude you are such an inspiration!!
  9. I drink a lot of water too. Yesterday was my first day of solids, and I am really missing being able to drink water with my meal. Sometimes, I don't even want to eat, because I know once I do I will have to wait an hour before I can drink again, I actually crave water!
  10. That is so awesome!! Congrats on your success!!
  11. Hey everyone, so yesterday was my first day of solids, and everything went really well. I was nervous about eating, but now I am getting the hang of it. I can eat just a small amount and feel satisfied, and I hoping this will continue, so I can lose some more weight. Something I have noticed is how much people eat. We went to Disneyland last night, and I ordered a kids meal, which consisted of 4 chicken nuggets and either fries or apple slices, I ordered the apple slices, which I was so proud of myself for, because I would have never done that in the past. Well I only ate 3 of the 4 nuggets and the apples and was satisfied, and then I look around to see what other people are eating and it's so much..lol!! The only thing that's really hard for me is not drinking liquid after I eat. I am so used to drinking water all day, that the hour just creeps by. I sit there and watch it just dying to drink. In fact, it put me in a bad mood yesterday, I was just so angry that I couldn't drink some water, I was snapping at everyone. I know it will get better, but it's really hard!! Besides that, everything is going good, and I love this band, and I am so glad that I made the decision to have this done!
  12. I am 20 days post op, and have no pain and no discomfort, except if I sleep on the port side too long at night and try to roll over, I feel a little discomfort just when I roll over, but that's it. I sometimes forget that I have been banded, except for this hell that they call 21 post-op diet...lol. Just know that it will get better. Up until a week ago, I could still feel twinges on the left side of my stomach, whether it be from the port or incisions, and when I bent over on my left side I could feel the discomfort of the port, but that is all gone now.
  13. I believe my card just says "Lap Band System" or just "Lap Band". It doesn't say Inamed.
  14. Ok, so I think I read on here it was ok to do the treadmill and eliptical after 3 weeks, as long as you start out slow. Would that be correct? I am anxious to get back to the gym on Friday, so I was hoping this is true. I don't remember anyone at OCC telling me about exercise. The only thing Dr. Miranda said was no ab exercises until there was no pain (incisions, port, etc..) Also was anyone told when can they start lifting weights and doing more hardcore exercises?
  15. I am a merchandiser as well. I was banded on a Thursday and went back to work on a Monday, so I only had to take 2 days off from work. Fortunately, my male co-worker has been so good about lifting stuff I can't, getting me ladders, etc. I have been taking it easy the past 3 weeks, so to make sure I don't mess anything up.
  16. Thanks to everyone for their input, it's amazing to me how everyone is different on what they can eat. So I guess all I can do is try it. The flatbread would definitely be a better option.
  17. I am able to eat solids starting this Thursday, and although I am going to start out slow with softer foods, I was thinking I would love to have a subway sandwich. I know everyone is different, but I would hate to buy it then not be able to eat any of it. Even if I need to share one with someone, it would be wonderful, especially since after I get a fill I know I probably won't be able to. I used to eat it everyday for lunch, and really miss it.
  18. Thanks Carrie! Ouch, what a horrible experience. I know I will probably chew the heck out of food to really prevent it getting stuck. I am so paranoid..lol.
  19. Christy, can you believe it's been 18 days? I feel like they went really fast, which is good. I am definitely ready to eat real food. The next few days are going to go fast, I hope..lol.
  20. Christy, I know exercise does help, and probably your age as well. I know I will probably need a tummy tuck down the road because I already had one child and definitely want more, but as far as anything else, I don't think I will
  21. I left the next morning after surgery, and I was definitely glad to be home. I still felt out of it from the pain meds, so there would have been no way for me to go shopping or sightseeing or anything like that.
  22. I thought the point of the band was to have the food fill the little pouch above the band and make you feel full faster. However, when people say that food is stuck, I think of that as it's trying to go through the band and is stuck in between on it's way to your stomach. I am just trying to get an understanding of this before I start solids next week
  23. Thanks for the info on the VG band, no one at OCC told me any info on it. Kind of sucks I will require more fills though.
  24. So what size is the VG? On my card it just says "VG" but no sizes. Anyone know?
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