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Everything posted by CanadianBandster

  1. I was like that for two weeks. We are all so different. Just try to drink lots of water and liquids. At about 3 weeks I was pretty normal - but still pretty wimpy. As of last week I can do everything I could before. I am still a little wimpy though lol - like lifting my suitcase was hard when I went to TJ this weekend and my arm hurt for two days after bowling cuz I have not been lifting things
  2. I also want to add - that the meds they give you before hand the anti-anxiety meds...well, I remember nothing lol...seriously I dont even remember going into the OR - nothing, zero nada- so I am happy with that! Also - I am the same with how we sleep with our hubbys. Last week so about 6 weeks after surgery I can now lye on my left side. I feel completely normal now - I can do everything I could before now. Except this damn cold grrrr makes me tired. I had my first fill saturday. Seriously - after the surgery you are going to wonder why you worried so much! I was the same way. I had six other surgeries and was still just as nervous as the first....but its a lot easier than you are probably working yourself up for!
  3. So - I was at the OCC saturday and received my first fill of 2 cc. Did the liquids for three days and then had a horrible pb/slime episode - for an hour and a half.. so I am on liquids for a few more days. Ive lost 5 more pounds though - yay! Need to update my ticker. I had tons of fun in tj...also went to the zoo etc. Cant wait to go back QUESTIONS what other hotels have you guys stayed at besides the lucerna? how soon after your first fill did you need your second?
  4. I was banded dec 22...I dont sleep on my stomach but honestly even if I wanted to it would still be a bit uncomfortable. I feel totally back to normal exect every once in awhile Ill wake up wih my port area a little sore - and it gets that way if I lye on my left side...so its on my back or right side. Get creative with pillows just like the others said
  5. just keep reading all the posts its all great. I was banded Dec 22 at the OCC and very glad I did - I go back this week for my first fill YIPPIE
  6. I am 160 right now and u cant see it. I can feel it though and Im not worried about seeing it and looking like an alien lol honestly the one inch scar is probably the only thing Ill notice on myself soon - cuz the others are barely there already. Oh and I am 5'3 as well I wouldnt worry about it
  7. Thanks Judi....did u get it at the occ? Sounds like u werent numbed so I was just curious - cuz it sounds like it doesnt hurt some people and it does hurt others
  8. Id get a second opinion. I had mine out - but it was three years ago (just had lapband put in last month). BUT - if your second opinion says to get it out do it. Cuz if they think it is causing problems trust me u dont want it worse. I thought I was dying - it was worse than any pain I have had before and I have been a hair away from death from being sliced open and that wasnt even close to the gallbladder attack.
  9. Do they numb u at the OCC...I am starting to FREAK OUT! Ugh - I hate needles and that thing looks big - i dont even want the pinch
  10. Id follow the doctors directions on about when to eat cuz if u r eating food before he says to it could cause a lot of damage. I admit I did chew and spit a lot - it made me get through it - read more posts about this and itll explain why - its so important!!!!!!
  11. I find the eliptical easier...and I asked Dr.M - she said I could start all exercises at 3 weeks, just to start slowly and no ab work until no port pain
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