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Everything posted by CanadianBandster

  1. I felt full with less food and stayed full for 4-5 hours, which lasted about 3.5 weeks. Now - I could eat more, but dont :S its hard but I DO NOT want to gain and Im hungry within about 1-1.5 hrs... I am quite frustrated
  2. I had my 2nd fill on sat the 14th. I dont feel any difference in my restriction at all. In fact - I felt more the first few weeks of my first fill. GRRRRRRR.... how long should I wait to get another? My husband is gonna be unhappy if I have to go again right away - but seriously, this is ridiculous
  3. Everyone is different. Some can feel it - some cant. I have always been able to feel mine...but know of others who are the same weight who cant feel theirs
  4. well - I actually had a tt and reduction - but that was years and years ago...when I thought I would never get smaller. My stomach will be fine - too bad I cant get rid of these damn stretch marks though! But now - after gaining and losing etc...I dont want them much bigger than now seriously...I just need the firmness and lift and reshape
  5. I am 15 pounds from goal...and I want to get implants....anyone willing to share their experience and where they went/cost ect how happy you are with results.. please though only if in mex or canada as Im in Canada
  6. yup - it was wayyyyyyyyyyyy better. Though I know some people wouldnt like it as much, it is smaller and they arent at your beck and call with lugage - BUT anything you ask of them (such as get lugage) they will do it.... plus side - all the men are very sexy who work there lol
  7. So - I stayed at Real Del Rio Hotel this time. http://www.realdelrio.com/index_english.html I liked it much much better - some of you wouldnt but I loved it. They werent constantly at me. The food was awesome - and looked spectacular. They arent jumping at your feet though (like with lugage etc, so if you like that dont go there)....but they were more friendly. They didnt stare like at Lucerna. The hotel director called me to make sure everything was good. The cleaning staff did an amazing job. The room was way nicer. I didnt have any weird smells in my room like the first time at the lucerna (second time wasnt as bad). They allowed my friend to come up to the room no questions asked - at the lucerna they made a huge deal of her coming to get us :S It was also cheaper $58/night All in all...it was awesome. I will only be using this hotel.
  8. LMAO - okay so I am a tard - the first time I forgot to tip the occ driver - um it was 4 AM!!!!!! And he STILL PICKED us up - then I was so tired I forgot to tip him...so the next time I saw him I gave him $20 to make up for my stupidness I usually tip $5 - just cuz then they seem to take care of me lol. I even do that when we go out for the first few drinks - and seriously we are treated like queens for everything. I know lots of people only give a dollar or two though. For waiters - I tip more if they are good...the better they are the more I tip - I used to be in service and I definately try to tip well since I can afford to...they really dont make a lot. My friend is a waiter at a bar in TJ. He gets paid $20 a shift. Thats it. THEN - at the end of the night he has to take money from that $20 and whatever tips he gets. He has to give something like $6 to the DJ, $5 to the manager, $5 to the bartender and $5 to someone else (I cant remember)...some nights, he takes NOTHING home. They get paid crap - so I keep that in mind. Seeing as most of us make more in 1 hour than they do in an entire day - I like to surprise some of them
  9. Same here - I tipped the OCC drivers, bell boys at hotel, waiters....I dont tip taxi drivers (did the first time, then was told dont need to)...and I dont tip the guys on Rev. Ave ever
  10. I leave tomorrow for TJ - my fill is on the 14th at 10am. Hope to see some ofyou there! This is my third time there -seriously guys dont be worried! I cant wait to go!
  11. YIPPIE - I leave tomorrow and will be in TJ thursday around 1 See - honestly - where we are going it isnt bad. I am so excited! I go out while Im there - have friends there who take us out, go shopping, I love going there -seriously!
  12. my friend who is also a bandster on here michelleintj - lives there...she said dont worry its for spring break. I have been there twice - in dec, february and I am going there thursday too - she said its actually better there now. Hope that helps a bit!
  13. Um yah Mexicans are that cute lol Apparantly I was flirting while I was "drugged up" - how embarrassing....oh well LMAO - I even get nervous for my fills cuz of this - jeez! I told my mom I wish I could set her up with one lol...cuz she is pretty damn sexy for a young 49 yr old lol - too bad we live so far away Now I am going to be giggling when I go for my fill this saturday - wait till I tell my friend that is coming with me - oh how are we going to keep a straight face LOL
  14. LMAO @ sewing lace into the undies BWAHAHAHAHAHHA that is awesome!
  15. Dana - thats what I am going to do after my fill next saturday - liquids for a week!
  16. Im trying a different hotel this time - its cheaper and I heard its better than the lucerna and marriott - when I get home ( I go there next week for a week) Ill let you guys know how it was! Its $58 for my double room and the rooms look nicer - so here is crossing my fingers!! Hotel Real Del Rio http://www.realdelrio.com/index_english.html
  17. dont u love the leggings! Its not fair - all the doctors are yummy and we have to be in these horrible outfits lol good thing you look cute in yours! I looked horrible
  18. I have one friend I lost due to this - because of snotty comments she made. Oh well - guess she wasnt a true friend. Really frustrating. BUT I have made way more friends since I go out and do more things - like swimming!
  19. This is not what you are going to want to hear. I had the EXACT same problems - and called the clinic. I had to go back on liquids for 5 days. Then I was good to go. So Id listen to what the ladies are saying
  20. YAY Sabrina! Feels good hey! I finally broke my plateau day before yesturday too - so I know how good it feels!
  21. I just wanna throw this in - I could have used my second fill 3 weeks after my first fill but had to wait 5 weeks because of travel arrangements. I think it all just depends on the individual
  22. well - even though she told me 3 weeks... I havent specifically been targetting my abs...because I swim and take dance lessons and then I am sensitive for the rest of the day. I wont be targetting abs for a long while yet. I worry about my port all the time and cant wait to go for my fill to make sure its all okay! I love flouro - makes me feel so much better knowing its all okay! Wish I could see it everyday lol
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